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Bob Burton

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  1. Looks like you need to subscribe to read it
  2. You can always add them to the Supercub later 😆
  3. Or just https://www.amazon.co.uk/DJI-Stabilization-Transmission-Resistance-Intelligent/dp/B0CXJ9GM3G
  4. You don't need a Flyer ID if the drone is under 250 grams, but it recommended that you get one
  5. Someone wrote the software and distributed it
  6. It sounds like some remains of a drone have been found in the wing so there is a chance that the operator can be identified depending on what has been found. If so, then they deserve whatever the law can throw at them
  7. In that case I would expect there to be identifiable remnants of the drone inside the wing. I await more details with anticipation In addition, the authorities will have the details of the drone, its operator and where it was flown from because Remote ID is a legal requirement in the USA (flap, oink, flap, oink)
  8. Has anyone produced any evidence that it was a drone that hit the 'plane ?
  9. Why did you use scare quotes around the word owns ? Either they own it or they don't I note that one of the links that you posted leads to a page that says and That directly contradicts the information on the CAA website in respect of UAVs under 250 grams so I will take the rest of what the dronessurveymanchester says with a pinch of salt
  10. And do not pass Go and collect £200 😆
  11. Do you mean your Operator ID or your Flyer ID ? No test is required for the former, just a yearly payment. A test is required for the latter and it lasts for 5 years
  12. Why not doubles ? You can never have too many sockets
  13. I know that, and it is a lost cause, but it still grates with me. At least in this example the actual size is quoted
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