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  1. Thanks Cuban, that's brilliant, I will sort it out now before I forget πŸ‘
  2. Hi Folks. I have just had notice that I am within 28 days of needing to re-new. No problems with doing that, but does anybody know if I were to re-new today, would I then lose the 27 days I have left, or does it just continue from the date my existing one expires? I hope that makes sense? Cheers, Simon
  3. Looks really great, congratulations on the maiden!
  4. Common problem with the phoenix - they fall off easily in flight. When you do find one put a bit of wide tape along one side to act as a hinge and stop it flying away. Good luck!
  5. Hi Michael. I used one of the Tamiya model acrylics - the ones that come in the small 10ml jars. Not sure how well it will wear with time, but feels quite resilient and has been fine so far πŸ‘πŸ™‚. I think the glue I used was Evostick Contact Adhesive, once again no problems so far. Cheers, Simon
  6. Very sad news to hear, will be greatly missed.
  7. Thanks Ernie, I was pleased how the LeRhone turned out πŸ™‚. Good luck with your wheels! Cheers, Simon
  8. I knew I had a pic somewhere of the wheels and neoprene before paint! Cheers, Simon
  9. I used 12mm neoprene cord on my Flair Nieuport. Much lighter than rubber! I guess it will be less resilient in the long run, but no problems so far. It comes in as black, I've just painted it grey with model acrylics. πŸ™‚ Cheers
  10. Definitely back from the dead! great jobπŸ‘
  11. I have given it the sandpaper test and am getting next to zero smell from the fuse or cowling, so It looks like epoxy resin is the way to go. I am quite please about this given how smelly polyester is to use πŸ™‚. I will go shopping later for resin and cloth and will post the results when it happens. Thank you all for you input, Cheers, Simon
  12. Thanks for the advice, I will get my little bit of sandpaper out and give it a sniff! πŸ˜€ The Prices look good on Easy Composites too
  13. Thanks Allan. Sounds like the stuff I need! Cheers, Simon
  14. Hi folks. My long languishing Great Planes Little Toni has made it back out of the dusty 'to be repaired' pile in the loft and onto the workbench again. Last time she flew (a good seven years ago) the undercarriage pulled out and the spats punched great big holes in both wings! πŸ€• Now she is out again, I am going to electrify her. I have a 4 Max 50/65 360 motor with matching esc ready to go, to run on 6s. To this end I will need to cut a battery hatch in the fuse, and I want to repair all the cut-outs in the cowling from the engine and re-spray. The wing is no problem as its the usual balsa traditional construction. The bits I need advice on is, A, The type of adhesives to use to glue plywood reinforcement to the glass fuse where I cut the hatch - epoxy I am guessing? B, The best type of resin and glass to repair the big holes in the cowling? I have only used 'finishing resin' with glass cloth before for finishing, and as adhesive. Any advice as to the best products I need would be much appreciated! Cheers, Simon
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