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First taste of the sky


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Weather's looking rubbish for the coming week here in N. Essex. Raining now and windy. Overcast, windy and chilly tomorrow and very unsettled for the rest of the week by the look of it. Not much hope for improvement in the coming fourteen days according to the forecast as the bad weather systems driving all this seem to be showing no signs of dispersing.

Trying to use the time to catch up with model maintenance and completion of projects amongst other more mundane domestic tasks. Don't do riding in the rain these days so can't even get out on the Motorbike to blow the cobwebs off and raise the spirits as biking tends to do.

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Visited my old club today making arrangements to be solo'd there. 


The plan I to fly there on a Sunday and at East fortune on the Saturday in order to get my practice time up towards my A test.


The chances are it will be on my old clubs site where I am tested so familiarity will be good.  Not only that but once I am through my solo at the old club, I don't need to have anyone standing by my side so can take advantage of spare time slots without relying on having somebody babysitting me.


I was chatting to my likely area Examiner as well and he is going to put me through some mock tests / exam conditions. .... so my stick time is about to increase a bit to both Saturday and Sunday over the next few months ..... depending on attaining my second club solo ..... and of course ..... as always ...... the weather playing ball.



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I thinking going on battery charging duty tonight.


There was a shout went out for a potential flying opportunity for tomorrow night. Wednesday is the clubs main midweek training night.


I can't guarantee being finished work early enough to take advantage but there is no harm in being ready if things do work out. If not.... the batteries will do for the weekend.


Something to do I suppose.





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Thanks Simon .... 


as I say .... its all dependent on finishing work at a reasonable time. I have to use the Edinburgh bypass to get there and if there are any kind of minor incidents on it ( which on a daily basis there invariably is ) you are in mile long tail backs and by the time I made the field ..... it just would not be worth the fuel costs.


I am keen to go as I want to have the stick time but not at any cost for maybe 1 or 2 flights maximum as it could well end up.


I'll do my best as I have all the motivation needed ...... I'm solo ..... 😄


cheers buddy



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3 hours ago, toto said:

I thinking going on battery charging duty tonight.


There was a shout went out for a potential flying opportunity for tomorrow night. Wednesday is the clubs main midweek training night.


I can't guarantee being finished work early enough to take advantage but there is no harm in being ready if things do work out. If not.... the batteries will do for the weekend.


Something to do I suppose.





I hope you do get flying tomorrow night Toto.  I'm going flying also as its going to be dead calm   

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Visited the field but didn't get flying. 


Dropped off the Domino for its new owner and just watched one of my club mates do a flight before coming back up the road. 


lets wait and see what the weekend brings ..... 65% chance of rain on Saturday after 11.00 am .... you never know .... that could change.



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Unfortunately Aidan the video cameraman was at a school musical tonight Toto watching his young relatives taking part, so was at the flying field on my own.  The plane flew great and hopefully young Aidan will be with me next time round.  Many thanks for your kind comments Toto on the photograph.   Cheers.   Aidan

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Well ... definitely no flying this weekend ..... that's confirmed.


Looks like shed time instead. Maybe best as I had come down with a sort of flu type bug which started Thursday and is still with me a little bit. Hit my bed last night at 7 o'clock and apart from an hour at around 1 o'clock this morning, that's me just surfacing. A great sleep. Must have need it.


So I'll hit the shed later maybe around mid day and see what I can get up to. I know I have a couple of models which I have built but have not finished binding with both transmitters as yet. I'm now flying solo but still like to have all my flyable models bound to the buddy system just in case it's needed. That's my current policy.


Apart from that, there are maybe a few small tasks that I can do ..... nothing too involved as my flu bug maybe subsiding a bit but I still generally feel tired and a bit crap yet.


Hope the rest of you guys are enjoying the day.



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So ........ off I went into the shed and had a tidy up .....


and I discover after a reshuffle  .....




space ..... lots of it .....




see what I mean .......


Well ..... I couldn't have that ...... so I'm thinking ...... I'm paying handsomely for all this real estate .... and some of it is going to waste ...... very inefficient ....... So I thought I'd solve the issue ........ with one of these .....


Freewing AL37 Airliner Twin 70mm EDF Jet - PNP [FJ31513P] Motion RC


When discovering the Freewing PJ50 Business Jet and wrestling in my mind as to whether to buy that or .... the above, I settled for the PF50. However, when I saw the finish on the PF50 which was inherited from the design of the AL37 .... I knew that any excuse would soon prevail. .... Well it has ....... all this space.


It will not be able to be built until I sort the new mancave out  ( maybe cart before the horse here ..... again ... ) but I am in the advanced stages of addressing that plan. I am convinced that this will happen this year maybe towards the third quarter of the year, preferably not over the winter months.


Anyway .... the above is now on order and is absolutely the last model purchase of 2024. 


can't wait to get my hands on this even if I can only look and dream for now.


If interested ..... keep your eyes open for a sneak peak at some point next week when it arrives and I check it out for any transit damage.







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I really hope you’re going to stick at this hobby Toto else you’ll have wasted thousands. 
Unfortunately I’ve seen others buy lots of kit like this in the first rush of enthusiasm only for them to get bored and drift away once they could fly to a reasonable standard. Good for the rest of us to pick up some great second hand bargains though…..

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PDB ... you are correct .... no Helicopter ....... but ......




you have obviously not been paying attention ...... because ... I have one of these .....




and these ......... go to the back of the class ........ silly boy 😄


keep up please





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Hi David ...... I'm sure there will be a few good bargains cross the threshold ...... but leaving ain't one of the options.


I'm here .... or in the hobby at least .... for the long term. 


The choices are many but I am getting towards the end of my areas of interest. There will inevitably be casualties in what I have bought so far, especially once I start flying more " unattended " the collection will be thinned out and many of these would not be replaced. I'll get down to a core of favourites which I will keep, maintain or and replace.


If I get to fly these even for a reasonable number of flights and enjoy the experience, I will have had my monies worth. ..... whilst I still can from a health ( and wealth ) point of view ...... you only live once and there are no pockets in shrouds.


lets wait and see.


enjoy your flying and if you see something that you really want ........ and are in the fortunate position to be able to afford it ....... have it, you are a long time dead.





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There are many unbuilt ... unflown models in the shed but the current ... bigger ... project of the new mancave and my progress in my flying ability will attend to a bit more of that.


I have models which are just too unrealistic for me at the moment as they will involve a further learning curve ..... IC engines etc and although purchased, have been put back to the back of the pile. Some ... may never been flown, I really don't know, but I wont be the only dead EX flyer who's passion gets passed on to somebody else ( some very lucky somebody 😄).


All joking apart, my RC plane wish list has diminished some what and at this moment, the only other model which is out of stock is the flightline Liberator which was ahead of the current two EDF purchases that I have bought. I've a great choice of what to fly .... when the time comes and believe me I'll be pushing that envelope at every ( hopefully ) sensible opportunity. I'll soon start getting my money back.


There will hopefully soon be some video's of some of my ... probably basic, uninteresting, newbie flights before long.



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