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Everything posted by Martian

  1. So it continues πŸ™‚ Port wing almost sheeted nav light completed , landing light completed . Ae servo fitted and one flap servo fitted other flap servo will be fitted after wing joining (no far off) and trailing edge shrouds fitted. Inlet ports on wing completed , these were done by laser cutting several pieces of rectangular balsa then laminating and carving to shape plus filler . I meant to show my little homemade tool for creating a bed for trailing edge bed, this was made using 2 pieces of hardwood in an l shape with coarse sandpaper .
  2. that is on heck of a machine Ron
  3. Yes after I posted I did an extensive search and as you say non available. Just as well I bought 50 a couple of years ago .
  4. Slow progress but at least it is progress. Motor mount is on motor fitted Esc installed and battery tray fitted . next up fit remaining wing servos and join wing sections also fit landing light and nav light with covers.
  5. if anyone still needs to source these SLEC blades they are Swan Morton MajorV surgical blades available from medical supplies. used in orthopaedic surgery πŸ™‚
  6. that is a beautiful work of art ,a credit to your hard work
  7. With a cows reputation for methane release it could have jet powered
  8. Full doors Chris courtesy of Motion RC Flighjtline Tigercat spares although the hinging is going to be my biggest nightmare, just can't get my head around how to accomplish it 😞
  9. After much fiddling I have more or less got the 2nd nacelle about right ,next thing is battery support and motor mount followed by joining the port side wing sections together .anyway here are a couple of pics. Here's hoping I can make is look halfway decent.
  10. yes Chris the scale outlines are supposedly very accurate
  11. Hi Chris I think there is little doubt that your Tigercat is a Giant Scale Twin here is a https://giantscaletwins.com/f-7-f-tigercat
  12. these are pics form an earlier time that I don't think I posted. Also at one stage in the distant past I opted to make the wing as one piece . first 2 pics are of the cowl made as described earlier but now covered in very thin ali sheet which will be painted and maybe distressed a little ,visible is the lipo access hatch that will be on top.
  13. Right I'm still fighting with nacelle 2 having forgotten how I did nacelle 1. the former plans don't match up but I decided to fit them then make adjustments after (butcher) it's getting there but it does not look pretty I can only hope judicious sanding and careful covering will hide the work 😞 anyway here are some pics to date
  14. just read through all this log am enjoying ,my wife said are you still reading the same thing πŸ™‚
  15. less curry should help. The Mossie sounds exciting
  16. Oh dear another year has passed 😞 but at least I have finally put other distractions aside and am currently working on the other nacelle which is a real pig I had forgotten the formers do not work out correctly so I am modifying as I build not entirely happy with it however it will be strong enough and once sanded down hopefully will look ok. I will post a pic or 2 some time next week
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