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Dave B


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Hi. I recently bought a Protech Alpha 2 in a job lot. I now need to purchase an Electronic speed controller for it. The one recommended on the box doesn't appear to be around now. (Not surprising) it states a Pro 35 to be used. Am I right in assuming a Pro 35 would have been a 35 Amp ESC? If, or if not, can anyone recommend a suitable ESC for this model. The battery is a 7.2v 1700mAh.

Many thanks


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That's an old, probably about 2005-2010 model and I strongly suspect that it will still have in it the brushed motor that was originally used. There were many similar models produced at the time - there was a glut of them based around a common plastic fuselage and rebranded for different markets.


The original was a 35amp brushed ESC which I have found online in mainland Europe Link but any similar brushed ESC would be suitable. A model boat or car retailer may be your best bet for brushed ESC's as brushed motors are still in common use in those vehicles. A brushless conversion is the other option, a quick search should find you suitable suggestions.


Just spotted these which should be suitable & a few spares! 

Edited by John Lee
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