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scale glider chit chat

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I think it's great that Roo started the Scale forum. The Gliders and Gliding section otherwise only had the three forums (G&G, Slope/DS and Flat Field) and most other sites have a scale forum. The scale area of gliding is relatively niche and posts can get lost in the general hubbub of glider chat.

Just look on the threads that Roo has posted as "conversation starters" - contribute or do not depending on what interests you or add a new thread if you have a scale matter you want to discuss.

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  • 1 year later...

I hope my next project will be a scale or semi scale glider. Here in KANSAS in the US my best approach is to use a "high start" which consists of 100 feet of 7/16 inch O.D. surgical tubing and 400 feet of strong kite string. I do not want to start a project only to find out I could not launch it. Right now I am flying my Bird of time on this with no issues but , of course it is rather light even when using ballast.

Any idea how heavy/ wing loading I could get away with? Thanks,,, Bob Chamberlain

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  • 1 year later...

Yep US=High Start, UK=Bungee Launch


Many years ago when I was in Aberdeen and District Soarers (hi guys) we used to meet on the flat occasionally and do bungee and winch launches, some members used to launch their scale vintage gliders, but they didn't get as high as a purpose designed glider and came down pretty quickly. Aerotow would be a better option if you have access to a Tug pilot.

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I had my first proper bungee flights last year with my own model -my previous go had been a couple of flights with a small club glider a few years ago. It's quite alarming how fast the wee glider shoots up there. ? The club -Aberdeen District Soarers - has quite a few active bungee soarers and just last year the electric winch had a couple of outings, plus one member auditioned a piggy back glider "tug". I haven't seen, or tried, proper aerotow (yet).

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