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Posted by Peter Jenkins on 24/07/2019 23:42:05:

A genny was something I also considered but then you have to add in the weight of the genny and the space needed in the car for it plus the need to carry petroil (OK you probably don't need to take any with you provided you remember to fill the tank before leaving home).

No personal slight intended as I'm sure many do this or at least thought about it, but does no-one else see the irony in using a petrol genny to keep your battery charged so that you can fly quietly??devil

Or is it just me?dont know


Yes yes, I know that the genny's not flying, but still......smiley

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Hi Kim, the noise of a petrol genny, particularly a Honda, is pretty low, and is at ground level. A petrol engine in flight, unless properly silenced, or a glow will have the ability to spread the noise a considerable distance. Remember, people are happy to put up with the noise of their neighbour spending 2 or more hours with a much noisier petrol lawn mower but immediately complain if they can hear a much lower noise that comes from the air.

As has been said above, high revving electric motors, particularly ducted fan, do emit a particularly annoying noise but, being high frequency get attenuated more than lower frequency sound. I do know that none of my 2 mtr electric aerobatic machines can pass the 82 db sound check. Does this matter? No, because in the air they are never stationary when full power is demanded. That is the biggest problem with the niise test but that's off topic!

So, yes, it could be just you 😎

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You're not alone Kim - see my posting on the previous page - but it was tongue in cheek as far as noise nuisance was concerned. However, it is a rather non-green solution...yes, you might be flying an electric model charged by the generator but the pollution caused and fuel used to provide the charge will be disproportionate.

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We have a club member who flies high power electric helicopters and EDFs who also does all his charging at the field using a petrol generator. I can see his reasoning:

He only transports and stores his rather large LiPo packs when in a low state of charge.

He never needs to resort to storage charge if he can't fly as the packs are already there.

He doesn't need to buy lots of extremely expensive packs for a day's flying.

It's not my preferred way of doing things but that's ok. Me, I buy cheaper HK packs for the most part (though I am finding that some large GensAce packs are performing better), store and charge them in a concrete 'shed' separated from the house and have two quad chargers to charge/discharge up to 8 packs at a time. I use two ammo boxes to carry charged packs around. I prefer not to have to carry charging gear, or to wait while packs charge.

Each to their own.

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