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Kim Taylor

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Everything posted by Kim Taylor

  1. Not until the Mk2. The Mk1 had the same swing axle as the Spitfire and was criticised soundly in the press. The Mk2 had a modified rear suspension, although I seem to recall it retained the transverse leaf spring (I may be misremembering). The Spitfire Mk4 also had a modified rear end, maybe the same as the GT6. Prior to this, there was a retrofit kit for the swing axle which comprised of basically a single leaf spring which was bolted across the rear end the 'other ' way up to the main spring. This was meant to prevent the extreme tucking of the outside wheel when cornering hard, which I believe it did to some extent. Fitted a couple of them to Mk3 Spits. Early driving aid, maybe????? (he said,trying desperately to claw his way back on topic) Kim
  2. Ultimately, I don't think that you'll have much choice, as they've been rolling the changeover out for some time now. Was done here about a year ago, and I believe that all of the old analogue lines have been disconnected. Tbh we used the landline so little, we have done away with it as part of our changeover to Plusnet (and halved our bill) Kim
  3. Matty, I feel for you, really I do. Your feelings of despair and guilt are palpable, and I share your pain because I also experienced those feelings (and others) following diagnosis of a medical condition some years ago. The most important thing, in my experience, is to make sure that you share your thoughts with your medical team. They will be able to find you a pathway on to some talking therapies, and others which are truly the way forward for you. I was in despair until, on a routine visit to the docs (back when you could actually see a doctor) one day and I suffered a complete breakdown, and to her eternal credit the doc (a young locum) finally took me seriously and referred me on to a programme of therapies which I continue to draw benefit from a decade later. My very best wishes to you and your family for your continued recovery - as you're finding out, it's a physical, mental and emotional process which has to be negotiated. Never be afraid to talk about it, with your family, friends, medical professionals and even us reprobates on here, we all wish you well. Kim
  4. I think I left a bit more margin than that- seem to recall 25 - 28. No rogue alarms since (although to be fair, only one flight). Will be going again at the weekend, having corrected a very rearward c of g on the model (that'll teach me not to take the instructions too literally)
  5. Yep, my bad, as they say nowadays. That is indeed the document which I was trying to link to. 🙄 Kim
  6. I use the same rx wirh a TX16S Mk2 running Edge Tx. I get a call out on RSSI, although the actual figures have to be adjusted, as (I've read somewhere in the destructions) their values don't correspond with Spektrums. I think it's in the separate telemetry instructions file:///C:/Users/Kim/Downloads/Telemetry%20with%20the%20Lemon%20Rx%207-%20and%2010-Channel%20Receivers%20R1.1.pdf Yes, thought so - it's on page 13. That all refers to a Spektrum Tx, but as I said, on my TX16 it reports RSSI Low as you would expect (with the caveat that it isn't really RSSI, just a number (should all be clear once you've read P13). Mine gave me a fright on the first flight when it gave an RSSI Low warning 😧 , but I realised that I hadn't altered the warning and critical figures in the telemetry setup screen. No unwanted warnings on subsequent flights. Kim eta I don't know why that link hasn't posted correctly, but paste it into your browser & it'll work
  7. Took me a while to find para 1 - it's in the 'Controls and when to relearn servo settings' section, and I think is just saying that fundamentally they make no change, i.e. doesn't reverse the direction or do anything else silly that would require recalibration of the rx. I agree that it's ambiguous if read next to para 2, although that is in a separate 'Effects of dual rates on SAFE self level mode' section, so it's my view that it overrides the earlier statement when read in context. Like you say, maybe someone could clarify, or maybe nobody cares much either way?? 😀 Kim
  8. Look at the ad for the plane on the 4-Max website. It states that the 70mm is incorrect and should be 80mm. So there you have it. In writing. My own experience of the wooden wots is that they fly best with a c of g well behind the 'book' figure. Kim
  9. This blog is considered to be the definitive information source and setup guide for the later AS3X / SAFE receivers.https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?3568727-Setup-Spektrum-AR637T-with-SAFE Post 6 contradicts your statement above, and mirrors my (albeit limited) experience. Maybe others will be able to confirm one way or the other. Kim
  10. +1 thumbs up for the Lemon rx's. Dial in as much (or little) reaction as you want using the pots. Takes a few flights to finesse it, but once it's done, all good. Plus the ability to set up a master gain control on ch8 (even on the 7ch, go figure!!) is a bonus over Spektrum AS3X which I don't think offers that function. Maybe if you delve into the rx using forward programming on Spek you can, but it's not there in the standard setup. Kim
