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Horus X10S with Spektrum receivers

David Rivers

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I have a Spektrum DX8 transmitter that is getting fairly old and I am thinking about replacing it. I like the look of the Horus X10S transmitter.

Can I use the X10S with my existing Spektrum receivers, by adding a module to the Tx?

Does this work? Is it a good idea? Or should i just get a new DX8 2nd Gen?


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Hi David,

I'm not certain, but I don't think FrSky do a Spekky module any more. There used to be an old Orange one - which I bought one second hand, but they're hard to get - and I know Chris Bott and some others published a design to "make your own" - but not an off the shelf FrSky version.

If you can't get one - assuming you are interested in the Horus - and especialy if OpenTx attracts you - then I'd consider "biting the bullet" and going for pukka FrSky Rx's - they are better spec and much cheaper than Spekky!


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hi i was looking a a mutiprotocol module for my tx and saw this and was thinking of trying it , had a old orange one for a few years now , but this dose a lot more see this link

should be available else ware too . this module I believe is for users of open tx and you need to tick the multiprotocol box when updating the open tx firmware on you tx if you haven't already had it ticked


Edited By flight1 on 08/09/2018 18:08:53

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Personally I would not recommend these transmitters.

1. The T12 firmware decribes itself as "Based on OpenTx" - what does that mean? At least with actual OpenTx you get a huge support commuity and a mass of resources - the forums on this are full questions no one is answering!

2. The T8 is even worse! That's based on DeviationTx - that hasn't been updated since going to version 5 in 2016! Again the user community is almost non-existant.

3. DeviationTx officially describes itself as "experimental software" and their literature is full of disclaimers for liability. I'm sure our insurers will be most inmpressed! As far as I can see the current software in the T12 has a similar status.

4. With so little 3rd party support I think you'll find that, if you think real OpenTx is challenging, you ain't seen nothing yet until you try this out!

I don't know where you got the information from Dave but I can find nothing that says the T12 can run real OpenTx as in the version everyone else is using. So that would not appear to be an option despite what you say.

For very little more you could have bought a Taranis QX7 - which does run real OpenTx version 2.2, has a big support user community, and is a well established product.


Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 08/09/2018 19:25:38

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The openTx team are NOT supporting this Tx. The firmware on it has been forked from openTx 2.2, then has a few small changes applied to it. The hardware is a (cut down) copy of the FrSky QX7, with the rotary encoder replaced by buttons, so is running a near copy of the QX7 firmware. The firmware will have been compiled with whatever options Jumper have chosen, you don't get to choose as you do when downloading "official" openTx.

Basically, it seems, Jumper are simply copying the QX7 and the multi-protocol project, both of which support open source firmware. The T12 doesn't add anything that existing radios don't already do.

From a post of mine on RCGroups:

"The patch to openTx is very simplistic, and doesn't have all the conditional compilation needed for the T12 to become another supported Tx. Much more would need to be done, including adding support in Companion, for proper support.
They have basically cloned the FrSky QX7 CPU connections, but left out the rotary encoder and "mapped" four navigation buttons onto the encoder code. This has the unfortunate effect that the "up" button moves up through menus, but then decrements values. There is also no acceleration of changing values, so large changes take a long time. It really needs the buttons handling in the same way as those of the 9X/9XR/9XR-PRO.
I have a T12, supplied for me to port ersky9x to it. I note the following:
1. It is physically quite small, I don't find it comfortable to use (pinching the sticks, not thumbs).
2. There is no momentary switch.
3. The pots on the sides have a lot of movement from end to end, you need several "goes" to move them fully.
4. No SD card was included.
5. The battery bay is sized for 4, AA cells, any LiPo/LiFe battery needs to be quite small to fit. No battery is included. I'm currently using a 2S 1000mAh LiPo, which just fits.
6. On my Tx the audio output is very "tinny". I tried playing some "background" music and it was quite unpleasant! This may be specific to my Tx of course.
7. The display is quite small about 4.8cm diagonal compared with 7.4cm of the QX7. The backlight is not very even.
8. I found the stick spring tension very low, and the throttle friction very weak. I did open the case and use provided adjustments to increase these, but I still find them weak.

The 4-in-1 module included uses the USB port with a USB-to-serial chip inside. This means the USB bootloader doesn't work. The module also has the incorrect chip for the serial inversion (00 instead of 86). This means it only works with inverted serial, and the "Flash from Tx" method has to use inverted serial."

The firmware is likely to be confusing as it includes support for things that are not present, e.g. settings for an internal RF module and haptic.

