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Andrew Calcutt

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  1. You need a bigger prop,18x10,19x10 I had the same problem.I used an overlander motor but changed it for a dualsky and far better
  2. Finished the flaps today,fairly easy job,can't have a lysander without flaps.I will leave it silver,probably use a 6 cell battery with a overlander motor.
  3. I am thinking of fitting flaps to mine,would mean cutting the covering off the rear of the wing,also painting it
  4. Flew the warbirds replica 190 this morning, using Ron's excellent dolly,it flew well no trim needed,might take a bit of nose weight out for next time.All in all pleased with it
  5. Looks great loving the pilot,should have mine ready soon
  6. Can I ask you Ron where you got this,as I want to build one and can't find it on warbirds replicas website,thanks.
  7. Superb work,that is a big project but will be worth it
  8. The small amount they collect from fees,probaly funds 4-5 non jobs.We are walking eyes wide open,to a model flying ban.The airspace is not that busy at the heights we fly it's nonsense
  9. Won't need bmfa when model flying is banned,I will be imprisoned in a old people's home,anyone lucky to have a job will be employed by the state.
  10. Hope it's not cross wind this time,couldn't fly last year.
  11. I would fancy a new crossfire,might have a plan somewhere, from memory you used to stick the printed adhesive sheet containing bulkheads and ribs to balsa sheet and cut round them.
  12. I have a tank with 3 outlets,my silencer has no nipple on it,would you blank one tube off.Engine is a saito 40 fg.
  13. Don’t bother suggesting anything,they won’t listen to you.
  14. Try nylon,I’ve used plain from dunelm mill for net curtains,dope it on gives a good strong job you can paint.
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