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  1. Buy quality, buy once. As a bonus you will get years of trouble free use. Buy cheap and you will regret it until you throw it away and buy as above. Save yourself some money and buy the best you can.
  2. You may not get it on an F3f course. Span: 157” (4.0M) Length: 67.3” (1.710M) Wing Area 1,182 Sq.” (76.3 Dm/2) These are some of the specs from the Hyperflight website here in the U.K. It would appear to have to much wing area to be legal.
  3. If you had left the servo arm at 90 degrees to the pushrod and installed the servo as the designer seems to have intended, would the offset on the elevator pushrod/hinge not have given you more down than up movement as required. I would not be keen to be the first to jump to Doc Hammond’s defence but in this particular case,,,,
  4. Mike Ridley is your go to man. He helped me out with that exact issue several years ago. The MC24 is arguably one of the best Txs ever made and well worth repairing. I wouldn't want be without mine.
  5. There is also a huge amount of info there on how to use open tx and edge tx. Very useful resource. Mike is also a top bloke and pilot.
  6. Mike Shellim at rcsoar.com has created some excellent templates for flying wings and various gliders. There is one for the easyglider power and one for F5j and another for F3f. These are free to download and also come with comprehensive written instructions on how to set them up.
  7. Here is an example of one of the joys of Slope soaring. Whitesheet last Saturday afternoon. PMP Eppisoar and buzzard. With thanks to Claire for the picture.
  8. No need to apologise. Quality bears repetition.
  9. Two servos and two channels will also offer the chance to adjust the aileron differential.
  10. You have such massive and rewarding journey ahead of you.
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