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Everything posted by Masher

  1. Very interesting! I had exactly the same issue, spent weeks building the thing only for an instant write off. Unlike you, I did not give it a second chance
  2. I have quite a lot of experience with WOT 4's and they are all good. Having built a couple of mk3 kits in recent years I would hesitate to recommend them now. Both had issues with the wing veneer splitting like crazy 🤪 I suspect a change in supplier or poor quality has crept in
  3. Hi Leccy. Nice story and description, well done for pushing your boundries. Please make sure Phil has a good look at your pictures before you switch on though because it very much looks like you may have short circuit around the orange cable area at the module. Hope all goes well Martin
  4. Thanks very much for taking the trouble to do that
  5. Good Morning! I too would like a set of Attila instructions if anyone could help please? Thanks
  6. And for anyone interested, those brilliant Ambit International catalogues are still available as PDF's.
  7. Remember the glass display cabinet in reception? Those were the days, proper catalogues...... Ambit for coils and design information...... I think they were good 👍
  8. Thanks for posting this, great memories as a young engineer knocking one up. Used to pop down to SLM most lunchtimes buying bits of plastic and tin. Don't suppose you have the Practical Wireless version too by any chance? Thanks
  9. I'm afraid you have fitted it the wrong way around. You want right thrust
  10. Masher

    Club payments.

    There was a presentation about this on a BMFA In the Air Tonight series a couple of years ago. For clubs who use it, it was very highly rated. It also provides lots of extras that you might never use! We ruled it out at the time because it would cost us about the same as 2 anual memberships
  11. Ken Dodd: I went into the Army and Navy stores, said where's your camouflage jackets? He said "they're good aren't they "
  12. I second the suggestion of building a crystal radio, this set me up for a 45 year career in electronics. In my early days it was hard to get hold of components and there was no help. I was recently looking on YouTube and for anyone learning today there's an abundance of teaching videos and parts for prototyping are cheap and available. Just type into YouTube and find someone you can listen to and whose style suits. Just do it! Don't worry about too much technical detail and absolute correctness, just buy a prototyping kit and play around Good luck 👍
  13. Good grief what rubbish will they come up with next 🙄
  14. All I know is that lots of people fly the planes mentioned in this thread. They all have good and bad points as do all ARTFs, just Google the reviews and make your choices. Funnily enough individuals will have their own opinions on suitability of each model and sometimes this will have something to do with their flying success or otherwise. If you analyse it too much and believe everything you read, you will never by any ARTF
  15. Well try the Ruckus then? https://www.modelshopleeds.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=28056&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxr2iBhBJEiwAdXECwyJgypR8E5DhVzfRGxqSWHhHqIBnN7lkbqUIxOAZdg8wHAt_IvbxbhoCDoYQAvD_BwE
  16. If someone can find it, Alex Whitaker 'designed' and described a multi-tool for the magazine. Maybe 5 years ago 🤔
  17. https://rochesterrc.uk/shop/max-thrust-riot/?utm_term=&utm_campaign=Campaign+2023-01-17+13:33:15&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=3646878698&hsa_cam=19580550959&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=CjwKCAjwuqiiBhBtEiwATgvixEZ6gRYqoUaMf-f75yEarCKYgWTTc6sJOTCGKcnqlminroF7-MlFYRoCBOcQAvD_BwE
  18. I measure all new batteries and make a note of the result. If I found any discrepancies or wide variation I would question why. Either go through a few cycles of charge/discharge and/or speak to the supplier. Assuming all the cells are similar and about right (less than 10mOhm) I put a date label on the battery and use it. Then I can refer back to original readings if ever the battery seems less than normal in flight. Just like 'puffiness' internal resistance is a good measure of battery quality and condition. I too am a retired electronics engineer so this little routine keeps my technical side happy. However guess what? I don't think I've ever gone back and checked against original figures ........ just check what goes in and out of the battery versus typical flight you soon know if something isn't right
  19. Who knows. Maybe they select the best during final test at the end of the production line?
  20. I have found that 4-Max are the best choice in the long run. They cost more but perform very well and if you have a problem you have professional service from a top UK company. Some of the cheaper ones I've tried have a very poor performance from new, just not worth the risk. Whatever you do don't by Youme!!!!
  21. Has someone snuck into the hangar and put the prop on backwards for an April fool joke 🤔
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