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Water power Don't laugh

Myron Beaumont

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Have today down- loaded latest info about this fascinating subject at cost to myself from the USA . Having read it, although it is written for vehicle conversion, I can already see model engine applications possible (on largish aircraft anyway ) The patents have recently expired on technology known about for years & it  is now available to all (in fact it has been encouraged to be spread about amongst engineers & other energy concious /tight-fisted folks -like your average modeller-dare I say! )

On the pdf file I can send you a copy ('ER indoors can that is) if you're interested . Naturally the whole thing would of necessity have to be a whole lot smaller-the generator that is-not a big problem as I see it ,but the module (the electronic bit ) I reckon only weighs about 2-3 oz .& it's a 12V system!  Anyway enough of anymore bits of data .All I would like in return for giving away what I have is feedback/suggestions/sources of a few materials etc so that we can maybe be in the forefront of this new & exciting revolutionary form of virtually free energy as a group of enthusiasts needing power of sorts .

If you dont believe what I'm saying go to /forum/smilies/confused_smiley.gif[/img][email protected]][email protected]  or" hydrostar" on the " hydrogen from water "site.  Please let me know if there is any interest out there , there ought to be .

 Who knows ? We might  be able to rid the world of "exploding Lipos" one day,(only joking Timbo ). Us part-time experts in all the fields of which we are "jack of most trades and not quite master of  all of them "  With our combined knowledge we might just bring about an energy revolution . Yes _ us !

looking forward to replies & comments    Myron     

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After my experiences on keeping things safe. see link "exploding Lipo" and my trials and tribulations with my wife regarding regarding Lipo and NiCad use, I have now taken an other tack.

It is obvious to me that an infinite amount of energy is available from a Lipo or Nicad pack. To release it is simple, just leave it on your work bench. As all good physistits know, just observing the results can influence them. This is why others have not had the consistant results, which could be realised.

But I now believe that harnessing the unleashed energy of the Lipo, making use of "Entopy Mixing" as described by Gibbs, "free energy" will be available to all. However small your Lipo pack, my, to patanted, process will make available the energy of the stars, the very fabric of space itself.

Just send £20 and all will be revealed 

Must write (or is it right) my safety cases, to prevent a runaway reaction that could bring the end of the Universe.


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All I've done is offer the facts for "us modellers"- for nothing . Please don't condemn me - It's not MY know- how (or not ).Try reading what's available before condemning it. Don't listen to the oil companies/ powerful forces that have kept this technology under wraps for so long . don't judge without knowing the facts .     Remember when folks said it won't fly 'cos it's heavier than air ?
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There appears to be 2 camps one which is of the type you quote. There are many adverts which roughly say the same things.

The other camp  do not say that it does not work but that the advertising is misleading.

 See link


It seems to have been around for several years I am surprised I have not heard about it before. 


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Who would ever have thought in Dickens's time that a Lipo could either replace/be more efficient/cost very little /be incomprehensible/unpredictable /get rid of poor people on their staff (instantly)/when all they understood was no future and a lifetime of poverty (like me) who does not believe that there is a better future for us all .I think I'll stop supporting Greenpeace .I'm obviously wasting everybodyelses time whilst I try to do the right thing.

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Some people knew that metal ships would sink. Others thought differently, Archimedes being one. It was finally proved by the Titanic, the balers could not empty the boat fast enough. That is why the story of the iceberg was invented.

I think it is truly tragic that icebergs are now seen with dread by mariners. Where as if the truth were known we would see them for what they are, "Latent Energy" waiting to power our aircraft.

Just send £30 for the secret of Geheimnis


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I started researching water4gas.com  which I know is more "primitive "technology & came across the latest ie January 2008 Detroit motor show stuff .& was thinking of our diesels & glows . As I said I am allowed to spread the "know-how"and can send you 94 pages of the build on the net.Maybe if you read it ( it took me a good half hour) you might come up with some informed comments . That's all I'm asking for .Someone has to start somewhere hence my post on the forum.I'm as sceptical as the next -BUT I think there is (in fact I know ) there is a chance that it just doesn't just work, but works well ,even in it's infancy stage ,but I realise not as easily/conveniently as petrol/diesel/methanol/oilmix power at this time . I rest my case.

No negative feed back please from non believers not aware of the possibilities of using "Browns' gas"etc -Just ideas/suggestions from forward thinkers/modellers who know more than myself . As I said I am personally only interested in model ( small) engines but if it can contribute towards helping our planet please don't knock me for trying . 

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Stop talking crap.We all know that every boat should  be constructed with reeds/ balsa wood covered with epoxy & GRP /non coal fired (or Lipos for that matter)Come back the coracle (I think I got that right As we go round in circles) but am sure as sure that wood is not metal that I'm wrong )

Do you conceive /believe that we dont understand magnetism & gravity OR disasocciation of molecules affected by a variable source of an un- natural bombardment of variable square wave pulses OR think we should stick to known technology until we run out of oil  for massaging /lubricating model engines_ plus some useless uses ie cooking / car lubrication to go shopping in /sun cream-- -the list is endless just ask 'er indoors what is important to 'er

How come they are thinking of metal aeroplanes that fly (1912) ?quote /unquote .Guess who ?

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Being a responsible person, I have taken very seriously the allegation that my installed lipo safety management system is flawed. It would seem that the wife has listened or read  your comments, has left the house, stating you had better get things back to normal if you want me it live hear.

