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Gary Manuel

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Everything posted by Gary Manuel

  1. iPedal is permanently on for me. Just takes a bit of getting used to.
  2. I bought a set of the micro drill bits. Good luck using the smallest one (0.3mm) more than once. I can barely SEE it, never mind drill a hole with it!
  3. After the new programmer turns up and you've used it, you'll go to put it somewhere safe. That's where the old one will be.
  4. I'm playing devils advocate a little here as I too had to fight my corner and feel that I benefited from it, but isn't this how bad behaviour becomes institutionalised?
  5. The DARWIN AWARDS WEBSITE is always worth looking at for a morbid chuckle at other peoples stupidity.
  6. I'm not a greeny by any stretch and generally agree, but I must admit that I think that slug pellets are the devils work and need to stay banned. Slugs eat pellets then hedgehogs and birds eat the slugs. All die a painful death, then other animals feed on their carcasses and die too. On that cheery note, I'll leave you to clear your shed out and dispose of your old slug pellets carefully. 💀
  7. Hi Adrian. I've sold the Capiche and most of my other large models, but I would say that she was my favourite model of all time. I would say that it would be ideal for a large electric model as it's quite a light airframe for it's size. Don't be put off by the closed loop controls. As far as I'm concerned, they are the best thing about this model. I love em'. No signs of free play at all and the weight is kept where you want it - close to the CoG.
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