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Is it white where you are?

David Ashby - Moderator

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is it me or does anyones get annoyed when all the weather reports this morning I've seen on TV use cm? 
They said with gusto, "7 - 8 cm"  wow I thought.....    then I open my fingers and find 7 - 8 cm is not all that !  Perhaps I'm getting old, and too used to inches......just for me it's another nail in the coffin of once great society I used to belong to......(sorry I did not mean to turn this to a political angle - honest!)
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Morning all,
Essex is under the white blanket from about 10pm last night, about 15cm (6") and still going strong. Left car at home and took taxi into work as it is an auto and spent most of my journey home last night sideways. Good news is I can still fly as I won the Nano Neon Heli in the comp.
Bad news is I have run out of scotch.
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Clear blue skies, nice crisp breeze, we are just off to our favourite bakers on the edge of the Snowdonia range to collect the goodies for a little gathering of neighbours tonight .
Should see some snow on our half hour trip through the mountains
Snow is forecast for Llandudno and the coastal area on Sunday, but hope to get some slope soaring in on Sunday or maybe monday.

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4 x 4
I agree !
I took mine to the Alps a few years back, with 4 other cars in a convoy, after a weeks skiing at base 5 - 6000 ft in Meribel, snow was up to the top of the wheels, they took ages to did them out for the journey home, I got in my Jeep rocked it back and forwards a few times, then just drove it out !
Waved to them as we passed on the way down the mountain !
Safer too, they all got stopped by the local police to put thier snow chains on, more hassle as they were already exhausted from the dig out, the Police just waved me thru !
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Here in the North West, there is snow, about 25mm. Freezing cold, air temp, acording to the car thermoter (defrosting the wifes car for her, she loves work!) was -2C..
It is interesting, that although the air temperature is below freezing, the strong wind, appears to evaporate some of the now frozen snow, on the pavement. The garden and the park, at the rear of the house are still covered in snow, even where the sun falls.
The cat is less than eager to go out in the snow, had a chase around the garden, then decided it was far to cold to stay out.
As for me, I am with the cat, no flying today, although the sky is so blue, with light high level cloud.
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