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Glenn Philbrick

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Everything posted by Glenn Philbrick

  1. Just bought this kit from DB and found this tread but cannot open any of the pic files am I doing anything wrong? Glenn
  2. We have solar panels to charge a couple of batteries for charging and to power our weather station as well the mower all powered by solar panels. However in the winter the batteries often go flat so we bought a 1200w wind turbine from Bangood, it comes with a rectifier and we have power control units for the solar panels but I have been told we need some form of load for the wind turbine when everything is fully charges otherwise it will overheat. we also want to install lighting in the container so we can see whats going on. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Glenn
  3. I have followed this thread for some time and took the advise to get checked out as I was having trouble peeing( very low flow). It turned our that my prostate was slightly enlarged but I also had a 2mm bladder stone that was the cause of the discomfort. I have just had the stone removed and the TURP operation to clear any interference from the prostate. Unfortunately I have now been fitted with a catheter although hope it will be temporary but if not it might be a permanent feature and I would have to learn to self catheterize to drain the bladder a couple of times a day. Has anybody any experience of this. I have not fount much on the internet so far. I have tried to look for a mens health forum but have not found one that covers this issue. Thanks
  4. Our field is surrounded by crops including maize which can grow quite high, many an hour has been spent searching for even quite large models. We have tried the lost model alarms with limited results often the noise is drowned by the movement of the crops. There are any number of GPS/bluetooth finders listed on Bangood and other sites but has anybody tried them. Mostly they are aimed at finding pets.
  5. I assume you are building the kit and not an ARTF? The descision on the engine mount is weather to mount it side on or inverted, I have done both and find that side on is more convenient for starting but does mean quite a lot of the cowl side cheek is cut away. If you are using a big engine you ,may need to move the firewall back slightly and this is dealt with in the instructions. I have used a 91FS in most of mine. The undercarriage is the weakest link in all forms of Acro Wot so a bit of reinforcing around this area will help, but I do away with the metal fixings and replace them with 2x 6mm plastic bolts so that they break before ripping the undercarriage out. The Acro does tend to bounce a little on landing in any slight wind. If you make a spacer as shown then the bolts are easily removed to replace them. As far as other mods some have moved the tailplane lower to make knife edge easier I have tried this but wouldn't bother just need a bit of elevator to make it track straight. Hope this helps.
  6. Going back to the electric Acro wot, I've put on a couple of pics of how I fitted my hatch and batteries, don't forget this was built as a repair on a crashed fuselage I was given. Also I am comparing to my IC acro wot with a 91fs. This one pulls 35A, 735W though a 70 A esc with a 12x 7 prop. If I fit a 13 x 6 it pulls over 1000w but thing start to get warm.
  7. Even better with a pumped OS 91. I run my electric acro wot on 6s using two 3s 5000 packs, I run to a time of 6mins which gives me time for a go around if not satisfied with the approach and I usually end up with about 15% left in the batteries. My hatch is on the top and I have not had to use any additional weight to get it to balance. It flies just like the IC one although it feels different somehow.
  8. Been using one of these in an IC model for a couple of weeks now. Read the thread on RCgroups first as they have been available in US for some time. Range quoted as better than normal, I have checked mine to quite a distance and it remained working until I was not prepared to walk any further. So easy to set up and fits nicely without having to worry about aerial positioning or damage. Rumour has it that there might be a eight channel one on its way. So far in my experience I would not hesitate to buy another.
  9. If you use good old Google search, DX6 roller wheel replacement you will come up with more alternatives as this problem is well known. They range from replacing the little micro switch to fitting an alternative switch altogether. There are also some 2nd hand replacement circuit boards available on E bay. While you have the back off it is well worth replacing the rocker switches with the metal ones if you can get them. If not if you know somebody with a 3d printer you can print them in a much more solid form so they do not break. I have done these in different colours also the aerial cover on my DX9. Glenn
  10. Our club has just bought a club trainer 40 sized for many of the reasons mentioned earlier. We have new members wanting to learn with foamies but that are not capable of flying in anything other than light winds so they just do not get the stick time to learn and some just get frustrated and leave. The local model shops don't always give the right advice either as we have had Spitfires turn up just because it says easy to fly on the box. I guess they have been influenced by the C4 program and we have noticed an increase in interest as a result. The trainer has been built up from bits and pieces donated by members although the airframe is new. We will now have a discussion on whether we should make a small charge to put towards the inevitable repairs.
