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Everything posted by MaxG

  1. Brings to mind all the Solent Sailplanes ads of old. I believe Tony Baker was a commercial photographer when not sailplaining .
  2. The bigger the wheels the better especially if you use it on winter grass. Good size might be wheels like you get on a Funcub or their clones,
  3. Our local farmers market often has a secomd hand tool store on it. He often has such items on the stall and always at a price that is not silly. Yes they usually need a wire brush and some grease but nothing beyond a normal hobbyist. Have a look around such places. Our Monthly Farmers Market is in Brigg North Lincs.
  4. Joshua Bardwell on youtube is currently doing a series on using edgeTx from the very beginning. He is up to Episode 6 at present. They are very good and he covers using both colour screen and B&W screen radios, using the Zorro, in each video. There are lots of videos on this topic , good presenters in my opinion are Painless 360, Joshua Bardwell, RC Video reviews, Bill Clark, Andrew Newton, just to name a few. The edge Tx Facebook groups are very good as well for helping people. You even get some of the developers answering questions and that can't be bad. Persevere, it is well worth it in the end and very logical once it clicks.
  5. I notice that the flyer ID and the Operator ID have different valid to dates.
  6. on Youtube "Painless 360" did a recent video where he was talking about when packs get to retirement age. He said there that packs that take an age on balance charging is often because one cell is in difficulties. Check your cell internal resistances to see if one cell is out of line. If it is it could be the start of the end for that pack.
  7. Have a look at the Lemon Rxs. They have varios that work with my Tx16s and they also have gyro stabilisation should you wish to use it. I have found them easy to bind to my 4in1, they are DSM.
  8. I had that problem some time ago. Think I got the last lot from Componemt Shop. You could try there.
  9. In the past I collected some short straws that were used as stirrers in coffee shops. I use these as sleeves to route aerials in. Drill with a 3mm drill onto the foam and slide the aerials in. Well protected and safe from damage. Have used in both foam and balsa models. Works a treat. Used biro tubes and the like work just as well.
  10. Try Component shop got a selection of 1s batteries from them recently, including some 180mAh ones for indoor flying.
  11. Is that the book that was published in a green cover? I have memories of it from times long past. Finally got rid of it when we moved about 5 years ago.
  12. This is of my Zagi. You can see the old empty can of the original motor, part held by the ziptie. You can also see the 3mm ply adaptor plate . When I come to do it on the twinjet I will mount each ESC in the wing like the servos and run the wires in a slot cut in the foam. If the slot needs to be quite wide I will glue a piece of stripwood on top of the wires to fill the slot.
  13. What I did when I wanted to replace the 480 with an outrunner in my Zagi was to take the guts of the 480 out just leaving the metal can/shell. I mounted the new outrunner to the front of the 480 can and then stuck the can back in place as originally mounted and it has worked very well. If I remember correctly I used a bit of 3mm ply as an adaptor plate to match the holes on the front of the 480 can and the X mount of the outrunner. Thinking of doing the same when I "outrunner" my Twinjet. Solves the mounting issue, allows cheaper outrunners and prevents motor heat loosening the mounting glue. HTH
  14. This would have probably passed me by if it hadn't been for the daily reports which I read on Facebook. Perhaps that is something that could be done in the future for other similar events. I would certainly value it. Thank you to Barrie Lever for that.
  15. V tail/elevon Mixer. One in and two out.
  16. Last week I had a flight of 4 Mirages and separately a couple of F16s. As Indian Mirages and Belgian F16s are currently at Waddington on exercise I guess that is what they were. Haven't seen the Swiss F18s that are supposedly there yet. None of these showed on Flightradar and as they were pretty low I guess they were on VFR as it was a sunny day. Had a US Blackhawk this morning, DUKE51 according to Flightradar24. Nicely different from the usual Typhoons, Ospreys and F15s.
  17. I have a Radiomaster Tx16S and I do not like charging the Lipos I use in the Tx although they say you can. I didn't like all the plugging and unplugging into the Tx so I used a short connector lead which goes into the Tx and the battery plugs into that. So if the battery connector fails in the future I just change the short lead and not worry about the connector in the Tx.
  18. Yes I did see your field one time when I was out on my bike but no one was there at the time. Keep meaning to visit but the time just goes when in your delightful part of the country. Perhaps later this year. Thank you for the invite.
  19. Go EdgeTx as it is actively being developed at present. Version 2.8.1 is the current up to date version. It is very similar to OpenTx so don't think you will be starting again. YouTube: Painless360 or RC Video Reviews are both excellent with a wide range of helpful reviews. Plenty of others on that platform as well. I really like it as a system to use. I use a Radiomaster TX16s.
  20. I fly at Winterton in North Lincs and have a caravan at PV. I also fly at the various cliffs around PV and attend the slope gatherings meets in May and September. Where do you fly?
  21. I have an old Twister 400V2 helicopter which flies OKish . However the Tx with it is pretty clapped out I have already made one Tx out of 2 by swapping gimbels etc. I wondered what the rc protocol is and whether I could program it to my Radiomaster TX16s with the multiprotocol unit. Has anyone any information that could help me. Thanks.
  22. I saw that going the other way, lovely to see and hear. It was the different noise that caused me to go out to see what it was.
  23. Why not move to a LiFe. Not the danger of the LiPo but it still retains the charge for a long period. I have a Turnigy Tx pack in my 10J and it works very well although I do take it out to balance charge it. If you decide to go back to NiMHs then go for the proper Eneloops rather than the normal LSD NiMHs as I found that they do hold their charge much better. HTH Maxg
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