  11. Yes, the angle which SAFE limits the angle of bank (and of course pitch) to is affected by any rate which is commanded. Hence 70% rate = full SAFE bank angle x 70%. I don't use it either, but it's something that I picked up on and wasn't aware of previously, so thought I'd share. I've got an EFlite Commander which has SAFE installed from the factory, so I switched it on to see what it was like, and it felt 'orrible (to me, who can usually wobble around the sky without it). I can, however see the use of it IF you're 'going it alone' as long as the rate thing is understood. Kim Eta SAFE doesn't limit the control throw at all, as I understand it, just the angle of bank or pitch. Witness switching it on if you've deliberately put the plane at an 'extreme ' angle - it doesn't half jump right way up quickly
  12. No, I don't use the vario, I have no need for it. I did have the feature activated on an older Lemon rx, albeit inadvertently, the rising and falling tones were very easy to hear and interpret, but a bit off putting when I wasn't expecting them!! There's a big thread on RCGroups which covers the g2 Lemon rx's, I'm sure that any answers you need will be there. I'll see if I can find a link and come back. Eta this is it.... https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?3496899-The-official-Lemon-2020-receiver-thread-NEW-USERS-read-first-8-posts-)
  13. Hi Toto Regarding the issues with SAFE, I may be teaching you to suck eggs, but be aware that if you have dual rates set as well, this reduces the control response. That is to say, if the roll angle allowed by SAFE is 45°(could be more or less, I'm just pulling a number out of the air), then if you have a rate setting of 70%, then your bank angle will become 70% of 45°. Thus, SAFE is probably best used with 100% rates to provide adequate control. Apologies if you already know the above. Kim
  14. You'd think that it would make a difference wouldn't you, but no, it does the same with gyros on or off. Works perfectly fine in flight, so I'm ignoring it, unless I'm told that it's an issue. Kim
  15. I've got exactly the same setup and it's bound (and works) using the X2F protocol. Also double check your connections - the 'first' set of pins is Ch7, then the usual TAER spektrum channel order. It's easy to get it wrong (guess how I know??) Kim eta On power up of the Rx, the servos do momentarily twitch to (something like) full deflection, but return to neutral after a second or so.
  16. No, the Lemon Rx has all the necessary gubbins 'built in' to the receiver. I've just started using my first 'Gen2' Lemon rx, so haven't set up the vario yet (no real use in my application) but the previous model telemetry rx's had vario and height built in, which definitely did work as a 'stand alone' item. No reason to assume that they'd take a backwards step. Kim
  17. Not over my house, but adjacent to the club strip. Thanks to John for the video. Leopard Moth, so I'm told VID-20240714-WA0000.mp4
  18. Happily (for me) I'm using a 4260 500kV motor and 3000mAh 6s LiPo, total weight 550g or so (or a bit more if using 2x3S 3200mAh in series), so it balances without any ballast. I've positioned the battery so that with the lighter option, it balances at the rear of the range in the manual, and obviously a bit further forward with the heavier option. I hope that my careful planning 😉 will work out in practice. None of which helps in your case - sorry 😇 eta Maybe stick (say) 100g of lead on top of the Enya and see how it balances, to see if the Irvine would be better, easier than swapping the motor out in the first instance. Kim
  19. Did you swap out the aileron control horn screws? I've just assembled the same kit, although 'lectric powered, and the screws weren't long enough to really engage with the backing plates. I just bought some that were 5mm longer, and I'm much happier now. I've seen the same issue reported on other fora, so not an isolated problem. Other than that, I thought that it was a very nice kit, even if the method of fixing the LiPo was only half thought through. Not an insurmountable problem, and to be fair, it's an old enough design to have been i/c only when it was first thought of. Hopefully I'll maiden it soon, when the wind stops blowing a hooli here. Kim
  20. If you look on the Spektrum website at the AR630, then follow the link to support and downloads, there's a preset download for the Apprentice 1.2m. Wouldn't have thought it's going to be that different, although it may deal with the beginner/intermediate/experienced modes differently. Kim
  21. Have you left the bind plug in? Sounds like the rx could be in bind mode Kim
  22. What is your low value set to? If the esc thinks it's not at zero, maybe it won't arm. Kim Eta some esc's need a value in excess of-100 to arm
  23. Quoting the consultant I was under for recent treatment "covid has been used as an excuse to hide systemic laziness in some areas of the NHS". Personally, I couldn't possibly comment. My sincere best wishes for your continued recovery, Matty Kim
  24. The trick would be to get someone with a Gen2 or newer 'airware' radio to download the settings, then you can use the AR630 in the normal way. Or use a Lemon, as suggested, although the latest ones won't do self levelling, IF that's what you're after. Kim
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