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Flying Squirrel

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Everything posted by Flying Squirrel

  1. I wander what % of forum users subscribe to the mag, either hard or soft copy - I don't blame them for trying to make a few quid but maybe ads should be removed for subscribers?
  2. There's some good info on this thread that may help?
  3. Yup, showing up as com 5, and tried reinstalling CH340 drivers....nothing, appears to connect but won't upload. Bit the bullet and bought a 'genuine' Uno and we're rocking and rolling!! Now I need to fugure out why circles aren't round, calibrated both axis and no slop anywere that I can find but at least I'v emade progress! I'm sure I've said it earlier but thanks again for putting the files and parts list up, not a small amount of work I'm sure.
  4. It's not going well!! New shield and cloned uno - won't upload anything...arrrrghhh
  5. I did some more testing and they make zip all difference, looking in to it it appears to be an error in the design of the V4 Board, those pins all go to GND so no way to apply the 5v without serious modification (for a novice at least) there are also some other pi out errors. I've bailed out and ordered a v3 board and associated UNO
  6. Thanks FF, yes these are fitted, they are 4988 drivers. I did actually remove them as I suspected they could be involved but it didn't appear to make any difference to either travel distance or speed?
  7. Hi, thanks @FlyinFlynn for putting the files and parts list up, much appreciated. I'm looking for some helpcalibrating this thing now it's built. I've set Vref as per various instructions but movement is waaaay off. To get x and Y movement close to being as instructed I've had to set $100 and $102 to 5, of course this is new to me but compared to all other sources it doesn't appear to be right, movement is also very slow. The setup is a Arduino Nano CNC sheild V4 Nema 17 GRBL loaded using both laser GRBL and USG for basic control I'm kind of grasping in the dark here!
  8. 🤣 Love the way you don't even cut your 'international friend' in on the deal, he just gets his/her money back🤣
  9. If they've identified it as a fire risk they couldn't as that would be putting others at risk I guess.
  10. As I thought, pretty poor show of the manufacturer to suggest that the built in shield is enough, there is no safety advice included despite the instructions being clear and the packaging professional looking. . Being somebody that's suffered with Central Serous Retinopathy for over a year know I can tell you I value my sight dearly!!
  11. A very similar amount to you I believe , her daughter hadn't long left to travel the states so entirely plausible. Gone are the days you can spot these a mile off, texts are often so short it's difficult to judge if the 'tone' or grammar are as you'd expect from the person.
  12. With a few of you now using lasers I'm wondering how you work with them safely, ie glasses or shields, ventilation etc I've just taken delivery of mine and it indicates as it has a red shield at the base of the head then eye protection isn't required, knowing the damage these things can do that doesn't seem right, maybe I'm being overly cautious though as there doesn't appear to be that much info out there.
  13. Close call, a solicitor my wife works with was caught with a scam just like this.
  14. Any use? https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/899-Naval-Air-Squadron-by-juliovillalba/99100776.EJUG5?country_code=GB&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh-aYwePv_QIVx8PVCh27YwQzEAQYAiABEgKrFPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  15. I've been looking at the laser tree heads, specifically the LT-40-AA which looks like it ticks a lot of boxes, lots to try and digest though, like fixed vs variable focus etc. Any suggestions for a laser under say £100 for general modelling use?
  16. Brilliant. Any reports after 'long' term use before I embark on this? Any products around now that you wish were around before? The actual laser in particular. I don't really need it but will be a good project to do with my son. Thanks FF for putting the thread together and supplying the files.
  17. Is thread still available?? Link is not working. Apologies if it's mentioned elsewhere. Or this one? Thanks
  18. Thanks, I just need to stop over thinking and get on with it.
  19. Thanks for all this, am I barking up the wrong tree or could this triangular capping be 3/8 x 1/16? Assuming this it what its referring to? I feel really thick! lol #
  20. One example of what I find contradicting, these pics are from the article that came with the plan and are apparently of the same thing.... Note aileron built seperately?... ...And, no aileron or needs to be cut out??
  21. Well, despite lifes best efforts I have made some progress, fus is best part done, with two peice wing version canopy cover, rough servo positions and control line routes, empanage built. Quite happy in the main and a few new skills aquired.. However, despite me thinking about the wings while working on the fus and thinking it'll be pretty straightforward, now the time has come to build them I'm struggling!! I'm ok for the main part but not the ailerons, although I now have the confidence to kind of ignore the plan a bit and crack on I would like to understand the designers intent a bit more as I'm sure it may help in future builds. There's quite a lot of what appears to be conflicting info between the various plan details and the article that I'm hoping somebody can clarify for me, couple of specific points.. The ribs are full ribs and there is mention of 'cutting out' the ailerons after, I can't see how this is possible with the aileron spars that need to be installed? There are small 'aileron ribs' as part of the laser cut pack - not sure where these go? The general build up seems confusing to me, I can't understand what the 'sheet trailing edge' and aileron spars are? The plan mentions 3/8 x 7/16 triangular balsa capping....whooosh.....there is some triangular stock that carries the airleron 'cover' but thats like 1/4 maybe? Anyway, if you had the patience to read all this then I thank you and hope somebody can help me understand!! Some of the relevant detail.... Wow, long post, sorry!
  22. Just had a read up on this, very interesting but with a terrible end. Quite a few scale models of the plane though.
  23. A good reminder that our 'toys' can sometimes bite. Although I have a pretty good routine working with my IC planes I didn't pay the same respect to an electric model, knelt directly in font of said model, unrestrained whilst clicking through the esc setup - sounds ridiculous now but at the time I didn't give it a second thought - once I exited the setup the esc 'rebooted' and powered up full throttle, I had some pretty robust jeans on but it still made a bit of a mess of my leg, luckily as I had the transmitter in hand I went for the throttle cut and notinct of reaching for the model cutting my hands to shreds. This was a couple of weeks after...
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