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Decisions Decisions

Nick Williams

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Hi all,

I'm looking to buy a new radio for aero only flight. My problem is I can go get a DX7s on Friday and to be fair from the reading I've been doing I think this radio is the one for me. I feel 7 channels is ample for the models il be flying and I can always backlight the 7 if needs be. I'm just wanting to hear really any recommendations from current 7 & 8 users before I finally make up my mind.

Thanks in advance


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I've shamelessly nicked this summary of the differences from Pach over at RCG........but it's saved me a lot of typing!embarrassed

DX7S /// DX8

20 models /// 30 models
not backlit /// backlit
7 channels /// 8 channels
--------- /// Electronic swash ring
3 heli pit/thr curves /// 4 heli pit/thr curves (im including throttle hold)
6 2-position switches /// 2 2-position switches
1 3-position switch /// 6 3-position switches
1 knob /// 1 knob
------- /// 2 digital switches
dual rates /// triple rates
flawless product release /// not so good, but they are great now

I have a DX8, having traded up from a Dx6i and I'm sure it will do just about all I will ever require of it. I don't have any experience of the DX7s but others seem to be very happy with theirs.

If you are sure you won't need the extra channel, extra memories and the better switching options, then the DX7s should be fine, provided you can find it significantly cheaper than the DX8. If there isn't much difference in the price, then I'd go for the DX8..........thumbs up


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I have just hot a dx8 after having a 5 and 6. I love the timer which can be assigned to any switch or indeed the throttle which can also be on a stop start in line with throttle use. The ad card down load has made setting up my umx stuff a breeze. Back up to pc is easy.

If buying this ensure you check the contents it should come with

sd card

dx8 neckstrap


power lead ( it has a different socket to the dx6 as it is smaller)

These all should be in the tx only sales as stated on the spectrum website. Best prices I have found are ALS hobbies and inwoods. £179 . I do not work or have links within either store bit have only receive great service from both . I like to share my purchases from stores that give good value and service. Of course it can be bought at a multitude of other stores at varying prices.

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Gaz, ALS hobbies won my custom, thanks for the pointers. I was quite sceptical about ordering online after reading some articles regarding 'fake' spektrum gear.

One of my LHS was trying to do me a tx only deal on the DX7s for £215!! I passed on that offer!! 😃 He seems to want to shift all his excess stock on me the moment I walk through the door, ah well I now have this forum for my questions instead of this 'salesman' 👍
Thanks again, to you all
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Not the Fun Cub, Nick, although I did stir the sticks of Terry Walters' one day. How do I say this without sounding smart? - it was so easy to fly that it may flatter you into thinking that one is a better flier than you really are! smile

Very, very forgiving, a wide speed range and great fun for messing about but not necessarily a good model for a novice, IMHO. I felt it was a bit like flying on the simulator - you could do outrageous things with it and it either got itself out of trouble or just bounced back if it didn't!

Stephen Grigg enjoys flying his - I'm sure he'll be along sooner or later.........thumbs up


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Hmmm it's a fair point Pete but I thought something so forgiving would be beneficial? On the other hand I don't want to something that flys itself, il learn nothing. Do you no of any alternatives I could look at?

I really like the thought of flaps tho, there's something I quite like about slow flight 😄

Edited By Nick Williams on 15/09/2012 21:42:13

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Ah, where do you start with model choice?smile

I'm not sure what stage you are at, Nick - putting a few words on your public profile can give us an idea of where to pitch the responsethumbs up

I haven't bought a trainer-type since the 1970's when I first started in RC. I had a 25-year break (!) and came back in 2008, so, it being like riding a bike, I managed to get up to speed on a selection of scale-ish models, etc.

The first question is to ask the type of flying you intend to do - IC,electric, slope or thermal gliding, etc.

There will be others with much better advice than I can offer re IC stuff but for leccy, provided you have someone to set it up, trim it and give you some instruction, the ST Discovery ticks the right boxes. I could live with a Multiplex Mentor, too. If you intend to join a club, go along and see what they use.

If you are a complete novice and intend going it alone, the Multiplex Easystar is a forgiving model.

If you are flying already, then the Fun Cub is fine, as you'll be aware that not all models are as forgiving, and as I said, it is a lot of fun, as well as giving you lots of practice with orientation, etc.

I would just caution anyone that being able to fly the FC doesn't necessarily equip you to cope with a heavier, faster model.......... smile owink 2


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Well I moved from Spektrum to MPX TX a few years ago so what I have to say isn't specific to Spektrum TXs but worth noting anyway, I reckon -

Find a TX that does everything you want it to do, and then move to the next TX up. You won't regret it and a TX that only does what you want now will be outdated when next year's hot ship gets built. Money spent on a TX that's better than you thought you would need will never be wasted.

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DX8 is a good choice in my opinion, loved mine for a few years now. Couple of words of warning though, do keep abreast of updates to the software. There is a owners website which if you type in your serial It will list all the updates. There is at least one known bug in the current software which causes a TX crash, although thankfully only when adjusting mix settings, so not likely to occur during flight!


The second point, is watch the antenna, the plastic hinge at the base of the 6" stub is weak, at least a couple at our club have are held on with insulation tape smiley It doesn't effect the actual antenna wire inside, but is annoying if broken all the same.



Edited By Robin Kearney on 16/09/2012 21:59:28

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Have recently upgraded to a DX8 from a DX7 and would recommend the DX8, it has several additional features such as additional mixing capability, throttle curve adjustment, a number of timer modes which are very useful when using electric motors).

However the DX8 Mimh transmitter charging is badly designed. The charge rate is such that once the battery is fully charged (no indication when this happens) the charger continues to charge at such a rate that the battery then proceeds to overheat. The battery in mine lasted about two months before finally giving up. On opening the battery compartment the battery insulation showed signs of severe over heating. Looking through the web sites, this appears to be a common failing. To get over this problem I have upgraded to LiPo battery where the DX8 stops charging when it is fully charged, so I would advise to upgrade to Lipo as soon as possible.


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