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J D 8 - Moderator

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Everything posted by J D 8 - Moderator

  1. Pretty much the same here only no signal, no fiber. Said we will have fiber by the end of the year. We shall see.
  2. Hi Kwick-kwack, Are you a modeler and what do you fly? And a rough location would be nice. I am not a JR user so can not help but others can. Cheers.
  3. Russian one got me as well. 18 correct Nearly slipped up on the Havoc calling it a Boston but checked up and found I am right after all Havoc in RAF service was called a Boston.
  4. I do keep a basic land line phone for times power is off.
  5. Like you I do not fancy having phone electric dependent [Will not be able to report electric has gone off] more so as we have zero mobile signal. The electric supply people keep pestering for us to have a smart meter but with no signal and poor internet it is just not possible. This has been going on for years and they keep wasting time/money sending someone out to check even though we have told them many times. One rang last week again saying they were coming to fit a new smart meter. No your not we said explaining the issues yet again. He then said "Your meter is very old and needs replacement [ it is 60] Fit a new conventional one then we say. Don.t do them anymore he says and when it quits you will have to have a smart meter. How's that going to work then we ask. No answer. Have not had the Digital Voice thing yet. Despite Welsh Government polices to get fiber to remote rural areas we still just have the copper wire.
  6. Good questions in the posts above, recon we should wait and see @domsalvator's return. Speaking as one who learned to fly RC solo in the 70's, it is a hard road that takes determination and it was a motor glider that I had eventual success. [ DB Rooky]
  7. On a car I looked at the electric hand brake servo still just pulled a couple of cables. we were looking because there was a rasping noise. Turned out the plastic gears in the servo had stripped some teeth. Now where have I seen that before?
  8. Pulled up behind a VW Golf at a junction, had his foot on the brake and nice bright brake lights [full daylight] It was only when he took foot off brake I saw he was indicating right Silly little indicator in the middle of the red cluster. Poor design.
  9. Welcome to the forum. Some detail of where you are [approx] and sort of modeling/flying you do would be nice. Several members do FPV. There is a photography and FPV section in the forum.
  10. Some time soon people who have learned to drive in driver assist vehicles may/will not be allowed to drive older types without the aide's, like learning on automatic transmission cars. I can still do a steep hill start without using the hand brake, and no I do not roll back any.šŸ˜
  11. Recon Mustprang was designed for electric and model above looks set up for a sidewinder IC so I think you may well be correct on the dogfight double Robin.
  12. Could be a "Mustprang" as you say a cartoon Mustang. There was also a Spitfire variant called Splatfire.
  13. In 2022 I had a drone hovering about the farm yard, even hovering about fifty foot up looking towards the front room window, rather intrusive. I looked about for an operator but could not spot him, probably on high ground behind. Just being nosey likely but who knows. At this point I had enough and slapped a battery into my hot motored Zaggi wing and went for an interception. He soon scarpered when he saw the Zaggi closing in. šŸ˜
  14. While dispensation can be obtained for many services [ My former Coastguard rescue team now has access to a rescue drone which would qualify] I very much doubt an estate agent drone taking "house for sale pics" flying low in a neighbour's would qualify.
  15. Most drone use by estate agents is contracted out. Flying out of line of sight is a NO NO. Flying under part 107 of the license. Complain to the estate agent selling the property.
  16. At the field early today today making use of calm conditions to fly my old Bleriot XI. Had a club member with something from other end of the aircraft spectrum for company. And no we did not fly at the same time.
  17. There is a you tube channel " Just rolled in" It is just amazing what mechanics see. My favorite is a pickup driven twenty miles to the service station, even stood still mechanics hear a strange noise coming from the back so put it up on the lift and find ChickenšŸ” perched on rear axle!
  18. Our mam's bought the things for us, anyway friend was flat out on the ground for a while so his mam had to be told.
  19. A friend and I had catapult launched Fireball XL5 rockets. For launch these were clipped to a base held to the ground by your foot. The catapult rubber then was hooked to the rockets nose and with the H frame handle you stretched the elastic as high as you could above your head. Foot trigger released the XL5 to a jolly good hight, at appoge a hatch would open and a parachute would deploy for return to earth. One one occasion my friend held the H the wrong way around and on release the rockets nose [ made of slightly soft plastic] caught him smack on the chin!!! He went out like a light and keeled over like chopped pine tree. Classic KO. Banned by mums.
  20. Model is in ok order considering it has likely sat in a shed a long time, issues are both top aileron horns have come adrift, small damage on a wing tip, tail skid missing. More of an issue maybe the rather warped tail plane. Cowl has a great chunk of lead in the bottom and there is a dummy engine. [not in pic] A new light tail plane would be a good thing I recon.
  21. I and my cousin's had some of those Zetas, they were a bit dodgy but great fun and a good launch could result in two loops before steading into a tidy glide. Usual end for the Zeta would be the fin pulling off at full stretch and then and uncontrolled splat on the ground.
  22. A 12v rheostat motor control would likely do the job. Find on Amazon. about Ā£12
  23. Hello Deano, and welcome to the forum. John.
  24. Hi Simon and welcome, A bit of glow fuel in the carb, little wad of cloth to hold it there should allow throttle barrel to free up after an over night soak. Send a drop down the feed pipe as well [take out needle valve]. Do not force it by levering with something metal in the venturi.
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