  11. All our club has used Prosynth 10% for many years and benefited from the group discount. No problems with bearings and will run 2 and 4 strokes on same fuel.
  12. We have had a recent surge of new members mainly as a result of the program on C4. two have bought models already one of which is a spitfire the other is a lightweight foamy complete with Tx which does not have a buddy socket. We also have a couple of members who are learning and they have foam models as well but the number of times they get to fly is very low due to wind, also the time in the air is low due to them being electric. We have decided to get an old IC trainer and do it up to use as a club trainer so that it can be flown more often and give pupils longer on the sticks. Hopefully this will enable them to move on in their ability quicker. We need to keep the batteries topped for both TX and RX up but only have 12v supply in our shed is there a trickle charger that we could leave connected to ensure they are fully charged each time.
  13. Hi BeB I have been following your thread as I modified an Acro Wot in a similar way to your Wot 4. As you can see from the photo I made a plate to mount the motor using the original IC mounting holes as I would go back to IC if not happy with the performance. You could use a similar method and open up the firewall to get your battery pack further forward. I did not do this but mounted the ESC on the stand off so it would get maximum cooling within the cowl. I have left it electric powered as I also have an Acro with an OS 90 FS. They both fly well but there is a slight difference even though the CG is the same. The electric one will flat spin but the IC will not flatten out.
  14. Depends on what model you are building. I have used a speed controller for drones to power 4 ducted fans, and also on my second lanc that I use individual controllers for each motor. In each case I have used a separate battery to power the Rx and retracts. There is a lot of discussion about which leads to lengthen which you will find on this forum somewhere. I have in all cases increased the leads to the ESC not from the ESC to the motor. Those with technical knowledge will tell you this is wrong but I have never has a failure yet. Glenn
  15. Due to the lack of rain our strip has developed quite large cracks some about two inches wide. What is the best way to fill them? Some suggest sand, some top soil, we would need to get a couple of big bags would be my guess but any guidance on what is most effective would be good. Thanks
  16. I have no evidence about the ability of thin props to handle the power, my thoughts where purely from an esthetic point of view in that they looked a bit out of place.It was my first model electric powered of a reasonable size and when compared to my IC acro wot it looked flimsy. This is obviously not the case as these props are used for models much bigger than mine.
  17. Hi Bob, I had a similar problem when I converted an Acro Wot to electric and did not trust the thin APC props to handle the power. I found that a great planes prop adaptor is longer so enabling me to use props with a thicker hub. The part number is GPMQ4968 and they are available from RC world the thread is 24mm long if that is enough.
  18. We have a Maplin weather system that gives us the weather conditions at our strip via a sym card that costs us about £1 month. We copied the system that appeared in the BMFA news some months ago. It is powered by batteries which are topped up using solar panels which also keeps the mower battery topped up and can allow limited charging for electric models.
  19. According to the Saturday times C4 are producing three programs of a reenactment of the Battle of Britain using model aircraft. I have not been able to find anything further as to timings or where it might take place. Does anybody know more about it ? http://www.channel4.com/info/press/news/c4-and-love-productions-recreate-battle-of-britain-like-never-before
  20. Thanks for all the help. We had a successful buddy up today. I must admit I am amazed at the controversy that such a simple request generated. On a positive note it just shows the usefulness of a forum such as this one. Glenn
  21. Thanks for all the replies. At least we now know that it is feasable. I think the video should be very helpful but I must admit I have never come across a taranis before so should be in for some fun and games. Glenn
  22. A new club member has come along with the only Taranus Tx in the club, however it has a jack connection which is the same as Spektrum. Can it be used for training? obviusly the taranus would have to be the master but would a spektrum operate on the buddy lead?
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