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View last post in a thread first - make the change permanent.

Chris Bott

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This is a simple one. Having clicked on a thread title in any list of new posts, I was always taken to the first post of that therad. That's not what I wanted. So to switch this to always take you to the latest post, try this:-

Click on your name (Top right). Go to Account Settings and then click Content View Behaviour
Change to - Take me to the latest comment and then hit Save


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3 hours ago, Tosh McCaber said:

Thanks for that Dave.  Sorry to be a bit thick, but after I've clicked on my Name, I can't find tye text"Account Settings"

One other query whilst I'm here- where do I find the box to tick for email notifications for replies in threads?

You should see something like this, Tosh


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Once in Account Settings, there's a box on the right called Other Settings. In that box you'll see Notification Settings.

Have a play in there. You should be able to get email notifications for "followed" topics. You'll also have to "Follow" the topics (Threads) that you want notifications about.

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