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andrew exton

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Everything posted by andrew exton

  1. Maiden flight today I have to say & agree with others that have flown this models it’s superb πŸ‘, 😁😁😁
  2. You will probably beat me , tested the dolly for the fw190 down at the field this morning with the spit went ok so not really got any more excuses now to try the fw190 except the weather probably
  3. just doing bits here & there when i can ,got to this stage in not much time at all so if you really got stuck into it ,it really would be a quick build , probably come back & bite my ass later in the build now ive said that andy
  4. just started building ,this one will be a slow build as i dont have much building time at the moment andy
  5. Couples hrs this morning old faithful flown today first flights since autumn
  6. hi did the cat ever get finished & flown andy
  7. Own design or kit/ plan built ??? looks good πŸ‘ andy
  8. well just radio gear to sort ,sorry no pilot yer not found one & haven't got the luxury of a 3d printer , looking forward to flying her & hope she flies as well as every one else's andy
  9. looks good far better than my current 2nd effort andy
  10. first or second batch im not fussed which ever is better for you andy
  11. Richard knows what he’s doing & all comments make perfect sense 1st choice. P47 ( either version or both ) 2nd choice ( sorry guys ) B25 solid nose version but would have mossie as a very very close second 3rd choice (too many so not to up set the apple cart I would go with majority) probably seafury all subject to the bank manager releasing funds aka. The wife andy
  12. Not that I need another Thunderbolt but πŸ‘can’t have to many jugs or P51,s . For some reason the Macchi doesn’t really do owt for me not that would stop me buying one if it looked right ( well better than the VQ o version ) I do have regrets on missing the yak 9 you did , one on the lines of the fw190 would do me fine but that’s a story for another day andy
  13. your right in what you say Richard i was just having a playful nudge at Stu as we fly at same club , most of my flying has been electric for last few years , i do have some bigger petrol stuff when i get it finished but keep getting side track with smaller electric its just so clean & handy to transport among other things for me , & your kits have been brilliant over the years andy
  14. It will take some arm twisting to get Stu to convert to electric but he’s slowly getting there andy
  15. getting close are we 😁 looking foreward to it need to get my arse in gear & get the 190 finished andy
  16. i will try not to let the side down when mine is done but don’t hold your breath ,my talent falls way sort compared to you guys andy
  17. Hi i usually find nothing sticks to Matt paint in the long run , I normally give my models a light coat of clear gloss were I want transfer/ stickers etc then a light coat of satin all over the entire model , right or wrong I don’t know just my personal preference Andy
  18. Hi sorry if my post is a bit misleading, yes I am looking at the 900kv motor as I with my limited knowledge that the 550 & 450 kv sent suitable for the reasons mentioned but your posts have provided info thanks andy
  19. hi all would this motor be ok for the fw190 as all have spare in my stock are 550kv or 450kv not sure on quality or im i better going to 4max for a motor thanks in advance andy https://www.rclife.co.uk/Brushless-Motors/Brushless-Outrunner-Motors/Surpass-Hobby-C3548-900kv-Brushless-Outrunner-Motor
  20. was just wondering which make of servo & were did you get the from Ron that you showed in your video cheers andy
  21. nice touch the fan but i dont have a printer how much if someone was willing to print one ?? andy
  22. on the fence with the spit / 109 but would probably say yes if the bank manger said ok i have the wr spit flys great once i finally got it set to how i like it though our field does knock hell out of the retracts & also clipped wing due to losing a fight with car door 🀬 im more into the pacific fighters but like you say round fuzz . do like the ki_61 p40 combo though . P51s i cant have enough off Spits would dearly love one of the griffon powered versions as opposed to a merlin version (that would probably offend quite few folk ) this probably doesn't help richard one little bit andy
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