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FMS Pa 18 1700mm Super Cub


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Thanks John,


It's good to have the bigger battery witnessed and confirmed. I have a few 4s variants that I can try out and the 2200's can be assigned to something. Ore suitable.


The Super Cub is a large model so I was surprised at the suggestion of 2200's to start with.


Cheers for now



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  • 1 month later...

  • 2 months later...

Hi guys. Great forum and lots of information here. I'm looking to buy super cub 1700mm just have one question concerning the material. I had Votec 322 from fms and the EPO was pretty easy to dent and squeeze and the paint was pealing on edges. I recently saw a timber from E-flight and the material felt much stiffer. Thank you Radek

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Hi Radek,


I think you will get on OK with the Super Cub. I personally love it. Its been nothing but a good experience so far.


One thing to look out for however ....... some of the plastic parts which interface with the foam look like an initial push fit at the factory. I believe they are glued and then pushed into place and left to set. .... I have found that two pieces so far have became " undone " and I am having to reglue them back into place. 


I think it is no more than just insufficient glue at the time of assembly. One of the parts is a joint between the wing strut and the wing itself and the other which I only discovered after this latest weekend s flying is at the wing root.


I will be gluing that back into place ( probably ) tonight and I will post a couple of photographs to illustrate the issue clearly.


It's not something that would put me off buying the model again if I ever have to. Its a simple fix and just reinforces the need to check your model over after a days flying.


I'll post the images up later and you can decide for yourself.



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OK .... as mentioned above ..... the plastic and foam joint at the wing root has come apart.




this is the one .....




it just slides off .....




and this is what we have got ......




so the weapon of choice is this ..... Super Phatic glue .....




some inside the plastic housing ..... there is actually more there than what appears. 




and a little more on the foam faces ...... not a huge amount needed as it is quite a reasonably tight slide on fit ....




and back on it goes , now being left to set. 


I mentioned that another part had done the same .... separation between the foam on the wing and the strut ....




and here is the join that I repaired before ......




and the bigger picture.


I have checked all the other similar type plastic to foam joints and they seem solid enough but will keep an eye on them anyway.


Again .... nothing major if you know to watch for it. I may have just been fortunate that I picked up on them before they had a chance to put the model in any risk. ..... would not put me off another ..... great model



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The next job ..... the last I think was the fitting of the dubro wheels that I bought for it as the stock items are a bit on the hard side.


first ....the originals .....




to be replaced with .....




for which I need ....




to do this .....




in order to get to this .....




yessssss ..... the old circlip chestnut ..... Boooooo, I don't like them .....




the wheel goes on but needed a couple of washers behind it as the width of the wheel itself was slightly narrower and was giving to much movement and too much space between the wheel hub and the circlip.


anyway ....... here she is in all her glory .....




I am thinking of trying to add a blob of something on the outside of the circlip to try and add a bit more security ..... but what .... solder ..... CA ..... all answers on a postcard please.



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  • 6 months later...
On 16/02/2024 at 01:33, Steve Colman said:

Yeh, the black wheel cap needs to be prised off somehow. I drilled a small hole in mine and then used a small allen key to pull it off the hub. If you're careful there's less damage to the cap than levering it off with a scredriver or similar. See the first pic.


With the cap removed you will find the wheel retained by a circlip. This, of course, needs to be removed before the wheel can be. Then, depending on your new wheels you may have to find a new method of securing them to the axle. I used collets as seen in the second pic. The wheels are from the Hobbyking Avios Grand Tundra.


Hope this helps and look forward to seeing your result.





What is the axle diameter on this airplane?


Thank you! 


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  • 3 weeks later...



As a few may know ..... I managed to write this off ....... a very sad day as I loved this model. I feel I achieved much with it ( attaining Solo at one point ) and some well needed confidence.


So ..... as I was pondering my 2025 plan of attack with an arrows Husky ..... much the same but 100mm wider wingspan and a 6s battery ...... I decided to buy another supercub ..... such was my confidence with it and it's configuration.


Madness or not ....... this will be my replacement tor the sad demise of the previous one ...... hoping to take delivery within the next few days from Wheels spin Models,  do the assembly then start pushing for an early start to the flying season ...... winter ot not.





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Posted (edited)

Just to confirm .... there won't be any second assembly on this ( you'll be happy to hear ) but since racking up a few basic assembly posts on various models, there are maybe one or two other elements that should be included but were not.


I'm thinking specifically the calibration of the ESC prior to setting up and the setting up and programming to the transmitter itself. Don't know if this is of any real interest but seem to be items that are not covered as much. ..... any comments welcome if you would prefer that I should not go there.





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So ...... a further setback and no sign of the Royal Mail today either even though they reported having this model in Edinburgh central depot.


I'm confident it will arrive tomorrow and I have had permission signed off from SWMBO to assemble it in the house tomorrow night as the shed is just too cold at night ...... the temperature seems to plummet after say 17.00pm.


So to get myself back on track for having the Supercub ready for next weekend fingers crossed I at least get the assembly out the way tomorrow night. I can also charge my transmitters indoors as well. It will just be down to the LIPO's needing charged, the ESC being calibrated and the transmitter set up and buddy box being set up.  


How frustrating....... so much for 48 hour delivery about 6 days later from order. No critisism of Wheel Spin models, they had it despatched the next day ...... hats off to them.



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So ..... not another build but just showing a quick summary ....




the new Supercub in the box ......




fuselage on the stand .....




and a very low parts count on the work bench .....




more or less built .....




took about 15 minutes to get it to this stage ...... Super easy Supercub .....




left the elevator connection until after its been paired to the receiver ..... to allow the servos to centre ....




my weapon of choice .... a Spektrum AR620 ( no stabilisation ) .....




and the ( included ) reflex stabilisation system disconnected / bypassed .....




this cable now becomes redundant .....




destructions with the Supercub shows this plug in configuration to the receiver but I have used the TAER system as from memory .... even though the destructions calls out for the above ..... its incorrect. I'll find out when I bind the TX with the RX.




these cables that go between the Reflex system and the RX are now redundant.




and we are left with this ......


So tomorrow night .... check the batteries ..... check the transmitter ...... bind ...... do an ESC calibration ....... check the servo's for centre and programme the various settings, set the throttle cut etc, bind the Spektrum NX8 with the buddy box Spektrum NX6 and we are ready to take her to the field for a range check and its maiden.


back in the driving seat again for 2025 ..... bring it on.





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40 minutes ago, toto said:

So tomorrow night .... check the batteries ..... check the transmitter ...... bind ...... do an ESC calibration ....... check the servo's for centre and programme the various settings, set the throttle cut etc, bind the Spektrum NX8 with the buddy box Spektrum NX6 and we are ready to take her to the field for a range check and its maiden.

Don't forget to configure and test your failsafe 👍

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Ahhhhhh ..... forgot about that.


Question is ..... at what point in the process is this done ?


1. Calibrate ESC 

2. Throttle cut

3. General set up of hi, mid and low rates.


Does the failsafe need to be set up at any particular stage ?



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Hmmmmm ........ tonight is the night. 


Just awaiting tea to be delivered then it's out to the shed to start messing around with all this black magic jiggery  pockery stuff.


One or two videos to watch just to follow some steps again in particular with the fail safe and the calibration. Once I have all that stuff set and tested on the NX8, it's time to buddy up to the NX6.


If I feel confident that I have it all tied up properly ...... its off to the field tomorrow for my first flight of the year .... likewise ...... if confidence is low ..... it will be put back a week until the following weekend. Taking no chances. Can't wait to get back in the air .......



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