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ASP engines

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Andrew has hit the nail on the head.

The engines are the same, friends of mine have bought engines from both places and they are identical. The only issue is that IF something went wrong with the HK motor you are in for a 'fun' time where as JE have really good service and will help you out.

No matter who you buy from, make sure you run the engine in right...ie, ignore the instructions as they are out of date

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There is also the thorny question of supporting a UK business with an excellent reputation or sending your money off to China. Don't get me wrong, I buy plenty of items from HK, but at some point we really do need to consider whether we want UK based hobby suppliers or not, and how much it's worth in cash terms to be able to ring them up for help and advise.

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I've been using ASP engines for many years and have been very happy with their performance versus price. OK, they're not as powerful as an OS and the finish is not to the very high standard of more expensive motors, but with one exception I've never had one fail.

I get my engines from HK as the price is just too good to go anywhere else.



Edited By Cuban8 on 17/07/2015 10:37:47

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I have been generally happy with ASP although they are not as well made/finished as OS.

I recently bought an ASP120FS from HK (others have come from Just Engines) and found that the castings were not as well finished off as my other ASPs and some excess material prevents me from using my normal plug spanners. The general finish of the engine is not up to the other ASPs I have bought. However - the important bit - this is the first ASP I have had a problem setting up and it has had a history of running rich on the bottom end - I've done everything, tank, lines, leaks etc even replaced the carb but it will only continue running when throttled back if the mixture is set rich. When in flight the engine works fine above slow running. At about the same time I bought a new OS 120 FS - - marvellous! No problems at all.

While I think the ASPs are excellent value for money (I own a few!) OS do have a better quality of build and I think the metallurgy is a step up too. Are OS worth the price differential - yes but I can't afford all OS.

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Posted by Jon Harper on 17/07/2015 12:27:03:
Posted by Bob Cotsford on 17/07/2015 09:42:57:

There is also the thorny question of supporting a UK business with an excellent reputation or sending your money off to China.

Too right Bob. Everyone buy a Laser

Beyond the pockets of most modellers, unfortunately. Laser will always be a niche manufacturer given that they tend to concentrate on the larger and more exclusive motors.

Just checked their website and a more reasonably sized 120 is £328 including postage which is cheaper than an equivalent OS, but then many of us find that three hundred odd quid for a 120 FS is beyond our means anyway, hence the popularity of ASP and SC.

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judging from the engines that I have owned the Surpass 120 III is more powerful than an older ASP 120 FS and easier to get well tuned, but it's about the only case where I've found OS to be significantly better than ASP or SC. Admittedly my SC65FS and SC 53 2 stroke did wear out after only about 15 or so years use and probably didn't match their OS equivalents from the early 90s but I think the more modern versions give OS a run for their money.

Mmmm Lasers - pity about the carb placement as I reckon that's what puts many folk off them. Will I buy one when I need another engine? Depends on the airframe, and whether the petrol versions hit the streets at a reasonable price.

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I have a significant birthday in Sept and have decided to buy myself a new Laser 120 for the DB Hurricane kit sitting in the loft just because I deserve it! Got a couple of Lasers already both bought second hand - Laser 80 and a Laser 150 (just sent to Lasers for a service!).

They are moorish.......devil!

Edited By Terry Walters on 17/07/2015 13:33:12

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Dave, no two strokes in the Laser Range

Terry, Laser 120 in a DB hurricane? If its the model im thinking of (88 inches and 20+lbs flying weight) then it will never get off the ground

Bob, pricing of the petrol version is likely to put the cat amongst the pigeons

Cuban, im not suggesting for a second that everyone can afford a Laser. As I teenager I couldn't so went for ASP. If you can stretch to the initial outlay, the Laser will outlive the ASP many times over so in the long run is very cost effective.

Edited By Jon Harper on 17/07/2015 16:18:16

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Posted by Jon Harper on 17/07/2015 16:13:02:

Terry, Laser 120 in a DB hurricane? If its the model im thinking of (88 inches and 20+lbs flying weight) then it will never get off the ground

Sorry Jon brain overheating here with our continuing heat wave and the prospect of my significant birthday - it's the Brian Taylor one! angel!


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ahhh, for thr BT it will be perfect. Slightly overpowered perhaps, especially if built light, but in general it will be spot on. I think the firewall needs to go back by 10mm or so but beyond that its all good.

Anyway, before we get told off for getting off topic we best talk Chinese engines again

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The Sale at hobby King at the moment can not be beaten on price.

Bought two engines this morning.

HK ASP fs 52 £62.20 Just Engines £104.80

HK ASP fs 91 £82.10 Just Engines £ 137.86

This is from the UK warehouse, and the postage would only be £6.25 . 24 parcel force for both or £5.20 for one.

Support UK shops fine but not at that price £42.60 and £55.76 thats the difference in price

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I bought a set of retracts. 35 quid including post, it would have been near 90 from a shop.

I know we should support the local shops, and if it were a matter of a few quid then people would, but in the face of this type of saving its not easy to say no

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I'm lucky enough to be able to afford a Laser if I really wanted one, but I tend to get a bit twitchy when the price of a motor approaches £200 and I certainly can't justify spending twice or three times that for any engine. Horses for courses - one pays ones money etc.

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