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Bob Cotsford

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Horseflies, litlle wotsits aint they?

Today I smothered myself in two different fly repellants, one citrus based and another Greek labelled one that tastes nasty, and for a couple of hours I was safe, but then I fired up the Mustfire and got one bite on my elbow just as the plane lifted off, then a further three on forearm and wrist during the next 8 minutes angry 2

Antihistamine and hydrocortisone creams have stopped them erupting too much but they still itch like crazy. Does anyone have a guaranteed deterrent for the little blighters?

Or is it because pre-bites I was flying electric and they only attacked when I went petrol? Are they eco-terrorists surprise

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Hi Bob,

I am particularly sensitive to insect bites - what to others is just an irritant becomes a major matter for me. The bites swell up into huge bumps and as you say are terribly itchy. Sounds like you react similarly.

About 6 years ago I took my first holiday in the west of Scotland - boy did I suffer! Then one of the locals put me onto something called "Avon Skin So Soft". Now I'll be straight with you, its a lady's perfume - and not a particularly subtle one at that. Put it on and you smell like a walking "Lady of the Night's Handbag"!

But,...incredibly it works! I don't care what I smell like, or how many jokes are made at my expense when I put on my "old woman's perfume" - I'm not getting bitten, and that's all that matters to me.

I don't know how true it is but I have been told that the British Army use this stuff and for every bottle sold as a perfume probably 10 are sold as an insect repellant! And its only about £5 a bottle - cheaper than most repellants.



Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 20/07/2014 22:57:45

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Horse flies seem to be attracted to mecrying

If you ever get the chance to go to Egypt or know someone who is about to go, try an anti - mosquito spray called OFF. Don't know if it will work on those little grey devils but it keeps the Egyptian Mosquitos at bay.

This might be the same stuff

Edited By cymaz on 20/07/2014 23:01:47

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Came across the following recipe on Facebook recently. I think it's intended for use on horses, but if you're desperate enough......dont know

Well I am still recommending this fly repellant recipe for horseflies - today (when I ran out) is the 1st day they have been back!! However I now have the recipe so shall make some tonight....
The recipe is:
2 capfuls of dettol
2 capfuls of surgical spirit
8 - 10 drops tea tree oil
2 tablespoons (or glug) of vinegar
Fill up to 1 litre with warm water
Don't know if it'll work for everyone but did work on the 3 of mine that attract horseflies!! The bonus is it cost less than £6 and will make about 4 or 5 litres!! Good luck!!!! X

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The Avon SSS is I believe no longer made though some stock may still be available. It was and is particularly good against Midges which "slice" into the skin surface, they tended to oil up easily too. Horse flies (Clegs) as Scots know them, are piercing insects as are mosquitoes and will go through it, especially as it wears off.

Any repellent which has a high concentration of a substance "DEET" will work very well, although re-application every couple of hours is a good idea. Any skin part missed will still tend to get bitten by the Cleg and that includes any part where the clothing is close to the skin. They are after all designed to bite through THICK hide, like Horse and Cow hide.

The good news? they dont fly when it is cool, below 14 to16C I believe.

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I have the same problems with horseflies and use the Avon skin so soft too. Just had a look at the Avon site and it is back in stock soon.


May be available on ebay. Went kayaking on the west coast of Scotland last year and all the local pubs sold it although I imported my own.

Apparently it has a natural ingredient that begins with a 'T' (which I can't remember), that the little blighters don't like.

Edited By Bob Bertram on 21/07/2014 07:20:33

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Tea Tree by any chance Bob ?? Avon So Soft is a good product. The clegs arent bad up here this year..YET and hopefully they wont. Last year was hellish. Clegs are sneaky buggers, you don't know there on you untill you feel the nip and by then it's to late. Pam and 5 fingers make short work of them

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Had best experience with Autan spray - but not from here, I purchased it in Sydney. Probably they have a different recipe there as the main attackers down there look like a small fly but bite similar to a horsefly.

Unfortunately the bottle is empty now. Need to convince either my company to send me to our Australian factory or my better half to book a holiday in Australia...


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If you find Tea-Tree to be effective then try this:

We use Tea Tree and scent neutral washing powder in the washing machine, this prevents the little one getting any skin irritation from laundry powders. It also leaves a very faint (I can't smell it) scent of Tea Tree on the clothing, which seems to put most midges and biters off....

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My brothers went fishing in alaska which is as fly ridden as a flyridden place.

The local guide advised the strong soya sauce, several soup spoonful daily. They said it worked.

I HATE horse flies and always wear long sleeves and never shorts, light cotton glaves.

I bought a camo mask for when I go pigeon shooting and that makes me just about invulnerable.

I'd try the soya sauce thing but it's my marmite...yukk.

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I sympathise!!

Some years I travelled to Sri Lanka and then the Maldives. Before going a work colleague advised me to take either a vitamin B tablet a day or eat some vitamin B rich food like Marmite. Now there was no way I was gonig to eat that stuff but a vit b tablet was ok if taken with with water as it's an aquired taste.

My tour guide in Sri Lanka advised us to avoid anything citrus like pineapple.

Needless to say I went the entire time in SL without a bite until we went on Safari and they served us fresh cut pineapple. Ten minutes later; bang.

Good luck.

PS When I was in the TA we used to swear by Jungle Gel or anything with plenty of deet.

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As has been mentioned, anything with deet in should work as this is the active ingredient that the pesky blighters done enjoy!

a few years back I was lucky enought to go to Afghanistan where there are plenty of flying little bugs and insects!

Before I went I impreganted all my clothing with the following! Cant remember where I got it now but if you can find some, it works a treat!

Neet Deet

Also whilst everyone else needed Mossi nets, I just spread some round the edges of the camp bed and didn't get bitten once, despite others getting eaten through the nets!


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Posted by Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 20/07/2014 22:56:32:

Hi Bob,

I am particularly sensitive to insect bites - what to others is just an irritant becomes a major matter for me. The bites swell up into huge bumps and as you say are terribly itchy. Sounds like you react similarly.

About 6 years ago I took my first holiday in the west of Scotland - boy did I suffer! Then one of the locals put me onto something called "Avon Skin So Soft". Now I'll be straight with you, its a lady's perfume - and not a particularly subtle one at that. Put it on and you smell like a walking "Lady of the Night's Handbag"!

But,...incredibly it works! I don't care what I smell like, or how many jokes are made at my expense when I put on my "old woman's perfume" - I'm not getting bitten, and that's all that matters to me.

I don't know how true it is but I have been told that the British Army use this stuff and for every bottle sold as a perfume probably 10 are sold as an insect repellant! And its only about £5 a bottle - cheaper than most repellants.


Another one for Avon Skin so soft. We were having bites last weekend and Stan mentioned the product. Luckily there is a Avon rep who lives nearby and ordered a bottle.

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