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First taste of the sky


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32 minutes ago, toto said:



However, better news ...... it looks like I will be losing one of my dysfunctional, one man crime wave neighbours. Not confirmed as such but a very strong rumour from a good source. .... this means that I can make use of the good weather and do some of my model set ups outside the shed as there will be no prying eyes.


Cheers for now.



If people have never had bad neighbours then they should consider themselves very, very fortunate. Years ago the house nextdoor that had lovely people in it was sold by them and then rented out. Three years of pure hell ensued caused by various short term tenants who didn't give a stuff about the property or anyone else.

Had to move away in the end.

BTW, before anyone takes me to task, I'm not saying all tenants are feral scum - I guess we were just very unlucky.

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My quiet disabled neighbour recently passed away and the young couple who moved in seem to think that letting their 2 screaming offspring play 6 feet from our lounge window (shared drive) is the thing to do, despite having a garden equipped with swings and trampoline!

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Yes ..... unfortunately we can't pick our neighbours ..... just the way we shoot them....... :classic_angry:


Visited my old club today. 2 members were there. The score line was 1 - 1 both having written off 1 model apiece  and trying hard not to increase the score line any further .... agreeing with the draw. 


It was a bit gusty up there but I had not taken model with me anyway so .... it made no difference to me. I've not checked the forecast for tomorrow yet but ..... weather permitting, I may visit and take something with me. 


It was good just to have the chat for a while enjoying the company.


Who knows ...... maybe tomorrow.





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So ...... phone call last night confirms a possibility of some stick time on Wednesday night.


If I can finish work for five o'clock..... depending on the traffic on the Edinburgh bypass ..... I could be on the field by about six and get two or three flights in.


Fingers crossed and an eye on the what's app page in case anything changes.


Things are looking up two flying sessions per week.


I need to try an look out a copy of the BMFA A test flying schedule. I only have the LMA version printed off at the moment. ..... tonight's homework.



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Well ..... the 5 o'clock finish is out of the question. 


I am awaiting an email from a Client which is due and looks like it will go too the wire. I'm twiddling my thumbs as I type.


One consolation is that I have received a WhatsApp from the site saying that the wind is on forecast for 10 mph but is gusting up to around 20mph making take off's and landings a bit of a challenge.


Don't feel so bad ..... looks like an hour or two in the shed at best.


There is always Saturday.



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5 hours ago, toto said:


One consolation is that I have received a WhatsApp from the site saying that the wind is on forecast for 10 mph but is gusting up to around 20mph making take off's and landings a bit of a challenge.


Strength is less of an issue than direction, if down the strip 10-20mph is fine. 👍

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Hmmmm . 


I think by the sound of the feedback I had, it was crosswinds.


A couple of other newbies were definitely struggling making things unpleasant. My decision not to go was made for me due to overlapping work commitments so I'm glad it was sort of taken out of my hands. I have flown in crosswinds before on the same site. Readings of 20 - 25 mph gusts and came out of it fine but you can certainly notice the difference.


Anyway .... my Supercub survives to see another day ..... :classic_laugh:


Until Saturday anyway ...... :classic_laugh:





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17 minutes ago, toto said:

Some folks have all the luck .....:classic_laugh:


Very nice colour scheme indeed. Very vibrant.


Excellent Aidan



Thanks Toto for your kind words.  Two weeks ago it was a very different story.  Both myself and the cameraman were nearly eaten alive by swarms of midges in their millions that night.  It was remincent of a Hammer Horror film from the 70s, but Aidan didn't bow down to them, he gallantly kept filming on through the invasion and I did my best to keep an eye on the plane lol

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Yes ... the midges are horrendous.


I am going to Glendochart up near Crianlaraich on 1st week in July for a holiday and I fully expect to encounter a whole gang of them. They come tooled up with boots on and mean business. Even have their own flick knives over our way.:classic_ninja:



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11 minutes ago, toto said:

Yes ... the midges are horrendous.


