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john stones 1 - Moderator

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Everything posted by john stones 1 - Moderator

  1. I reckon the crash comments are tongue in cheek, bit of banter and shouldn't be viewed too seriously. I'm similar to C8 anything I buy lasts years It's ingrained into me from being a kid. I have bent models, always been my fault as well, I read the crash comments as "Hold your hands up when you mess up". Blaming your tools usually makes you look a prat.
  2. Good to hear from you Matty, real pleased you're making good progress. 🙂
  3. Yes copy the pieces and cut from one sheet, covers better and removes doubt strength wise, it being a fun fly I'm assuming it's flown with enthusiasm. 😉
  4. Agree on build another, you'll get it from one sheet of balsa and it'll cover better than the broken one.
  5. Well done, video would be nice Linds. 😉
  6. There are loads out there Rocker, so which one is mostly personal favourites, if wary just pick from well known brands, I'll use Hitec, Savox and various others.
  7. Found it, states 1500m range, see no issue using it. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004962881716.html?aff_platform=true&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&isdl=y&src=bing&pdp_npi=3%40dis!GBP!5.66!5.66!!!2.70!!%40!12000031170656900!ppc!!&albch=shopping&acnt=135095331&isdl=y&albcp=554851195&albag=1306220947490970&slnk=&trgt=pla-4585238373835815&plac=&crea=81638863712723&netw=o&device=c&mtctp=e&utm_source=Bing&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=PA_Bing_UK_PC_customlabel1-20240204&utm_content=customlabel1-0&utm_term=radiomaster r9ds receiver&msclkid=26d3643b8e541c1589f0026735d91b9b
  8. Can't find a link for receiver Pete you got one ?
  9. This one Pete ? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001062909601.html?aff_platform=true&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&isdl=y&src=bing&pdp_npi=3%40dis!GBP!150.31!150.31!!!0!!%40!12000021328228119!ppc!!&albch=shopping&acnt=135095331&isdl=y&albcp=554851195&albag=1306220947490970&slnk=&trgt=pla-4585238373835815&plac=&crea=81638863712723&netw=o&device=c&mtctp=e&utm_source=Bing&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=PA_Bing_UK_PC_customlabel1-20240204&utm_content=customlabel1-0&utm_term=ats9 radio control transmitter&msclkid=458b6619f922105cce5100454128bc37 If so I don't think you have need to worry at all.
  10. Hello Pete, welcome to the hobby/forum.
  11. Present sales are no indicator of anything other than reality, IF there is a slowdown it's entirely predictable, and was always inevitable, enthuastic buyers already bought, people waiting on an EV that suits their needs, economic climate. Not paying the "appropriate taxes " insentive, been used time after time, not much to see here. 2nd 3rd would need to talk politics, then I'll have to mod myself n don't want banning. Scrappage is much more common nowadays, among I.C as well, going forward design may improve on E.V and lessen this, if not it'll become a fact of life and people will deal with it. It is anti EV to keep throwing weight into the discussion (IMO) cars have gotten much bigger/heavier, long before EV became a thing, as the state of the roads shows, see little comment re heavy I.C. Tyre wear ? See above, selective negative commenting. EV and taxes again ? No great fuss when diesel got a good deal over petrol, reason "They're more environmentally friendly" pass the pinch of salt please. Target dates to be met ? No chance, but that's par for the course and leaders have to paint a pretty picture to drive change forward. Me ? I.C driver, petrol, hoping to see his life out and still be able to drive, my choices are limited.
  12. No rules broken Neil and welcome to the forum. Please be aware that scammers have targeted some of our forum users though, 99.9% of our members are genuine people. and many sales are trouble free. Please be watchful and good luck with your sales.
  13. For me some are knocking for the sake of it, and clutching at any possible issue to dismiss. We went smokeless for much the same reasons EV is now a thing, to clean up our act. Seems a fair comment to me. Pea soupers ? Grew up in a pit village surrounded with heavy industry, lost Mother/Father/Sister to lung disease, yep got the tea shirt. Only question for me is " Do you believe we need to clean up our act" ?
  14. Well done Toto, feels good dunnit. 😉
  15. They forced change on millions via smokeless fuels, were they wrong and did the less well off have much of a say in the matter ? I can't afford the EV route as prices for used are at present, so what's new ?
  16. Cars are a status symbol to some Don, no chance of them buying smaller, slower, lighter cars. Me I'll stick with my old Accord, petrol, till it packs up or gets banned from the road.
  17. I don't much care if people hold different opinions, it's a forum and would be a dull place if all thought the same. I don't see evangelising, some enthusiasm, some admission that there's work still to be done, not much else there for me.
  18. Incentive is why, they want people to change habits, so they offer sweetners, like they did for roofs, loft/wall insulation/ solar panels, the whiter than white Diesel myth over petrol users. As a stick to beat EV users it's a poor one methinks.
  19. Not really sure why people who own EVs, and are happy with them shouldn't sing there praises nor why it would annoy some. Plenty fair discussion so far, and plenty grabbing dubious weight/ range etc to knock em, it's early days, of course there are some issues yet. Can I afford one ? nope, can't afford 50 models either, I don't begrudge those that can though.
  20. Swearing still breaks the CoC, post containing it will be deleted. https://www.modelflying.co.uk/code-conduct/
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