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New DX8 Glider programming functions

Chris Bott

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That is very nice - but at what price??smile o

Not quite the same colour scheme as the E-Flite but this video is well worth watching..........

I don't think I'll bother with the DX8 upgrade if it's a 'pay for' option, not having anything that needs full-house, but it'll probably disappoint those who were expecting a software upgrade to extend the programming.
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Posted by Pete B - Moderator on 30/03/2013 09:56:13:

We'll probably get an email from the Community side to announce its availability, although they seem to be a bit random in their distribution if previous releases are anything to go by.


Seems that way Pete. Funny how I've only seen a reference to it on the German site, and even the yanks aren't mentioning it secret Patiently waiting, waiting patiently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the contents of the PDF from the site. As ever, they seem to have overlooked some guidance for non-nuclear physicists....angry 2

Version 3.00
8 April 2013
Software Features
• Added full function support for sailplanes (Model Type Sailplane)
Sailplane features include:
• 4 Flight Modes- can be assigned to any 2 switches
• Sailplane Types- 4 wing types available
Normal 1 servo aileron- RES and basic sailplanes
2 servo ailerons- Discuss Launch and Slopes Soaring sailplanes
2 ailerons 1 flaps- Sailplanes with one flap servo
2 ailerons 2 flaps- Full Function Competition and Scale sailplanes
• Tail Types- 3 tail types available
V-Tail A
V-Tail B
• Motor
Supports motor function on throttle stick, push button or programmable switches
including flight mode
• Camber System
Full trailing edge camber can be adjusted in flight via throttle stick or knob. Different
camber values are available in each flight mode (4). Brake/ Crow is available per flight
• Camber Preset
4 camber presets available (1 for each flight mode) for flaps, ailerons and elevator
• Flap to Elevator Curve mix
A flap to elevator curve mix can be assigned to a flight mode or switch. Four curves are
• Aileron to Flap Mix
Aileron to Flap mix allows up to four mix values that can be selected via flight modes or
• Aileron to Rudder Mix
• Aileron to Rudder mix allows up to four mix values that can be selected via flight modes
or switches
• Elevator to Flap Mix
Includes offset for snap flap mixing. Four mix values are available
• Six Free Programmable Mixes
• Four Aileron Differential Settings
Selectable in each flight mode or via a programmable switch
• Four Flap Differential Settings
selectable in each flight mode or via a programmable switch
• Elevator Trim Per Flight Mode
Allows active independent elevator trimming per flight mode
Software Corrections
• No changes to Airplane or Helicopter modes


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OK so who's had a play?

The instructions that Pete linked to are very helpful indeed. I'm sure most folk have worked things out, but maybe someone is struggling a bit. So here's a few hints. If anyone else has some others, please post.

In Sailplane mode the throttle stick is now called Spoiler, no matter what you use it for.

The whole thing revolves around Flight Modes. This is like having three of four different model memories for the same model, which can be switched to in flight. We can have completely different stick and switch setups in each.

Camber Presets can set up different flap and aileron positions in each mode, although I haven't used that yet.
Camber Settings is an area to set what the ailerons and flaps do, (apart from being ailerons) and which switch/knob/stick operates all four. Obviously all this can be different in each flight mode.

Using my Phoenix 200 to practice on I've done the following so far:-

GLIDE MODE has all four wing surfaces going up and down together using the knob. This changes the Camber of the whole wing.

For more lift, all 4 slightly down, for hanging around in thermals. Or for more speed, all 4 slightly up, for getting out of sink and penetrating into wind.
CRUISE MODE is actually my landing mode. Here the spoiler stick moves the flaps down and the ailerons up for maximum drag. Called crow braking. This effectively means the nose can be put down without speed building up, so spot landings become easier. This is still a Camber setting, its just that the ailerons do the opposite of flaps this time, and don't go both ways.
LAUNCH MODE. I have this set up with motor on the spoiler (throttle) stick and I also have a throttle cut switch set up for safety. (So I can switch between modes while setting up, and not have motor start up by accident).
I also have the flaps acting as ailerons in this mode to improve aeros. That's done in the mixing menu, while most of the rest is done in Camber Settings.
In Launch mode I also have snap flap activated.
I'm sure there will be a better way to do things, and it would be inteesting to know how experienced glider guys would set things up.


Edited By Chris Bott - Moderator on 13/04/2013 10:35:46

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I flew this (Phoenix 2000), this evening.

Hmm well, it's certainly different. Many things were better than before but it's going to take some getting used to.

For a start It's like flying three different models, and they all needed trimming separately. They all also needed different amounts of elevator compensation, whcih too a few tests and landings to tweak and try again.
But now I think I'm close.

What's better is that the Launch mode really is set up nicely for aerobatics. It will now roll much better than it would, because of the full span ailerons. Consecutive rolls are now possible holding a constant height. The Snap falp is interesting, dropping flaps a little after 70% up elevator has been reached. This really tightened loops. In fact care had to be taken not to add too much temporary dihedral!

The landing mode was good too, I liked having variable crow brakes on the throttle stick, except when I wanted to "go around", then theres a switch to find. so theres a little downside.
Having said that, with practice I could leave the throttle stick at haf way and switch from half crow to half throttle, have all the brakes pyut away and trims changed to those needed for a climb out, just by flicking said switch. So maybe it's just a case of getting used to it?

Thermal mode was good too, I'd like the full span camber control to be more accessible, but at least with the knob there's an obvious centre. So turning it one way and everything slows up and the most can be made of any lift. Turn the other way, and the glider gets a shift on so it can speed out of sink and accross the sky to the next lift patch.

What I need to do is remember that while each mode really suits what it's meant for, at the same time, some features of other modes are not available. The most noticeable being no motor in landing or thermal..

I recorded a flight as the light was starting to go, you can see when th emotor was on, gliding down after the first burst, holding height for a while after the second, then a fast loss of height with the brakes out, some aeros and then a landing.

p2000 19042013.jpg

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Chris, that is a very interesting read, thank you.

Ive got a couple of questions, I assume the flap servos have to be in different receiver ports and not via a y cable as I have at the moment, is this correct?

Regarding the throttle stick, does that mean the throttle of the motor (rather than the stick) is simply assigned to a on/off switch? Or does it mean a switch changes the throttle stick between throttle and spoiler? I'm a bit confused around this bit!


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