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Hello, Help and advice required


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Hello Everyone,

I am hoping i can get some help and advice.

My late father was into aero modelling when he was younger, he used to compete locally and nationally and then rediscovered his hobby later in life.

I've inherited a lot, or what i consider a lot, probably about 40 Model aircraft engines from various manufacturers. for example O.S. Max, Veco, PAW, Blue Bird.

Many are new in the box, and never used, seemd he collected the engines but never got round to using them. Some seem quite vintage while others a bit more modern.

Is there any value in them to anyone these days ?, i know this is enitrely subjective, but i also dont want to just give them away.

Sadly aero modelling is not my hobby am too busy with classic cars and restoration and racing.

I've attached a small selection of what i have.

Any advice appreciated many thanks






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Dan, the answer is yes they are worth something, just not a lot unfortunately.


Friend just bought an unflown trainer (all servos and unused OS 40LA plus glow stick and fuel pump) for £80, seller added a couple more engines for an extra £10.


You could contact your local model club, or Ebay is probably your best bet.


Or list them on here.

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All of the engines in the picture are two strokes and fewer and fewer people are using two strokes these days. They are being replaced by electric motors which are cleaner and quieter and the PAW diesels are very much a niche market.


I plan to build a very light vintage model over the winter and to power it with a 2.5cc two stroke engine, usually called a 15 in aeromodelling circles, 0.15 cubic inch. OS engines are like VW cars, the industry standard. I have just bought an OS 15 for £10 on a well-known internet auction site.


Sorry to be a Jonah.

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Hi David,


No problem any advice is helpful, i guess my dad was just being old school and buying up what he knew best.

I understand the move over to electric, i guess i can just slowly sell them on to any enthusiasts through auctions etc.



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I would suggest taking the engines to a swopmeet such as the BMFA one at Buckminster ( Grantham area) on Oct 13th to get a reasonable price.   Any engine in new order might fetch at least £10  and those new in box a fair bit more.   Those rare engines which are collectors items should be identified as they might be worth a lot more.   List the names and no doubt someone on the forum will tell you if they are rare.

My view is that selling direct to an enthusiast is preferable.  There is some satisfaction in seeing the inherited items going direct to someone who will use it and if you do underprice it at least the goods go back into the hobby rather than some dealer.

Edited by kc
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If you are in no rush then you could wait for the next auction organised by the British Model Flying Association (which virtually all the UK based active model flyers are members of). There are a couple held over the winter, they attract several hundred lots and about 80% of the entries are model engines. They attract an active buyer base and the fees are competitive.


I've just seen a poster for the next one:


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4 hours ago, kc said:

...My view is that selling direct to an enthusiast is preferable.  There is some satisfaction in seeing the inherited items going direct to someone who will use it and if you do underprice it at least the goods go back into the hobby rather than some dealer.

This ^  🙂

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