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Coffin dodger needs help.

Ron Brodhurst

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Good pictures

This is how replacement miniature JST are supplied.


They come in different sizes 1, 1.25, 1.5 and 2 mm between the pins so you have to be able to measure fairly accurately! Not that expensive but the wires do then have to be soldered.

I'm guessing the broken plug is from the servo in one of the wings?

The fact it was so hard to get in suggests the matching plug attached to the wire from the fuselage is itself damaged in some way, maybe a bent pin, so that may need looking at as well which rather means with the current restrictions the entire plane would have to sent by post.

The KX800 is quite a small lightweight plane but nevertheless electronically quite sophisticated. Using such tiny light weight connectors is a an unfortunate byproduct.

If Darlington was not so far away from me I would willingly offer to do the repair myself.

I hope there is someone locally who can help.

Edited By Simon Chaddock on 16/05/2020 09:20:31

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One tip on a similar subject is that servos etc normally come with a Futaba style plug but they come in two types

one is the proper Futaba plug which has a ridge down the side to ensure it goes into the socket the correct way. Sometimes the Rx or extension won't accept theis ridge so the solution is to slice off the ridge with a scalpel.

the other does not have the ridge. This can go into the Rx etc either way but only works one way. Solution is to turn it around - it does not do any harm servos if the wrong way but just doesn't work.

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Posted by Barrie Lever on 16/05/2020 10:13:58:

I get the feeling that you might not have any of the equipment that I mention, so you are in what I would call the 'Sahara situation' meaning out in the middle of nowhere and no tools.

In this case I would make the connections by simply twisting together the bared back cables and wrapping tape to insulate, I am not advocating this as a normal fix but under current conditions getting help is going to be difficult.

Solder has a relatively high resistance and should be used primarily to hold together a good mechanical joint. If I were in this situation, I would consider a dob of epoxy over the wire twist to seal against moisture and air ingress leading to oxidisation.

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Posted by Ron Brodhurst on 16/05/2020 11:12:07:

Thank you to everyone.

A great forum that I will be looking through for tips.

Barrie, I will be buying and following your advice, thanks. Time to start learning so O can enjoy my new, long over due hobby.


I would suggest you join a club. There are a couple near you, and I know one of them is now open for flying, provided you keep to safety standards. Great source of information, and I'm sure someone will check your plane over for you. Sadly though, under present circumstances, there can be no beginner tuition.

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