I do have ersky9x ported to this radio, and will be supporting it, but, as I did with the Turnigy 9XR-PRO, support for the FrSky 'X' receivers and SPort telemetry is disabled unless Jumper reach an agreement with FrSky that these may be included.

From another post of mine on RCGroups:

"A general comment regarding the multi-protocol module. Transmitters use a "unique ID" that is used when binding. Manufacturers produce their own transmitters so that this is unique to each Tx.
The multi module, in most cases, uses a randomly generated ID, so you don't have any guarantee that your Tx doesn't share the same ID as another Tx, either from a manufacturer or another multi module.
DSM protocol is different as it uses a unique value from the actual RF chip, so is guaranteed unique."


Edited By Mike Blandford on 08/09/2018 20:17:31

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The Orange module I have doesn't support DSM-X properly in UMX Bind'N'Fly models. Everything works except the throttle! To use UMX models, you have to force it into DSM-2 mode, which works fine.

I recall Mike Blandford saying there was a firmware patch someone had written to fix this, but applying it seems fairly convoluted. Do you have an "Idiot's Guide", Mike? (About time we put the "E" back in RCM&E! wink )

The specs for the multi-protocol module indicate that it puts out too much power in DSM modes. Again, I recall Mike saying there was a patch for this.

None of the above are show-stoppers from a practical point of view, but are from a legal perspective. If you attend fly-ins or competitions and anyone checks the transmitters, you may be told not to fly with it.



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The "patch" is actually to flash the multiprotocol firmware to the module. I created the changes to the multiprotocol firmware so it compiles and runs on the Orange module.

Instructions are available here: **LINK**

The power output may be adjusted in the multiprotocol firmware, the default is +4dbm from the RF chip, then amplified by power amplifier. The RF chip may be set to 0dbm if required.

With the bootloader on the module, you are ablue to then flashit using a FTDI type device, and on sme transmitters you may flash directly from the Tx using a file on the SD card. At present the X10(S) is not one of those as I've not got one so haven't ported ersky9x to it. On transmitters that do run ersky9x, I have added a feature to the Tx bootloader that lets you run an "app". If you are running openTx, you may replace the bootloader with the one from ersky9x, then you get this feature. One of the "apps" available is the one to flash the multiprotocol module.


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  • 9 months later...

I know this thread is 12 months old but I was wondering David if you did make the move to the Horus or not?

I have had mine for 2 years now and really love it, I declined to flash it to open TX and stayed with the FrOS and am happy with it. Like a lot of other people I had a fair number of models on JR Spektrum rx's, my old JR 9303 was on 72mhz so I bought a Spektrum air module for it and used that in the Horus after the JR had died and Horizon no longer dealt with repairs, the module has served me well for many years and is great for those bind-n-fly indoor models, it also was great for the transition from Spekky rx's to the FrSky rx's that I now use, these are a much more robust blink in my opinion, if you have made the change hope you are as happy as myself with the Horus.


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  • 3 months later...

I have an X10S, and for Spektrum (and some Futaba) receivers, I use one of these: **LINK**

I think there may be a newer version out now, though.

Unlike the Orange module, it operates correctly with UMX Bind'N'Fly models in DSM-X mode, and supports a whole host of other protocols as well.

With a FrSky TX, using a recent version of OpenTx, it also communicates directly in binary, without going via PPM, which means that telemetry works as well as model match! It will still work in PPM mode for older transmitters, though without the above benefits.

I don't think its EU approved, but unless you're planning using one at a BMFA event, that probably won't be a problem! wink



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Hi David

I have a Horus X10 and from what I have read the difference between it and the X10S is negligible except for the cost.

Its a great radio and can be operated using OpenTx or FrOS the choice is yours. FrOS is more like your traditional radio operating systems but OpenTx is not too scary if you are at all computer literate. I use OpenTx.

As far as Spectrum modules are concerned I have both an Orange Module which cannot be purchased new in the UK now because it transmits DSM2 and the Jumper JP4in1 which you can purchase new and it also transmits DSM2. Go figure.

They both work well the Spektrum needs configuring with dip switches and a PPM signal from the transmitter, the Jumper will work with a PPM signal (FrOS) or with the latest version of OpenTx can be used in serial mode and select protocols using the software.

I changed from Spectrum to FrSky around two years ago and have found the radio to be great. The OpenTx allows all sorts of mixing and the telemetry is great and not expensive.



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  • 1 month later...

A few questions about the Jumper JP4in1.

1. Will it work with a Horus 12s in order to use existing JR / Spektrum / Orange / Lemon DSM / DSM2 / DSMX receivers?

2. Does it allow true model match (i.e. won't bind if wrong model accidentally selected)?

3. How does range compare with a proper JR transmitter module?

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