I am going to Glendochart up near Crianlaraich on 1st week in July for a holiday and I fully expect to encounter a whole gang of them. They come tooled up with boots on and mean business. Even have their own flick knives over our way.:classic_ninja:



Lol lol 😂 

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So ..... its Friday .... yes .... the day before Saturday .... and you know what that means....


Battery duty. This could be a quick affair as they were charged last week and never used. The weather is looking favourable so I'll have all the gear ready to pack in the car for tomorrow.


I'm hoping for a minimum of 4 possibly 5 flights .... but pack 8 batteries ..... you just never know although going on past experience, I don't think I could manage 8 flights. Just too much.


I think it will be figure 8's, procedure turns, aborted landings and start getting my mind around bringing everything together towards attempting the A cert pattern in the correct order as if under examination. We'll see. Maybe the latter will fall into the following weekend. Either way .... I need to start thinking about it. I think my individual manoeuvres need a little further polishing first.


Should be a good day.



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Everything packed in the car except for the Lipos which stay in the sh3d until tomorrow.


Just as well I pack3d the model as one of the plastic brackets that fastens the wing struts to the wing had came loose. That would have been a disaster if I hadn't noticed that before arriving at the field. Some aliphatic glue on the offending article will see it set by the morning.


All good to go now. ..... just need to remember the batteries .....:classic_laugh:


Cheers for now



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Back from the field .......


Four flights today. Could probably had another quite easily but had to get home at a reasonable time as I have a night out tonight. There was also another two " pilots in training " :classic_laugh: really nice guys. So we were sharing the Mentor time.


In fact now that I think about it .... he was really kept going ...... don't know hoe ne manages the non stop nature of switching between 3 students at different stages, models etc etc. Hats off to him. A great asset to our club indeed.


Had a couple of dodgy take off attempts today as although the sun was out, so was the wind, especially towards the end of the day. Done some great circles, procedure turns in the wind today which always helps learn you how to anticipate the models behaviour and how to approach manoeuvres differently to " work with the wind ".


Anyway ..... one of my train8ng chums is looking to replace his very used apprentice and is thinking about  FMS Beaver. So after consultation with my mentor, we have agreed that I will take mine down and use it for the day inorder to let the others have a look over it. However, I will ( happily ) be back to the Supercub after that. I have flown it before and found it quite good as the large 2m wingspan make it floatier than a big floaty thing. Its weight also gives it an advantage in windy conditions as it tends not to be hauled about as much.


We will see. ..... that's the plan but I will onlytake it down if my buddy confirms he will definitely be there .... otherwise ..... its my " Superhero " ....... the Supercub ..... :classic_laugh:.


Great day had in what has undoubtedly been the best weather so far ........ more of the same please.



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Amazing day ..... and a great night to finish it off.


Out for a few beers and an amazing steak ...... my missus was at home on toast and cheese. :classic_laugh: oh well ..... her turn next time.


Hedge trimming tomorrow ..... back to reality.


Now .....a red wine to finish it .... or me ..... off.


Have a great weekend everyone.





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So ..... Sunday over ..... the rest of my domestic duties are over ..... my daughters wedding speech progressed sufficiently towards completion with still 5 weeks to go ... so plenty time to finish it.


Bust tomorrow night with another couple of domestics ..... then ...... Tuesday through to Friday night to refresh my spent batteries, charge my transmitters and to get the FMS Beaver back on the stand and get my two TX's talking too each other in time for Saturday's re-maiden.


Fingers crossed we have a repeat of this weekends weather to enable another 4 or 5 flights with the Beaver and let my fellow newbie student see it in the flesh. He is considering buying one .... the reason for me resting the Supercub next weekend. .....So I need to remember to charge the 6S batteries .... not the 4S batteries.


I'll be watching the forecasts as the week progresses.


Cheers for now



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I'll need to read up on binding transmitters again as it is completely out of my head. .... memory like a sieve.


That's tomorrow nights task as I charge my 6S's. 


You wouldn't think something could be largely forgotten over such a short period of time .... definitely an age thing.



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