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Geoff's Warbirds Replicas P51 Mustang

Geoff Gardiner

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For those of you that are reading this and have built and flown this model, I would love to know where you have set the CofG.


Measuring off the plan it is 105mm from the root leading edge but Richard suggests going slightly in from this to start with.


I am thinking of starting at 100mm but would welcome input from others experience.



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I agree with Paul . Mine was heavier to start with and flew fine , but in my usual experimental fashion I started losing bits off it to see what difference it made . 

The only real difference was a better climb rate . I always start with a forward C of G then take out the ballast after a few flights . 

Its always windy nowadys so with  an 8-10mph wind it will fly itself off . 

Pauls one is more like yours than mine as I dont have flaps as it was pre production . 

When I have flaps to play with I will use about 5mm down flap for test flying till its trimmed . It just keeps the plot steady . 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Afternoon chaps.


Does anyone know which FMS spinner fits this model.


There are several listed for FMS P51's but they don't give any measurements. I have emailed several suppliers and the only thing I have found out is that

part number FS-ST115-SL measures 90mm. I believe we need an 83mm one.


Here are the ones that I have found:






Any help gratefully received.



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