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Everything posted by FlyinBrian

  1. Not to take anything away from JE I have found them to be very good to deal with but I think the law on distance / online selling by retailers specifies that if the goods ordered are not delivered the retailer is responsible for refund / replacement. Any lawyers out there
  2. I think the more experienced modellers (read old like me) don't believe that high quality is available at such a reasonable price. However having seen some of the FRSky and other less expensive kit available I think my Futaba T14SG was overpriced when I bought it 2 years ago. But when I look at a Jetti Tx I really want one - only thing stopping me is price.
  3. How strongly does the laminating film shrink? I am sure this has been covered - sic - in the preceding 8 pages however I am planning to cover a glider wing, it's an OD and quite a strong construction with a D box at the front and cap strips. Now I know I could build a test piece of wing but I don't want to repeat someone else's work needlessly. Thanks FB
  4. You also have the option of Lithium Ion for your motor drive cells, these are available in cylindrical metal packages of various capacities, though not so many options as LiPo. They are purported to be safer than Lipo's, I have used a few 18650 sized cells sourced from https://www.fogstar.co.uk/. They would need making up into packs of whatever size you need Cells are 3.6 / 3.7 V nominal and 4.2V fully charged, I have seen some advertised as able to supply 30A other sized cells have capacities up to 5000mAh
  5. Umpty ten years ago a friend of mine arrived at my then club field, said he had stopped in traffic on the way and a chap in the car next to him said there was summat on't roof. It was his Futaba Tx. All I can say he he must be a much more gentle and smooth driver than me. Fortunately I have never left my Tx on the outside of the car except when I have left it at home!
  6. There seems to be reasonable stocks at the moment, just bought some transparent yellow and some red.
  7. I regularly fly a WHIZZA which has no U/C, I can't remember when I last broke a prop (famous last words)
  8. I have a Futaba T14SG, great transmitter. To use telemetry you need a receiver that will support it. I use 7008 rx which come a standard with Reciver voltage, RF strength and External Voltage telemetry. Other telemetry is supported via the SBUS2 port however you need dedicated sensors and some are quite expensive. "External Voltage" monitoring uses a dedicated port on the rx and requires you to get the required plug and wire it to whatever voltage you are wishing to monitor. To be honest if I was buying a new Tx now I would be seriously considering the FRSKY stuff, even their ESC's have telemetry and its clever telemetry at that.
  9. You are brave man holding doped nylon in front of a fire!!!
  10. Hi I have only had experience of Orange DSM2 receivers which seem to work fine, Lemon seem to have a good rep but have not heard much about Redcon
  11. If you are filling balsa then a diluted coat of PVA glue is a quick and easy option for sealing. Also if the hollow in balsa is a dent rather than a dig just dampen-ing the area is often effective in swelling the balsa back to size
  12. Keep in mind that a fully charged 4 cell Nimh battery will be around 5.5v so there is plenty of headroom before the rx has any low voltage issues. IIRC Futaba rx will work ok down to about 3v. As has been said using normal servos in sports models there will be no issue.
  13. You need Malcom Holts book "Futaba T14SG Programming for Fixed Wing Aircraft" available from Amazon
  14. I only use OS and Enya plugs, never gave me any issues. Sure they are not the cheapest but last for ages and perform well
  15. I like the fact that if the NEXUS web site says it is in stock IT IS.
  16. I often landed mine without Flaps/Crow especially in a breeze so I am sure flaps would be fine.
  17. This is how I removed a stuck camshaft bearing on an ASP 120 FS, they were brown with rust and stuck fast. - I had tried heat without success. This relates to the bearing opposite the removable plate. I thoroughly washed out the bearing with cellulose thinners, then left a pool of thinners covering the bearing overnight. I emptied the thinners out the following morning and let the bearing dry. I took a length of studding about 30cm long (5mm I think) and ground the threads on the end to be an interference fit into the inner race of the bearing. I then put a drop of cyano around the end that had been ground and inserted it into the bearing and left it about a half hour. At the other end of the studding I put an oversize washer and nut. With the crank case supported by a vice with the studding pointing down I heated the area around the bearing with a heat gun the put an adjustable spanner above the nut and closed the jaws till it was just touching the studding the gave the jaws a solid tap with a hammer. The bearing came out on the first tap.
  18. Andy Positive enthusiastic people like yourself!
  19. I have several Futaba "FAASTEST" and "FAST" rx, I agree they are not cheap but the FAASTEST units have inbuilt telemetry for signal strength and rx voltage. plus of course " SBUS" which can be useful. I also use FRSKY FAAST rx's which work fine. Its horses for courses, I use the cheaper rx for small models and foamies and the FASSTEST rxs in large planes and gliders. While my !4 SG Tx (FAAST, FAASTEST and FHSS) was c£525 with a 7008 rx two years ago they can be had SH for 200 - 250 now.
  20. I bought an OS 40 or 46 FX in the early 90's, at that time they were distributed by Irvine. It suffered from the peely liner problem so as I worked in London at the time I took it to Irvine Engines. Firstly they disputed there was a problem and claimed some foreign body must have got into the engine then they agreed to replace the piston and liner however they said the bearings were damaged and this was unrelated to the liner problem - After a long and meaningful discussion it was agreed the bearings would be replaced FOC. However due to the problem with the liners they had no spares and could not say when they were expecting any. Fortunately it was only a couple of days wait before my motor was fixed.
  21. Bob, where do you buy such light weight LiPOs?
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