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Keith Billinge

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  1. I also advocate the FMS superEZ it's been my companion now for 7 years and I still fly it . Mine didn't come with a stabilisor but it was still an excellent beginners model. Strong, tough, stable, and forgiving. You do need to join a club first and take heed of the advice available, but the SuperEZ is ace! Happy Landings KB
  2. I wonder if it would work on open structures if you covered them in Doculam first. That might be worth a try? Anyone tried this yet? KB
  3. If the motor got hot enough you probably cooked the glue that holds the magnets on. You can sometimes glue them back with CA but maybe safer in the bin. KB
  4. I hope they don't lose their flying site. Sounds like if the landowner is being suppotive all will be well. Be careful with those lipos out their boys & girls; especially in these hot dry days of summer. (Both of them). KB
  5. I used to like the HK stuff, but it was always out of stock. I think people bought it in bulk to sell at an outrageous profit on Evil Bay. Maybe now HK are back in the UK things will be different? I think the prices are bananas at the moment for any of the covering films. Sad times! KB
  6. I do have a model covering iron I bough from Hobby King some time ago but I always use this. You can pick one up on Ebay for less than a tenner and they work great for covering. It's the Hinari travel iron.
  7. I buy the standoffs I need from firms on ebay. They are relatively cheap and you can get loads of different sizes. They come in aluminium and you can specify a larger diameter if you're worried about them being up to the job. I'm currently building a Wot4 and went for M5 Standoffs to accomodate M4 bolts and they work fine. I often include a hard rubber spacer behind the motor mounts but on the front of the standoff to give some vibration dampening. You can always add washers for more down/side thrust. KB
  8. The intersting thing about brushless electric motors is if you try and stall one by say...... feeding your fingers into the prop. As it slows, due to the resitance of said fingers, the electrical resistance of the motor goes up and the circuit (Via the ESC) compensates by instantly drawing more current and adding more force to the spinning propeller. This is due to Ohm's Law (V=I x R). Stalling an IC motor by feeding fingers in, is actually safer beacause onece you've stalled it; it generally stops.
  9. Yes It's nice on here, you have the freedom to politely disagree and know that people won't generally be baying for your blood and surrounding your house with a gang of villagers waving torches. Places like this, on the internet, are rare these days KB
  10. Trying to get my clubmates interested in a bit of streamer combat but there was no interest when I last suggested it. Makes me sad! It looks like a hoot!
  11. Is the STL file available for the 3D printed blades? Best Wishes Keith B
  12. Thanks for that Gents Six and a half quid for 50Meters.....Better than the crazy prices for covering film!
  13. I'm going to buy some brown paper but there's loads of choice on Amazon. They seem to vary from 85g/sm to about 100g/sm what would you suggest is a decent place to start? They also vary wildly in price. KB
  14. Dont forget the Swizzle Stick. A design by Peter Miller on these very forums. Easy to build and great fun to fly.
  15. Yes go on the Facbook group and the plans are available for all their models LINK Or I have also attached the OOWAH plan below. I have lots of flying wing type models and plank wings like this always need a very forward CG. I haven't flown the OOWAH yet but the CG looks about right to me. Oowah Plan-1.pdf
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