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Cessna 152 Aerobat

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Danny that technique works and will give you perfect holes that meet in the middle every time 'honest' angelok then, yes I did have one or two issues in the early days of using this technique where one hole would end up heading north and the other heading south blush but once I got the hang of it and learned to take my time it became easierwink 2

Percy I feel your pain wink 2 but don't worry, my all built up designs are coming later, I too am a traditional modeller who loves nothing more than an all built up model, however the 68" Cessna 152 is the third of five easy to assemble designs I plan to release, which I hope will encourage those modellers who have only ever flown ARTF models (thus never gained the skills, experience or confidence to tackle an all built up model) to give it a go and experience the exhilaration of seeing something they have built with their own hands take to the air.

eventually I will have a range of kits that should appeal to everyone, from easy build club flyers to more complex all built up scale models.smile p


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is anyone else having trouble uploading photos? I have been trying to update my blog since yesterday but when I try to upload my photos it just remains on the upload screen, my latest attempt was just one photo and it remained on the same screen for 40 mins and still the photo did not upload, strange and frustrating to say the least.


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ok still can't upload any photos of the build so I have dropped my camera off at the shop so the man can workout wot's wrong with it, until I get my camera back here's a photo (taken with my old cheap faithful camera, which I never should have replaced in the first place angry) of where we are up to, all the assembly is done radio installed, motor and batteries fitted and glazing all done. all that's left to do is draw up the art work and drop it off at the vinyl cutters, then fill and sand the entire airframe then cover it, oh yes and fly her laugh

I had a ruff check of the C of G and it is looking like the balance is going to be spot on.

hopefully when I get my camera back I will bring my blog up to date.


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That looks great Richie, good one. Like many, I learned to fly in 152s, at Birmingham 1984. When the instructor jumped out after we taxied in from some dual and said "off you go, first solo", my heart was thumping. As I passed through 500ft at full throttle, there was a sudden bang and a huge amount of air blowing through the cabin. I thought it was the end. It dawned on me that the instructor's door had flown open and was flapping in the slipstream. Next thing there's me established in the climb at full throttle on my first solo, while trying to stretch across the cabin and pull the door shut while hanging onto the controls. Miraculously I did it and was able to turn safely into the circuit. Shook me up a bit though.

Overall though, it was a nice plane to fly with a reasonable performance. I had a couple of goes in Piper Tomahawks, which although looking much sleeker were designed to compete with the 152 as a basic trainer. Not as good as they looked though, climb performance wasn't as good as the 152 and if you weren't careful on landing, that T-tail could be blanketed by the wing and cause you to dump the plane on the floor rather unceremoniously. Cessna might make spam-cans, but they know how to do it and if your model reflects the flight characteristics of the original, you won't go far wrong.

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