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Eric Robson

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Everything posted by Eric Robson

  1. That's a lot of money for a pair of wheels.
  2. All super efficient then 3 weeks for Royal mail to deliver.
  3. I had 6 more flights with my BF110 today, Mark the camera man took some more short vids. in the morning but the murky skies did not help. Typical after lunch the sun shone and it looked great against the blue sky. no problems with rubbing wheels. I was getting 6 min. flights with 3s 3000 batteries and 30% remaining.
  4. That was my thoughts Leccyflyer, look on You Tube.
  5. With the help of Richard Wills there is a short vid. of part of the maiden flight on the build thread. Thanks to all for the kind comments.
  6. I hope the wind speed is lower than up here Ron, it looks like an interesting project. DON'T FLY OVER BRENTFORD FOOTBALL GROUND THOUGH.
  7. Thanks John and Ron, Not much chance of getting one off Richard so made my own.
  8. Thanks Richard, I had to send the video to Richard to put up on the forum as my laptop would not send it , probably my fault. Sorry about the quality but it was cold and very windy and I was happy to get it back in one piece. next flight will be on a calmer day.
  9. Maiden flight today in high winds after trimming it flew quite well but had to hold it on down elevator to land as I had run out of trim now reset. At 3lb ready to fly it penetrated the wind quite well.
  10. Hi Graham, it is a super fast way of making an aeroplane but a word of warning. I stripped the paper off both sides of the fins and covered them in brown paper, they were flat until I painted them ,I painted both sides but this morning they had both warped. I did not have this problem with the Lightning that was painted maker foam but after a while the paper started lifting. I may have to use foam board which has the paper attached with a stronger adhesive. On yours with the single fin and rudder it may be better to laminate two pieces of maker foam. Cheers Eric.
  11. Hi Graham, that is looking good, no problems putting it on my thread but I think you should start one of your own as it may generate more interest. To balance mine I will have to revise the battery mounting, I did build a box going in to the nose but the tail end is so light it is nose heavy. It has 35 36 motors on 3s the same as the Lightning . Are you making a flat bottom wing? one of the flyers in my club has built a Lancaster and Halifax, conventional builds and he has Clark Y on one and semi symmetrical on the other and the Clark Y is the better of the two. Eric.
  12. Hi Danny, this is a DB S&S Auster my son built when the kit was £115. I remember him having problems with the glazing. It was electric powered and once in the air it did not want to come down , just floated on and on. His name was David.
  13. Almost done, a B&Q paint job, home made insignia total weight less battery is 2.5lb some more paint on the underside and some more crosses to make for the fuselage.
  14. Novak Djokovic has been approached to coach the England cricket team. It took Australia 2 weeks to get him out.
  15. I agree with you regarding the forum, I thought there would be more builds with the winter period. What has happened to the Fury builders ? some first class builds on there but not many completed, or have they been finished and not put on to the forum? If our club is any thing to go by there is only 3 or 4 builders the rest fly ARTF. There is a lot of banter at the flying strip but I think people are wary of putting any thing down now due to PC and offending someone. You are doing your usual great job on the Auster. Cheers Eric.
  16. One time at B&Q I wanted some paint mixed and they had no tester pots for the emulsion I said just put it in the other pot, the girl said she was not allowed as the tester pots have different bar codes. She said they had pots in for masonry paint and I was assured it was smooth so I tried it and I could not tell the difference, it was water based and went on just as well as the emulsion and up to now it has been fine.
  17. Hi Graham, the entire fuselage structure is foam board with the paper left on for strength the only balsa is the 3/16" sq. top and bottom. the side where the wing mounts is two layers of maker foam with the paper removed, on the side of the fuselage between the top and bottom formers there should be shaped formers 1/8" deep bridging the formers as this was going to be a faff I just stuck a 1/2" x1/8" strip along the fuselage to support the depron cladding, this worked fine. As it is going to be a one piece plane I have not used balsa or ply doublers, hopefully this will be ok as the Lightning does not have them and it has been alright. On the wing the only balsa is the main spar and the nacelle sides , the motor mounts are light ply. I have used 3/16" balsa for the tail plane seat as I thought the foam may give with the stress. Always cut the paper away on the maker foam before gluing and glue direct to the foam as the paper comes off very easy, the foam board from Hobby Craft etc. has stronger adhesive so I don't worry too much about removing the paper for doublers etc. Sorry for the late reply but I went flying. Eric.
  18. On the Mustang I sprayed the silver ,black , white and yellow with rattle cans from Halfords, the green is Valspar from B&Q brushed on after many flights and a front end rebuild it is still good.
  19. Thanks Graham. I never dope, my Warbirds models are just painted direct onto the brown paper with acrylics or Valspar from B&Q. and the glow models are primed with rattle can primer from the car accessory shop then B&Q paint followed by matt varnish, I try to avoid adding weight as much as possible. When I built the Flite test Lightning I put the fins on as supplied after a while the paper started pealing and I was forever sticking it back on. On the 110 I stripped the paper off the fins, shaped the edges and covered with b p , they feel a lot better than the waxy stuff and tougher and weigh exactly the same 0.14 of an ounce. Sorry to work in imperial but Richard always asks for it. Cheers Eric.
  20. It does come under objects that should not be there.?
  21. +2 for B&Q , a word of warning don't take a gloss sample, I bought a Kyosho Spitfire which was complete and had never been flown, the colours on the plastic covering were faded in places as if it had been in the sun. The problem was that it had become brittle on the wing which was only part sheeted. So after patching it up a couple of times I decided to strip it and cover with lam film which went well. I took a sample of the old covering to B&Q and the match was nowhere near the right colour. I have used B&Q on numerous occasions and until then always used a matt sample.
  22. Thanks David, I will keep that in mind for the next time, I just need to glue the wing and tail on and a few bits and bobs. The wing and tail plane will not be covered with brown paper but I reinforced the wing tips and fins with it, I had to cover one aileron as the covering on the maker foam come away. the motors with 8x8 props and 3s battery are churning out 365W and drawing 38 amps at 10v
  23. Hi Ken, I am at the other end O gauge, I don't do much now that I am back to aeroplanes but while my wife was alive I was looking after her almost 24/ 7. I tend to scratch build, the station is made from card and Depron the stonework was done with a pencil digging grooves it the white Depron then painted with acrylics. The loco is scratch built with brass and nickel silver. I will get back to it when I hang my flying boots up.
  24. Thanks LHF, all I could find on the Addlestone model website was 5mm black foam, I was aware the black is the same as the blue, what I was looking for was the 75mm thick sheets on the Blue foam website which is still called blue foam The foam I am using has taken the brown paper ok and now that is dry it is quite strong.
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