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iPad ios14.3 problem

fly boy3

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Not at all flippant Martin. The expert was recommended to me and most of my stuff is sorted except for the above problem. I have spoken to him via the phone, but he said he is at a loss to explain the problem. At my age I find it difficult to argue with these so called experts. At the moment I can still use my ipad2 to mail people. Is there a way to enter their addresses in manually one by one. Got loads of lockdown time to use up lol. Thanks

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You have several options:

1) Set up & use iCloud Contacts you contacts will automatically synchronise between you two iPads. Don't be afraid of this, it really is dead easy.

2) If that does not do the trick see this Apple Support page

Manual option:

3) With both iPads open on the same WiFi network. On your old iPad open the Contact you want to transfer to your new machine. Scroll down to 'Share Contact' & press. Press 'Airdrop' & you should see an icon for your other iPad, press this & it pops across.

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FB3, your 'Contacts' on your iPad are stored in a file separate from your mail. In 'Contacts' you can store Name, email address, physical address, telephone number. Your iPad then pulls the email address out of this file when you want to email someone and their phone number when you want to call or text them. You find it under the 'Contacts' icon:

ipad 1.jpegIf you can't find it use a finger to swipe down from the top of the screen & type 'contacts', it should then appear & you can open it &/or drag it onto the screen:

ipad 2.jpeg

Edited By John Lee on 28/12/2020 19:25:34

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