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Danny Fenton

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Hi Colin glad you arrived safely

I am never sure of the spelling, that link I sent used a "z" I would use an s, but at the end of the day i think we know what we mean. However..... Wikipedia says Frise, so you are right embarrassed Remember I was educated in the States so my subconscious spelling is all to whack smile o



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No big deal Danny, but you had me thinking that there might be a Frieze as well as a Frise! American spelling can be a puzzle. The classic example is "liaise" (UK) against "liase". (US). A while back I was researching the Northrop XB35 and YB49 flying wings. I've got a copy of the USAF pilots' notes for the YB449, printed I think about 1949. The word "liaison" is used in several places and how is it spelt? The UK way! It looks as if that word has got Americanised in recent times.

Incidentally, those flying wings tend to inspire us aero modellers and we think "ah, if only". When you read in depth you find out how horrendous they actually were and downright dangerous. Glenn Edwards was frightened by them and then the YB49 killed him and his crew. No wonder they scrapped the lot of them as fast as they could, the B47 ran rings round them in every way except radar footprint.

Here's me rambling off on another tangent, but that's the fascination of aeroplanes. Can you tell that I'm on holiday!

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Posted by Danny Fenton on 22/10/2014 10:16:35:

I have received this information from modelling chum Barry P who converted an Airsail Chippy to electric a few years ago, his conversion was featured in one of the mags, I think it was Q and E.

Anyway I think I will try and copy his route, but attempt to top hinge the section.




That looks remarkably like my drawing Danny! and I promise I hadn't seen it before. I'll crack on this way too, undecided about hinging or a simpler removable hatch.

I said I'd post pics of my Tiger Moth hatch. Well here's some very mediocre pics.
The battery slides in as shown, and rotates onto a horizontal shelf, with the rear tucking into a box that supports it all around. To stop the battery moving, there's a velcro strap fixed to the ceiling of the battery box, that pulls around and sticks to velcro on the bottom of the battery.

The hinged hatch follows a detail line from the full size. I have a good bit of finishing to do yet, but she's done over 2 hours air time in this configuration already.

tiggie hatch.jpg

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For anyone wondering about electric powertrains, battery sizes and power etc, have a look at Trevor Hewson's Chipmunk. It's 75" span so bigger than ours, and weighs just under 6lbs.

Here's a vid of it flying on 4S 3000mAh Lipo. A 580Kv 4250 motor and a 14x7 prop. Flying at 88W/lb it must be on a bit over 500W

I'm afraid it's a Vimeo iframe, so some folk may not be able to see it.

Chipmunk March 2011 from Trevor Hewson on Vimeo.

Have a look at Trevor's website for more details, a build blog, more video etc.

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