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Warbirds Replicas FW190 2023 version - a VLOG of the build

Ron Gray

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As per the title, this is recording the building of the FW190 and is primarily aimed at new builders (newbies) to show how easy it is to take the first steps into building a model from a 'bare bones' kit.


The videos are in chapters each of which I am trying to keep to about 20 minutes so that the attention span isn't too great. I will point out some of the 'gotchas' with this very simple kit and attempt to give some tips along the way. 


Please note that Richard Wills has developed a kit that is very easy to put together but does not come with instruction for pretty build pictures, but you can find some of these on other threads where members have posted their own builds. There is also one thread that I've setup to try and incorporate some of the tips other builders have when putting this model together.



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