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john stones 1 - Moderator

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Everything posted by john stones 1 - Moderator

  1. maybe a sig martyn looks like their sticker on it might be clipped wing also looks like my 1/4 scale one
  2. you lads are naughty the Captain Oates pilot = always lands 3 fields away "I may be gone sometime" the pantomime Dame = he's behind you.... oh no he isn't.... oh yes he is giz a go pilot = nuff said have a minute pilot = lets all go hide under a tree Harry Enfield pilot = loadsa money which one's mine = great old fella but his eye's ain't what they where I had nowt pilot = don't know what a stall is yet the club flyer = life and soul of modelling the lone flyer = B.O. ....(only joking) and I love every one of them
  3. never mind flying it, I keep losing it in the house looks like a trip to specsavers there is no mention of cooling I can see for esc motor so i'll assume I don't need it ? took a load of pic's of build for later it's got me thinking multi engine stuff, have avoided them, as it tends to end in tears (deadsticks)
  4. QB 20 high wing trainer 28fsr lively model great quality im not old, was young when I bought it
  5. Posted by cymaz on 15/01/2014 14:09:08: BEB.. Any chance of describing pilots now ? Sunday flier, reckless, fun flier, jackass, clown, etc I think some descriptions won't get past the other mod's
  6. I don't know the sc 75, but abc usually have more grunt the jen 91 was a tired one . give it a good run for take off and see how it go's nowt wrong with a bit of scale flying, puts a smile on your face
  7. I've never owned one but have flown a few the last one had a tired Jen 91 2 stroke in it, as David says take off was realistic it was quite a heavy model though, tex and paint. I would keep it light with the recovering job myself do you lads find it flys better with rudder and aileron on turns (is it adverse yaw?) or was i flying a bad one ? is this why your thinking semi symmetrical Martin ? or are you wanting to give it some welly
  8. that looks really good Chris its cute n loveable not sure about the u/c though
  9. no problems with Nimh's either, I use 6v in all but small stuff. have just bought a new charger thinking it was iffy, because I was not getting a full charge only for the new one to do the same, didn't happen when batteries were new I've also lowered the charge rate, battery's are o.k. and I've got a spare charger buying new or replacing old ones its life's. like that I can leave in model and not worry about fire risk
  10. I think it is the cadmium mining that is causing the big problems ?
  11. beautiful work like you use of tape to blank blade off, one for the memory box
  12. cheers Alan yes its one of those questions learnt something already though
  13. what will you use to recover with ? there is a few quid's worth there p.s. your pilot's a little oversize
  14. throaty's good on that sort of bipe it adds to the character
  15. looks very smart Nasher engine looks brand new another laminate would add little weight to the struts if you have doubts hows that exhaust sound ?
  16. in terms of reliability, which brand of motor, esc, and lipo would you recommend
  17. yes APC are regarded as the quietist and most efficient prop Graupner is a decent prop though, quite tough and popular been on market a long time which speaks for itself
  18. Darlo if you mean the jumper 25 its sound in a bit of wind, its not got a flat bottom wing. get joined up to a club its works out cheaper. make a choice of model and get it bought even if it artf you'll learn from building it.
  19. got plan Monday only ordered it Wednesday, nice plan like that its in 2 sheets also came with a write up that I wasn't expecting, I already fancy building the Vickers Vindex shall build as plan apart from widening F4 by 6mm,also will have 1mm ply doubler full depth in battery bay and will add a stern post to rear of fin, but keep to same outline. i'll cover with profilm and hinge ailerons and elevator with it. going to use 2 servo's on ailerons, may put them in fuzz to keep wing clean and gain more mph I instruct at our club and more and more folk turn up with lecky's whilst I can teach em to fly, i'm no help if they have problems with the model. that's not good enough so this is my opportunity to learn and get a nice model as a bonus.
  20. hands up guilty as charged. I didn't sign up for the mass build, but keep sticking my 2penneth in. also took a shine to a Pushy Cat, which I've just started. I shall post a bit of what I've done so far, but pictures will have to wait till I learn how to post them. when they turn up inverted i'll expect a bit of leeway. I quite fancy the Vickers- Supermarine 'Vindex' as well
  21. its says advanced trainer yes but you can calm it down, by reducing movements whilst learning as Shaunie says, buy what you fancy once you get building and use some of wood up, it wont look so complicated start with simple bits like tail or fin, just take your time and enjoy it
  22. hello steve how many events are you likely to have in total and are they country wide
  23. o.k. ken thanks I never owned a p/c till autumn 2013, would love to join in and post pictures etc but i'm still typing with 1 finger and don't know much I have seen the threads on here that will help me learn i'll give it a go next week so you'll have to be patient
  24. hello folks plan says 0% down and side thrust, do you agree I know I can adjust later but prefer to build it in
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