These events has caused me to initiate a thorough analysis of the risks and management system. I undertook an in depth HAZOP (hazard and operability) and HAZAN (hazard analysis) study. Initially there were some problems, regarding the input of views from a competent team, comprising

  • Chemist
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Ergonomics
  • Statistian
  • Civil Engineer
  • Risk Assessor

This was quickly overcome by adopting the methods of our esteemed Government (may they reign in perpetuity). I quickly trained myself, undertook a taxing assessment of my new found expertises, and accredited myself. I also found that standards were now significantly higher than those who had followed the conventional path. One hour per discipline was far in excess what was required.

 It was found to be a taxing experience, but well worth the effort. I would ask deep penetrating questions from each of the experts, there on change seats. In my new position provide an incisive answer. If I thought that the answers were lacking in credibility or I was placating myself, I would press harder or rebook myself, until fully satisfied. 

At the lunch break I was somewhat surprised at the diverse preferences of each of the team members, in what they ate and liked. Making a note to investigate further, to verify that these preferences were based on education, social standing, sex and political allegiance. 

The findings were that a catastrophic incident, could occur at an interval at greater than 10*10-6 , or one in a million. It was not clear however what the units were, was it one in a million years, days or nanoseconds or none of the aforementioned. The chairman thought it was a nice number and that is how it is to stay.

  There has been some exciting scientific developments, that it may be possible to create fusion, using Lipo batteries. Follow this thread to see where science may lead. This will be a step foreword from the power which could unleashed from NICAD, although similar results may be obtained. 

As a concession to the worriers in the community each battery is to be inserted into a drum of “Golden Sugar” for safe storage. It is thought that these measures will keep the battery sweet.

Professor (self appointed and accreditted)


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Hi Myron I love all thing like what you found on the net. Have you looked at the compressed air car thread?

Unlike the Hydrostar the air car has gone into production and should be available here in France by the end of the year.

BUT in the meantime I am very interested in this hydrostar technoligy. I have done some internet searches since reading this thread and although there has no real data been logged I would very much like to read that manual you are offering.

As a hobbiest/fiddle in the garage/engineer type person I would like to have a go at making one if I deem it feesable after reading the manual. To add to that, if I did manage to succesfully create and fit one of these devices to a vehicle I would refund any money you forked out in the first place.

By that, I mean I am sceptical but that doesnt stop me from wanting to give it a go.

If the offer is still on I would like you to email me a copy please.

Oh and by the way after reading quite a few of your threads I suggest you dont start messing round with anything electrical like lipos LET ALONE HYDROGEN!!!!

I'll email my adress. Thanks   Al

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Back to the days of Vietnam, bicycles, nitrates and sugar, such memories. Just ram a pipe full of your concotion, throw it on the fire and run. 

Well I felt deep down that this governmental time frame was optimistic , regarding the training of scientists. Yes, it really needs 2 hrs.

An idea is Begining to form where the lipos are arranged in a spherical arrangement, and detonated. Yet we know from observations this will not happen whilst we purposely, try to initiate the event. It will normally happen to a third person, unknown to us. But whos fate we will be regaled with at the club field. This is a major problem!

The idea is that due to the infinite energy from a lipo, only molar quanties will be required. On detonation (when achieved) an inplotion will occur, on such a scale that if not carefully controlled the universe will be drawn into the very epicentre. Anyway our model aeroplane will be drawn into it. This will be followed by another spherical of molar lipo molecule arrangement, ejected from the front of the aeroplane. After a series of these events, a collosal speed will be achieved. Suffient that the aeroplane will arrive before it departed. If enough destinations are thought of the aeroplane will pass through the entirity of the universe simultaneously.

After this feat it may appear that the plane went nowhere and that there was just an explosion.

The major obstacle is the improbability of the event occuring during normal usage.

Once perfected, i will be patenting the "Improbable infinite drive", for the benefit of aeromodellers, no more propellers, jet engines. Just the power of the Lipo.

I tried to perfect the system with Nicads many years earlier, but could not achieve the results that other modellers said had ocurred to other modellers they new about at other clubs.

An optimistic


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Talking about hydrogen. I have been thinking, hmmmmmm.

Is not water two hydrogen and one oxygen atom bonded?

As we all know both are explosive as a gas, the problem appears to be one of disassociation, where do we get the energy? Normal electro chemical methods use more energy than we would get from the gases.

The answer, the power of the stars, we should harrness the humble exploding Lipo!

Enough inventing, must get back to drain laying, if it has stopped raining. Oh for the days before global warming, when the summers and winters were cooler and wetter.


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Professor Erfolg

Have attaching file for your scrutiny .Nice to receive relevant intelligent comments on this subject of water / lipos etc & their relative properties seperately &/or together .The planet is heating up (especially in  Wales-I suspect) so forget the "O level "stuff.A man of your obvious intellect/integrity/ability (whatever you have on your own accomplished in a fraction of the time it normally takes to become an expert in all things relevant Should have no problem !

I bow to your superior qualifications & await your comments on said topic/s.

Humbly  Grumpy  Myron.

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Myron, Thanks for the document, I have now read it. Heres my personal opinion.

Although the structural pieces are easy enough to make and assemble, the electrical side of things are way above my comprehension levels.

Had the plan been a step by step guide to assemble the electronics I may well have been tempted to have a go. I.E Solder resistor part no blah blah to the black wire.blah blah etc.

I looked at the electical diagrams and unfortunately only understood the 12v part.

Perhaps enough of us could get together and each make the bits were good at?           (if only!!)

Thanks again but it looks like this one is a none starter for me and I'll just wait until it goes on sale as a final retro fit product. Al

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Very interesting TUM I showed this to my dad (ex electronic engineer) he says electronics  part is simple standard stuff the physical construction more difficult and the hardest part is winding the coil for the magnet. We are quite keen to give it ago so maybe we could swap electronics for other parts and get someone to wind the coil for us?


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