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Are you a nuclear NIMBY?

Steve W-O

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The Japanese are an intelligent race -- but why have they built nuclear power stations when they're on the "Pacific Ring of Fire" and the country suffers hundreds of earth tremors every year?
I see that our relatively useless wind farms are now being blamed for disorientating whales. Build the Severn Barrage I say with the hundreds of million pounds we're giving away in foreign aid. But musn't get too political eh....

World population is growing at a rate that is outpacing energy and food production.

The answer, in part, is birth controll.
With a lower population we could provide all our needs with bio-fuel.
Just a thought, should this forum be so political .
Perhaps we should keep clear of politics and religion

Groan. Little England Daily Mail readers alert.

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I am preparing my woolie jumper.
I am skeptical with respect to wind power, both on the grounds of, economics and the integrated power generated over a life time, with respect that used in manufacture, installation and maintenance. Then there is the situation where in winter much of the UK is in a windless high.
In the case of the reactors in Japan, I think we are on hold, they are not yet made safe. I would guess that the safety case was/is deficient with respect to loosing power to the circulation pumps. I guess there will be a clamor of Nuclear supporters for designs which rely on natural thermal circulation, in an emergency. I do think that reprocessing of fuel should be halted. The risk and costs with respect to benefits do not seem to work. We need a solution in the UK for spent fuel assembly disposal. I think the jury is now leaving the room with respect to nuclear power generation. Nuclear power makes me think of Bobs thumb, we plan for the expected, it is the unexpected that causes the problems. One problem we seem to cope with, a number of unanticipated issues is often a disaster.
I personally may find clean coal a better bet from a safety viewpoint.
No one seems interested in wave power, seems a pity
From a citizens view point many of the options are politically charged, together with self interests.
In the mean time I have got my Damarts on order
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Oh dear... For me, the main result of all this Japan stuff is having to explain to every second person how nuclear is in fact safe, and how what happened in Japan will not happen here because we don't live in the middle of a seizmicaly (that is spelt wrong, sorry. )active area, and how the "lethal radiation" from the power plants will not cause all our children to have 3 arms and cancer.
And now the EU has decided to see how our potential nuclear plants may be affected by earthquakes and tsunamis... in the UK. How else could they spend all that money we give them though.
I must be getting old and sceptical.
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Nothing is absolutely safe. I guess it is a question of relative safety, consequences and for whom.
Coal mining may have been dangerous, yet for those not involved the safety issues were not of any great personal consequences.
On the other hand the Windscale Pile fire had a lot of impact for many people, though in the wider population, both actually and statistically.
In a similar vein for those living in the NW, the venting and loss of Co2 coolant from the Traywsfyndd Magnox station will have statistical consequences to the population as a whole.

Would I have been safer living next to Flixbourgh? Perhaps not.
Although the UK is not an earthquake prone region, modern nuclear facilities are designed for seismic events. How adequate these are is problematical, as Japan knows.Of course there are many other possible risks.
I for one would not bet against another UK nuclear safety failure, will it practically matter, who knows.
Yet the same is true for many aspects of modern life, I just know statistically I would have died many years ago, in the not to distant past. For me the modern world has practically been safer.
Yet I am no longer as convinced today about the nuclear industry. There has been many incidents in the UK, from deliberate sea discharges, hydrogen excursions in waste silos, waste pit explosions. I will expect better management, design and construction in the future, to get my unconditional vote.

Edited By Erfolg on 15/03/2011 21:25:44

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