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Everything posted by EvilC57

  1. This is where I think all this ‘work from home’ that’s been going on since the Covid lockdowns falls down. Before I retired I worked in a similar systems design and test department, and there were countless occasions when you would overhear something relevant to the job in the adjoining office ‘pig pen’ or in the tea room, where you would think ‘Ah yes, I need to take that into account’ (or whatever). Or you could pop down the office at a moment’s notice and bounce ideas off a colleague - none of which you can do easily if you’re working on a laptop in the kitchen, with the distractions of a cat/dog that wants to be let out, or a washing machine that’s beeping at you because it’s waiting to be emptied!
  2. News to me if it does. As far as I know (and I’ve just had a look at the back) there’s just in RF connector straight off the Virgin network.
  3. I’d happily leave Virgin and go to our new local ‘Fibre to your front door’ ISP instead, but I do like the convenience of Virgin’s TiVo box and its ability to pause and rewind live TV - very useful when Mrs EvilC comes in and talks to me at the vital part of a program!
  4. The only people who ever call our landline are a 96 year old cousin, and spammers (junk calls). The only time I ever make outgoing calls on it are to call Virgin to check the status of their broadband if I’m having trouble, or once in a while to call them to try and haggle down their regular price increases. I’ve told them I don’t really need the landline any more, but it seems there’s no opt out - unless I leave them completely.
  5. That’s where a tape measure (or similar) comes in. My iPhone can do that too 😀!
  6. Do any of your numerous sizes of spirit level tell you how many degrees off level you are? And do you keep them in your pocket at all times - after all, you never know when you might need to check something 🤪!
  7. If you have a combination of models, small fixed wing, larger indoor fixed wing, Night Vapor, drone, helicopter etc., you’ll find yourself flying more or less constantly for two hours. That’s what happens for most at our indoor sessions anyway. You may just have a small helicopter for now, but I can assure you I’ve NEVER met an established modeller who was happy with just one model!
  8. As GrumpG said, slots are usually by type of aircraft, not per person. So you’ll probably find yourself flying in company with several other people flying small helicopters at the same time. And if it’s anything like our indoor meetings, in two hours there’ll probably be two heli slots of 8-10 minutes or so each.
  9. Can I just add torch, stopwatch and spirit level to my original list!
  10. In no particular order: Banking Contacts Dictionary and language translations Calculator Calender/Diary with appropriately timed reminders Notebook Secure (password protected) notebook CCTV Security camera app which allows me to view our house security cameras from anywhere in the world with an internet connection House alarm app which allows me to monitor and set/unset alarm remotely Spektrum AS3X app for programming AR636 receivers Camera & geolocated photo storage (I can easily find exactly when/where a picture was taken - can't do that with a Box Brownie!) Internet Email eBay Weather - and I don't mean just forecasts but live rain radar, very useful on the field to see exactly when rain is coming Text messaging WhatsApp Maps/GPS - including (via Apple Carplay and the car 'infotainment' display) Google Maps showing live traffic conditions ahead while driving. Compass Shazam, which will listen to a piece of music and tell me what/who it is Toilet Map app - useful at our age when out and about! BBC Sounds and other radio apps so I can listen to the radio while out walking MP3 player so I can listen to my own music on long haul flights Planefinder & Flightrader 24 apps, so I can be nosey about aircraft flying overhead - also useful if I'm meeting someone arriving at an airport Drone Assist NHS app Food Standard Agency 'Food Hygiene' app - useful before you go into an eating establishment to find out how clean their kitchen is Tripadvisor Car parking apps for those times I find myself in a car park which will only accept payment by smartphone 'RHS Grow' plant recognition app Oh, and the occasional phone call. But no 'social media'. The closest I'll ever get to that is WhatsApp and this forum! All this (and more) on an iPhone 8 paid for years ago, on a SIM only contract for just over £7 a month.
  11. I had the back off recently to clean, lubricate and adjust the throttle stick quadrant. I took the opportunity to check the battery wiring at the time, and thankfully no sign of any corrosion. It didn’t have heavy use during its time before being usurped by the DX8 (which has held up well over 10 years of much more intensive use), so the only thing that probably could do with changing is the battery which was flat when I dug the Tx out from its slumbers recently. Looking at recently sold PCM9Xs on eBay I might be lucky to get £40 - £50 at most, so it’s probably more valuable to me as a conversion to 2.4G multi-protocol - as I said in my OP, to use instead of a horrible little Jumper T8SG.
  12. So Brian, presumably you’re talking about the different iRangeX units. The IRX4 relying on a Tx with OpenTX (as it has no switches), so no good to me: ' And the IRX4 Plus having switches, so presumably would work (and be compatible) with my PCM9X:
  13. Yes that’s my feeling too. Although I no longer use it, my 9X seems too good to get rid of, which is why I hit on the idea of extending its life by going 2.4GHz with it.
  14. I guess like most RC flyers I moved most of my models from 35MHz to 2.4GHz (Spektrum DX8 G1) around 10 years ago. However I still have a perfectly serviceable JR PCM9X 35MHz transmitter which I was on the verge of putting on eBay, when it occurred to me that maybe it could be used with one of those multi-protocol 2.4GHz plug in Tx modules to fly a couple of different indoor drones I have, instead of using the cheap & nasty Jumper Tx I currently use. My question is, can you use a PCM9X with any of the iRangeX IRX multi-protocol modules, and indeed are they compatible? The compatibility list on Banggood for the IRX4 lists various FrSky, Futaba, FlySky and Turnigy transmitters as being compatible, but no mention of JR/McGregor. Also I see that FrSky have the XJT module, which I believe is compatible with the PCM9X, but (I think) only transmits in their own protocol. Anyone have any guidance on this please?
  15. Anyone got a spare £654,000 and fancy a Concorde engine?
  16. My initial problem was that because F360 works in an entirely different way to Tinkercad, with initially flat sketches, I didn't even know how to start a design. So even if I forget the details of how to go about doing something more complicated (and being in my late 60s I probably will!), at least if I've seen the videos I should later have some recall that something is possible, even if I have to search back through the videos to find it.
  17. Seems to me though that unless you’ve effectively ‘done the course’ with the videos, if like me you’ve never used Fusion 360 before, (as someone once said) you don’t know what you don’t know.
  18. I'm right behind you, just completed day 3! Finding it all a bit of an uphill battle after learning the much simpler Tinkercad a couple of years ago.
  19. I'd join up the two black stripes underneath the wings to make them into one wide strip at least three times as wide as currently shown. This would make them noticeable from a greater distance, and very obviously different from the markings on the top.
  20. …along with “Your call is important to us.”. While you sit hanging on the phone for 40 minutes 😠.
  21. Certainly true of lead acid batteries in cars in my experience. A battery in a car used every day will usually outlive one in a car only used occasionally.
  22. Martin Lewis on his TV show last night confirmed that there has been no change to taxes regarding eBay or similar online sales.
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