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  1. Wookman

    Items for sale

    Hi Nick. Sent you a PM.
  2. There's not many can rescue a lauch like that in any conditions!
  3. At the risk of missing the point completely, with that amount of dihedral (which makes for good looking aeroplane) just add ailerons? They wouldn’t need to be barn doors. They only need to provide decent control authority, not make it aerobatic. Just a thought.
  4. I don’t imagine anybody minds the plug but transparency and honesty are important.
  5. I doubt that a 400mm span foamy warbird will handle windy weather any better than your helicopter. I would also respectfully suggest that your obvious competence as a heli pilot will not be any guarantee of your competence as a fixed wing pilot. A bit like swimming and fishing, both water based but no crossover in terms of skills.
  6. Some further explanation required please Bas.
  7. Bear in mind that when setting up the failsafe you will need to follow the FrSky instructions for the module and receiver not the JR instructions.
  8. NO. Unless you use a Battery eliminator circuit (BEC) or High Voltage (HV) rx and servos.
  9. Add some down thrust on the motor?
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