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Indoor Autogyros.

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5 hours ago, Stephen Jones said:

Anyone building the Autogyro that is in this moths copy of RCM&E.


I have made a start on one and have completed the blades and noticed that the side picture is wrong.

Lucky my blades are spinning in the right direction.

The body is cut out and ready for gluing tomorrow.



I thought I might have a crack at one of these, let us know how you get on Steve. 👍

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Maybe the Title needs to be change,  never mind here we Go with some pictures.


So cutting the parts out of 5mm Depron only a small amount is needed.


As you can see here.




Not much is there.



Here i have glued on the motor doubles sanded the rear of the fin and glued on a short length of Carbon rod.

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Here I may have gone over kill with the 0.8 Ply for the mast support.


Also in the picture you can see a 2g servo and a 5g brushless motor and 0.8mm ply for the motor mount.


A plastic tube that slides nicely over the CF rod is used as a plain bearing for the blades while a washer and nut are their to allow for good spinning rotation.

And heat shrink tube to secure it while a further plastic tube insures it is tightly held in place.



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Landing gear,

When it comes to Landing gear for indoor models in the past I have struggled to get them to work correctly.

So I opted for a better solution which i hope this method will cure.


So here I used some salvaged push rods that have a threaded end onto which a clevis can be attached however I have decided to use them to hold the wheels in place with thin plastic tube.



I also found some thin brass tube that will act as a bush for the wheels while also ensuring that the wheels do not foul on the landing gear or retaining tube.

Of course the push rods where only threaded on one end of the push rod so i Used two push rods and opted to join them by soldering some thin brass tube.

This has two advantages.

1. it keeps the heat while soldering them together away from the plastic wheels.

2. Allows me to lay the landing gear on a flat surface while soldering and thus keeps them perfectly lined up and true, so no more towing in or out.




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So as it was time to fit the Radio gear I soldered on the ESC wires to the motor.

Which worked but was in reverse. I struggled to get the wires to solder in place the second time around and when testing the motor did not run correctly.

So a close inspection of the wires.


Looks like one of the wires has snapped off.

A further look and the rest snapped off. 🤐


So this motor is now junk. 

So a word of warning be very very careful as the wires are easy to snap off.



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So I decided to take a motor off one of my other indoor models and use that instead.


This one is a 9g Motor so will have plenty of power.



A small 240mAh 2s Lipo temporary stuck in place with some double sided tape.


A small Receiver and a 2g servo and a 6Amp ESC.



Total weight is 64 grams 


Now waiting to be tested in the Gym.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Thought you might be interested in this contra rotating autogyro designed by my mate Bob Waugh.  The green one is my version and Bob's is in the video clip.  It flies very nicely and the contra rotors eliminate the rolling tendency.

This isn't a new concears ago I had a free flight autogyro built from plans originally presented in Aeromodeller in the 1950's














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Hi Steve, some basic info:

Fuz, tail and rotors all in Depron.  No the blades don't flap, there is no need with the contra rotating set up.  The blades are mounted on 3d printed hubs which have the blade angles incorporated.  The hubs spin on a carbon rod mast.

Propulsion is via a brushed, geared motor powered via the 2A esc built into the receiver.  These things are draggy so the set up does benefit from using a high voltage 1s battery, 300mah.

Rudder response is lively so throws need to be small.  The elevator acts as a bit of an aid for tight turns and landing flare but I have experimented with removing the tailplane assembly completely and it still flies pretty well on rudder / throttle.

Bob has been debating about submitting plans to RCM&E but I'm not sure if he will or not.  I'll let him know about this thread and maybe he'll add  more info.




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On 24/02/2024 at 11:22, Mike Bell said:

Hi Steve, some basic info:

Fuz, tail and rotors all in Depron.  No the blades don't flap, there is no need with the contra rotating set up.  The blades are mounted on 3d printed hubs which have the blade angles incorporated.  The hubs spin on a carbon rod mast.

Propulsion is via a brushed, geared motor powered via the 2A esc built into the receiver.  These things are draggy so the set up does benefit from using a high voltage 1s battery, 300mah.

Rudder response is lively so throws need to be small.  The elevator acts as a bit of an aid for tight turns and landing flare but I have experimented with removing the tailplane assembly completely and it still flies pretty well on rudder / throttle.

Bob has been debating about submitting plans to RCM&E but I'm not sure if he will or not.  I'll let him know about this thread and maybe he'll add  more info.




Cheers for the update. 👍🏻

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