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Blade type & Holder to avoid Finger Slashing

Andy J

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After 65 years of finger slashing using hand held blades think it is time to find a handle system that fits my normal blade preference.


Normally I use a No 26 blade from Swan Morton but find the X-Acto handle as pictured does not hold this blade type securely. So what do others use?

DSC01589 (Small).JPG

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I tend to use the handle from the manufacturer of the blade. 

So with exacto I use their handle, and that blade is a Swann morten , so I would look to their website and find the correct size handle for the blade.  
Blade manufacturers appear to make their gear bespoke and therefore it is rare that blades are a good fit in any other system but their own. It’s not worth it when your digits are in the mix, and you will enjoy the correct tool more when you use it. 
Congrats on using just your fingers until now I’ve tried it in the past but invariably it ends up with stained balsa.  

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Swann Morton blades take some beating but I find that the open scalpel Handles are a bit of a hazard to leave lying around on a work bench. Yes you can slip a cork or similar onto the blade but I find that the Swann Morton Retractaway handles are the ideal solution. Just get into the habit of retracting the blade when not in use.  https://www.scalpelsandblades.co.uk/handle-detail_166_retractaway-premium-knife-swann-morton-product-no-2806-9206-.php

Edited by Gary Manuel
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Retracting blades seem to have a habit of retracting when you don't want them to?   Edit: The retracting handle doesn't seem to take the No. 26 blade

I keep my 'loaded' Swan Morton handles in a tooth brush container (that splits in half, half way along its length). Put a piece of foam rubber or similar in one end so that the blade is protected when stored. Mark one end so that when you pull the holder apart you expose the handle -not the pointy bits. I have two handles/blades on the go at any one time, one always with a fresh blade for when very sharp is needed and this is relegated to secondary use as it starts to wear and of course a new blade in the other .


Edited by i12fly
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