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Glenn Philbrick

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Everything posted by Glenn Philbrick

  1. I have the La7 so will join in with this one. Got a few repairs to complete first so will not be starting immediately.
  2. I have a coup!e of the Vifly finder2 lost model alarms from bangood. They have a small battery that recharges each time the model is used. So if you loose the main battery they will still work. They only weigh 5grms.
  3. Well what,a waste of time this race was!! Should have been called off completely. One of my drivers crashed before the start but at least was allowed to go for a lap in the rain afterwards. There was no way Russel was going to finish second, but I suppose we know who will partner Hamilton next year.
  4. Predictions are difficult enough on there own. Bumping into each other just makes it impossible. I think I'll invest in a crystal ball for the next race. Still my heart is happy to see Hamilton back in the lead even though he is not in my team.
  5. I hope so, will help my predictions but not my team car.
  6. Hi Chris. I've had two of the spitfire and the Hurricane and would build another Spitfire if I could get hold of one. The Spitfire was very good to fly and did not show any tendency to tip stall provided you kept the speed up a bit. The power for both Spits was an OS70 four stroke so your engine should be fine. They did not come out heavy as I covered them in Brown paper to keep the weight down. The retracts were mechanical and I followed the supplementary instructions on how to fit them, as you might be able to see they are angled forward which made taking off and landing easier but not anywhere near to scale. My last one met its end some time ago due to me fiddling with the radio and getting the ailerons reversed on take off, not a pretty sight! Good luck.
  7. Hi Tosh I do not have solution for you but have this model and same tx, so interested in your set up. I use the three position switch and retract switch. Retract switch gives a little bit of down for initial power climbs but then switch it out once I have reasonable contro!, I want it to climb anyway. The three position switch has normal trim, slight down flaps to aid thermalling then spoilers up for shortening the landing
  8. Mixed results and some luck. Picked Hamilton to win but Verstapen for second. Surprised I held third place still. I guess others also had poor results?
  9. Happy Birthday John. Silverstone going to be interesting to predict. Verstappen appears to be dominant, although I think it would have been closer if Hamilton got last Norris earlier. Silverstone is the home track for Hamilton so he could get a boost from the home crowd. Pins at the ready!! Glenn
  10. Well that's the end of my predictions, would better off with A pin and blindfold. I can only hope the race gives me a reprieve.
  11. Just put it in a bowl of hot water and the crystals will dissolve
  12. Should have held my nerve, I would have had the top three but changed them round on Saturday, doesn't do to think too much !?
  13. I think ar6100e are dsm2 i it depends how old your tx is as the newer ones are dsmx only so they will not bind.
  14. More points than I thought, thanks to the non start for Leclerc. Not a happy race for Mercedes or Ferrari. Next week should see the return of proper racing instead of the procession that is often Monaco.
  15. Made my predictions this morning, but going to be nill points for me unless something really dramatic happens
  16. The cam gear bearing will come out when you heat the crankcase up which you will need to do to get the larger crankshaft bearing out. They can be a bit stubborn so a wooden dowel that is a tight fit in the centre is one way to get them out.
  17. The bearing sizes that are quoted above are correct. If you are going to change them you will have to remove piston and liner don't forget to mark these so they match when you put them back. It really is an easy engine to overhaul so good luck.
  18. Thanks for the replies, at least I now know that it is feasable. So will not be wasting time on something that does not work. Glenn
  19. I also have a question regarding Jumper Tx. We have a new member who has one and while we will use the club trainer initially he is keen to use his own model and Tx. Can I buddy his Tx with Spektrum DX6 and are these TX full range as this is the first one in our club? Thanks
  20. I've used poly c for many models, both Brown paper covered and glassed. Often mix poly c with lightweight filler to a cream like consistency to fill the weave. I believe some call it spakle, also good for filling polystyrene models.
  21. We have ten of these in the club, now only eight! Most are ic powered last man up uses a dolly but it’s a bit hit and miss especially without a rudder.Has anybody any good ideas on a steerable dolly?
  22. I think I might have to abandon my faith in an x world champs son. Very disappointed so far. Will give him the benefit of the doubt for one more race and then change. My heart is still with Lewis but I can’t afford him.
  23. Beginners luck. Not the result I expected but a good start for Lewis even though he is too expensive for my team.
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