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Installing Lights

Tony Gibson

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Hi guys, I am a reasonably capable builder but am new to scale modelling. My current project is a 1/4 scale FW190 which I am building from a Vailley plan. My question is, I want to include realistic scale lights to the model. Is there somewhere I can source such a thing or does anybody have any ideas of how I can make something suitable?

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Unilight of Austria do a good range with some parts that may do the bill. They also kit sets for various models including a 1/4 scale FW190. Have a look at the links below. Nexus Modelling Supplies sell them in the UK. I have just bought some of these for a 2m A-10 Warthog but they have not arrived yet so I can not comment any further.




1/4 kit for the FW190


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Hi Nick, 

Nice to hear from someone with experience of this build. Still undecided on retracts, I want to try and keep it as scale as possible so Sierra is currently at the forefront of my thoughts. I have however decided on the 3 cylinder Satio radial engine. What are your thoughts on that?


As you have already built this model are there any potential pitfalls, or maybe some tips that spring to mind?




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