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Everything posted by Basil

  1. I was told by a visiting BT engineer , after I commented about no power no phone, there is a phone available from BT, battery driven , that BT are in a position to supply . However BT have refused supply one to me. I assume that this is on a cost basis. I dont know what sort of appliance it is. It could be some kind of mobile !!!. I am in an area where power outage happens, due to overloads on overhead supplies. The electric company have me on a list, I am contacted when downtime is known in advance. Bas
  2. HI Peter, with the new phones, no power no phone. No Internet no phone. Youll all have one soon, thats if you have a LL. Bas
  3. I have the new phone ,I am talking Fibre land line, part of a package , weather I want it or not, it is now Fibre. Bt are installing these now!!!! EVERYBODY, with a LL will have one very soon, its not your choice. By the way I dont like them at all. Sound quality is crap, you have to use the dialing code input regardless for all local calls. If the internet goes down we have no TV , internet or phone, you need a mobile to keep contact, even to report a fault or any other subject re your phone.( How odd that you require a moblie in order to keep your land line going ) BT use my mobile to liasse with me on any subject. Where are we going????? Bas
  4. Thank you Leccy and Nigel for your advise. I will make some comment when I make a selection and fly it . Bas
  5. Can I ask this question again;............... Has anybody used an electric motor, on an Arising star ,and what prop please..............Some one must have. Thanks Bas
  6. Basil

    freddie B sauce

    Many thanks Martin.A bit comlicated at first site, will have to have a study. Bas
  7. HI, can anybody direct me to the thread that gives the formulea for this mix. I have read alot about it but cant find it.Thanks. Mgc6969 refers to his build and the use of it, but cant find the build in question. Bas
  8. I have just noticed 'The big red line' at the top of the page. What is it for, surely not another of these forceably added features that we are told we need, or some thing interseting.? Bas
  9. Has anybody used an electric motor in Arising star, if so what did you use . Thanks. Bas
  10. I remember seeing these, or similar , about common place.
  11. Ron, sorry to be such a pain but...... I have looked up 'Clearcote' but every thing from water based Acrylic to 2pack epoxy comes up. I am assuming that you were being specific in your reference to 'Clearcote', could you perhaps point to what sort of coating you are refering to. Sorry about this. If its just as a sealer what about water based acrylic?. Bas
  12. What about finishing the balsa with sanding sealer, gives a great surface and should take water based products as it has some polarity. Thats what we used to use to ready the balsa for some kind of finish. Bas
  13. I could start to give you reasons why anybody would even want a phone to do all those things but I get tied of typing.. Each for his own. First use of phone ..... to make phone calls. Use of computer ....... store data. Dont know how you cope with such a tiny screen. Bas
  14. I remember my first flight as a cadet, in full uniform, strapped into a 'chute, you need a leg up just to get in,well the safety briefing at least.( Piston engine). 'In the event that the pilot tells you to bail out; climb over the side of the cockpit , step off the wing/jump, count to three.' When you consider the speed you are going climbing over the side conjures all sorts of pictures, usually fear!!!. Particularly if you are not flying straight and level!!!. But IF youre told to bail out you just bloody well do it. I often have a chuckle. I cant imagine what a WW" fighter pilot must have encounted in trying to do the same.
  15. Ron , sorry slap my wrists for not paying attention, you quoted ' Water based laminating' resin not PVA. Do you know the basis of that resin (ie type) cant be the normal resin as in'Polyester' style GF resins, surely, cant imagine how they would be able to economically produce such a resin. Sorry to go on and on,. Bas
  16. Nothing wrong with building grade PVA, why pay thru' the nose for it. You make reference to using it with'Cloth/mesh' Are you alluding to using the PVA as the 'Binder' in a 'Layup' ref to 'Wing jioners'.? Bas
  17. Yes I understood you Ron, just wanted to make sure I had it right. Thanks again , Bas
  18. Thanks Ron, very informative. You did make reference to 'Ribs' but I thought the underlying surface was flat, made to look ribbed. I therefore assume that the BP was not used on open ribs !!!! Could you confirm this please. Great vid, thanks again. Bas
  19. Hi Micheal, I have used them , no probs. Heard negative thougths re Orange. Bas
  20. For those who missed it , the programme about Concord, very good. Bas
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