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Everything posted by Zflyer

  1. Yepnusing the same switches is tge answerm makez programming easier too. Yiu can also get switch covers with printed labels i.e. Flaps D/R etc.
  2. Just appeared in my E mail but is part of the consultation which I have not read in full yet but this is a heads up. https://consultations.caa.co.uk/future-safety/detect-and-avoid-policy-concept-consultation/?mc_cid=471ff7b7b6&mc_eid=0fa2134371
  3. Being strong is always the first thought. The 2nd should be being ready to have that cry, let your feelings known to someone, hopefully your wife or someone outside the family. It does take the pressure away. A close friend is best as the good lady will also have her moments. As a family you will all have those moments, the saving grace is the family. I wish you and those close to you strength
  4. Thanks to the team, I had a good time, all be it brief. John for the first question he asked, respect mate thank you. Mark for letting me fly the bixler with attached EDF. Hope to see you end of August.
  5. I have to say if i leave the aid at home while i go shopping everythings fine!!!
  6. Edge is open source. That is your Community. I am currently using Edge Tx and it is a learning curve of varying steepness. I had a query posted it on the appropriate forum and lo developer came back and sorted my problem.
  7. Skids!!! Only joking
  8. I think the best aid would be competence between the ears of drivers. Whulst we are keen to.pass candidates for our A test it seem to apply to driving test judging by my observation of some drivers. An 18yr old i know who recently passed his t3st and hasa car fitted with a black box for his insurance wants another car, reason his current one isnt fast enough!! I know we were all young once, however roads werenot as congested and carz not as quick. Doesnt matter if the brake quicker observation is all.
  9. On tak8ng mine the examiner called out the manouvers he wanted me to perform. I either did a circuit before execution or just went straighr into it i called a landing to change battery completed a check before taking off resuming thw test. Not a problem. Nerves of course. But all good ans a pass , thats when flying starts!!!. Examiners want to see you pass.
  10. I rhink itsmodel setup as you would have differong requirements for models. My Dx9 is 70 miles away do i cannot give you the hands on. Sorry. Have you looked on radion control groups forum
  11. I havent got mind to hand,but i think you inhibit first, toggle the switch,then go back to sort the track you want?
  12. Zflyer

    Electric Cars.

    Sorry don't see the relevance. Im sure everyone on here does their level best with recycling and being climate aware. The EV argument will resolve itself like all things overtime. Some can afford some cannot, some will change some will not, infrastructure exists or does not. EV's will no doubt be the transport system of the future, they are however not the panacea to all the worlds ills of climate change
  13. I note the above is a Dental Office.........yes you guessed it.........metal filling...........some extraction.
  14. The A certificate is a good standard to work from. Where potential members do not have the A cert it is reasonable to ask pertinent questions concerning safety on the ground and if satisfied then a member of the committee or club instructor should watch and ask the candidate to perform elements of the A test and where judged safe and competent welcome them aboard. Whilst it is correct to point out you may have taken the A years ago, I don't see everybody clamouring to have to redo their driving test, and many of us here Im sure passed it well over 50yrs ago, and vehicles then were not as quick as they are today, nor the roads as crowded.
  15. Now they show you how detergents take out bloodstains, a pretty violent image there. I think if you've got a T-shirt with a bloodstain all over it, maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem. Maybe you should get rid of the body before you do the wash. Anytime four Londoners get into a cab together without arguing a bank robbery has just taken place. I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets. Your best mate is the one that knocks on the door carrying a shovel when you have a body to bury
  16. I havent done the last two predictions. I did catch the comments post todat race though did not get to see it. Nice to see the Stewards placing the blame in the right diercetion. Nice to see the analysis showing they were right Nice to see Andrea STELLA making the honest comments about previous unpunished Red Bull incidents. Fully expected the response fro Two time World Champion Verstappen. (He was gifted one) Nice to see Horner turning into Ron Dennis. Currently watching England being neaten by Slovikia, I cant understand how they scored given we have eleven players in our own half!!!!
  17. Why not buy the plan and get the magazine for free!
  18. Some advice for the England football(?) team. You move forward towards the goal in front of you, if the goalkeeper looks familiar turn 180 degrees. Put ball in net, don't dance in the six yard box or practise ring a ring a roses in the opposition half!
  19. Handful of flights, but the sun was in eyel8ne had to wait for a cloud lol. Ideal for combat????
  20. Bright sunshine. Wind? questionable will know more when get to field. Suncream and water a must
  21. Cant remember but can it wired.
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