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john stones 1 - Moderator

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Everything posted by john stones 1 - Moderator

  1. Moved add into for sales Alec.
  2. Very few lorries use our road, potholes aplenty, loads of big vans I.C, delivering folkses goodies they bought on tinternet, this thread get dafter by the page.
  3. Every BMFA member is entitled to question the achievement scheme, or email the scheme controller or office, they're also able to attend examiners workshops and put questions.
  4. No arguement here Ron, your club not my business how you run it.
  5. As I said opinions abound, I'll stick with mine, a range check should be a must on a test, in days gone by it was collapse the ariel, nowadays it's more varied and complex, and as an examiner/instructor I've come accross a fair few who don't know how to, and any I test will be asked to demonstrate, my name signs the pass. BMFA scored an own goal.
  6. I have no idea why it's not written in the guidlines as a must, and considering the workshops and drive for conformity among examiners, it's an own goal.
  7. There's opinions always, here's mine. If a member has a reputation as a safe flyer and exhibits that on a regular basis, and is the sort who sets failsafe, range checks and all the other things a competent safe flyer does, I'm not insisting he range checks every model every day. Examining ? I would be wanting you demonstrating a range test on a test, It's an important one, and should've been written into the guidlines clearly.
  8. For me sometimes the more that's written, the worse things get. What on earth is F saying, "or if an history of range problems exists" ?
  9. Going down the same rabbit hole methinks, standards at your club are a matter for you to oversee, BMFA just gave you a framework if you chose use as a base, they also give you the means to remove Certificates from bad flyers, It is the clubs responsibility to use that if needed.
  10. I had Pilot F16, 28FSR on a pipe, will try n find photos later.
  11. I would say, regardless of all the noise made about licenses, It's a good thing there's a common test, easy available for clubs to use as a standard to work from, if they choose to. Never really got why so much fuss is made over the term license. Current worth of anyones A or B is down to clubs and it's membership to monitor, that's where the means to remove lies.
  12. Well done lads, was on for a full house of predictions till they came together.
  13. Big hammers what you need. 😉
  14. Very nice looking model, science will definitely come into most replies methinks, common answer seems to be give George a bell at 4 Max, he recommends set ups and I believe his websites useful for helping choose them. https://www.4-max.co.uk/ https://www.4-max.co.uk/recommended-setups.htm
  15. Couldn't say power wise on the engine or model, personally I would be looking to achieve a balanced model without the use of lead, have no idea re weights on a 180 or 120/150.
  16. Simple thing to put a No Smoking/Vaping sign at the entrance, should have been there from the onset.
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