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Paul De Tourtoulon

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Everything posted by Paul De Tourtoulon

  1. Haven't you anyone in your club that can make them for you ?, or better still do them together, it isn't that hard.
  2. I started to renovate my Hurricane, I started by using it to try and cover the holes in the rubbish film, it went well, I only used an ordinary household iron, and polyurethane 2 pack paint.
  3. So did I, pure rubbish and trying it on my own, 🤢 every flight was over in less than 20 metres ( yards in those days) with one exception when it wouldn't work and landed around a mile away.
  4. Nitro is also illegal to buy neat in france, as it is classed as an explosive, off the shelf you can buy up to 16% nitro, over that you need a model competition licence with an authorisation from the French model federation. Unless you use petrol with ethanol in it,,,😂
  5. Yes you are right Don from 2% to 7.5% 😡
  6. I only use 98 octane it is ethanol free, and mix my own, 3% synthetic 2 stroke oil. My Yamaha strictly states No ethanol, if you can't get it buy the 2 stroke ready mixed chain saw stuff, ok it is gold-plated but cheaper than a crashing a plane.
  7. Even if it is old, try it, it should be ok,,,
  8. Am I missing out on something ?.😇 This is right down my street😂 Say no more.🙃 Any fuel will do with 0%/5% nitro, the 5% will make it easier to tune, just add at least 2% caster, for good measure, although Model technics do a lot of fuels with castor in them, just take your pick, of course 20% castor will take you back 50 years with a bit of nostalgic cleaning after your days flying. Page 1 of 50,,,😂
  9. That looks really good, I have some silk dress lining from my sister-in-law, which is thicker, and it's completely useless it just won't shrink.
  10. I grafted two stainless steel boat silencers on one of my Dle Ra's, and it was really quiet, like an old properly silenced methanol .60,,,
  11. That's why I didn't mention Castor oil in the same post,,😂,
  12. If it's a 'pitts' silencer, watch out for cracks, mine didn't last long.🤢
  13. Or do this to it,,, It's one of the first pictures, I have got the spray bay in line with the crankshaft in my PC-9, after putting another extension on it.
  14. Yes on plane engines, but some of the 2.1/2.5 and 3.5cc car engines would not run properly and especially the racing 2.1cc Rossi car engine would not run with castor in them but would run happily on 15% nitro and 10% synthetic oil all day. I did have my own model shop for 20 years and mixed and sold ( very successfully ) my own make of fuel, all different, Car, plane and Helicopter.
  15. I have had 2 of the RCV .58's, both ran hot, both less powerful than an OS.48fs, high idle and doesn't like Castor oil, the best running I got out of it was with 10% nitro and 12% synthetic oil, os F plug and I did make a finned head from an Irvine .53 to cool it down better, and also put another rubbish carburettor on it which gave me a better idle, "however", it never packed up in the air on me.
  16. As said, no way will you get a 2 stroke petrol down to 82dB, I have a couple of old lasers, I put a couple of % of castor in all my fuel, to protect them, and as with any 4 stroke you can always add on another silencer, even an aluminium tube with wire wool in it, to silence and deflect the oil.
  17. Toto, you will find that petrol engines don't throttle like methanol or electrics which are progressive, to help this problem out, set your servo control like this drawing,
  18. You have missed the point, that's what the forum is for, seeking advice.
  19. It's called 'learning experience', how did we get from caves to houses ?.
  20. It might be worth taking the head off and measuring the swept volume.
  21. I use 'Canopy glue' (google it ) as in some artf planes there is only 2mm balsa to screw into, it will stick any canopy to any film.
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