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Update on the ep Chilli Breeze


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Well I have had a quick look at the plan and made a rough list of balsa required which comes to about £65 pounds at Balsa Cabin prices plus about £7 worth of  .8mm birch ply. ( that's enough .8 ply to make 2 models though as you can only buy certain size sheets )  If you don't have some small pieces of 1/16 and 1/8 ply lying around then  you would need about another £6 worth of ply making £13 worth of ply. So total of about £71 for the whole model!     Worth cutting your own parts!


I would say the ply formers are a little intricate though and need a bit of care in cutting.   No real problem if you have enough wood to have 2nd try in case of breakage.


Whilst costing this up I found that neither Balsa Cabin or SLEC list 1/8 (3mm ) birch ply.  What's happened?    1/16 seems available so laminating 2 bits would make 1/8 with a little effort.    I suppose that DIY 1/8 ply is available at B&Q still but these intricate formers realy need good stuff for ease of cutting ( cheaper stuff splinters which would be awkward )    but probably strong enough for all but the engine bulkhead.

Edited by kc
Forgot the aileron stock it's expensive!
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If anybody wants my rough estimate of balsa needed then I will put that on here.   I reckon 48 inch stock is the most economical for this size of model and my estimate is for economical cutting - i.e. planning ahead how you use the balsa.  

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Well I have had a quick look at the plan and made a rough list of balsa required which comes to about £65 pounds at Balsa Cabin prices plus about £7 worth of .8mm birch ply. ( that's enough .8 ply to make 2 models though as you can only buy certain size sheets ) If you don't have some small pieces of 1/16 and 1/8 ply lying around then you would need about another £6 worth of ply making £13 worth of ply. So total of about £71 for the whole model! Worth cutting your own parts!


Bit less than the Sarik parts!  £71 won't even buy the cut parts! Plus £98 For the extra wood pack.


I could probably cut out all the parts in 3 or 4 hours, not quite as nice as the laser cut parts but they will still make a nice model.

Edited by Outrunner
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19 hours ago, kc said:

If anybody wants my rough estimate of balsa needed then I will put that on here.   I reckon 48 inch stock is the most economical for this size of model and my estimate is for economical cutting - i.e. planning ahead how you use the balsa.  

KC  I would be obliged if you would kindly put your estimate of balsa on here thank you.

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It's only a rough estimate based on using balsa in the most economical way ( i.e.  using waste from main parts for the smaller bits like spar webs etc etc) and it's the minimum needed. 48 inch sheets are specified for many items  as probably cheapest for a 48 inch model.   Could be made from 36 inch sheets but more sheets needed.  Only fuselage main sides really needs longer than 36 inch so any joint should be over the ply doubler part.  Note that the 3/32 fus doubler ( over the wing ) needs to be made in 2 parts from the offcuts or you need to buy an extra sheet of that size.    

Buy extra sheets if buying by mail order to save postage!   All these sizes are available from Balsa Cabin and probably SLEC too.   Check for yourself - don't blame me if it's incorrect! 


LE Sheeting     1/16 by 4 by 48 inch   2 sheets
TE sheeting      1/16 by 3  by 48          1 sheet
Center sheeting,capstrips& webs   1/16 by4 by 36   1 sheet
LE,TE &tips    1/4 by 3 by 36      1 sheet
spars   3/16 by 1/4 by 48     2 strips
ailerons   one and half by 1/2 by 36   2 lengths
5/16 dowel  2 inches

ribs   1/16 by 4 by 36      2sheets   ( not needed if using lasercut parts )


TAILPLANE,Fin &rudder    1/4 by 4 by 48   1 sheet


sides 3/32 by 3 by 48   2 sheets
top & wing cradle ( jig ) 1/16 by 4 by 48   2 sheets
bottom   1/16 by 4 by 36    1 sheet
longerons  1/8 by 1/4  by 48   3 strips
hatch& F1 reinforcement 1/4 square     1 strip


instructions say use 3/8 or 1/2 sheet and triangle   buy 1 sheet or laminate offcuts of 1/4 instead.


PLY   probably all included in cut parts   
formers 1/8 birch ply 9 inch by 12 inch
Battery tray, hatch& nose  1/16 birch ply 6 inch by 12 inch.
Hatch etc 3mm liteply 6inches by 6 inches.
fuselage doubler .8mm birch ply 19 inches by 6 inches   


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A revised list using only 36 inch lengths of balsa


LE Sheeting     1/16 by 4                                                     4 sheets 36 inch
TE sheeting      1/16 by 3                                                    2 sheets 36 inch
Center sheeting,capstrips& webs   1/16 by4                    1 sheet   36 inch
LE,TE &tips    1/4 by 3                                                        1 sheet 36 inch
spars   3/16 by 1/4                                                              4 strips 36 inch
ailerons   one and half by 1/2                                             2 lengths 36 inch
5/16 dowel  2 inches

ribs   1/16 by 4                                                                     2 sheets 36inch  
                                                                                             ( not needed if using lasercut parts )  


TAILPLANE,Fin &rudder    1/4 by 4                                     2 sheets 36 inch


sides 3/32 by3                                                                     3 sheets 36 inch
top & wing cradle jig  1/16 by 4                                           3 sheets   36 inch
bottom   1/16 by 4                                                                1 sheet  36 inch
longerons  1/8 by 1/4                                                           4 strips  36 inch
hatch& F1 reinforcement 1/4 square                                  1 strip   36 inch


instructions say use 3/8 or 1/2 sheet and triangle   buy 1 sheet or laminate offcuts of 1/4 instead.


PLY   probably all included in cut parts   
formers 1/8 birch ply 9 inch by 12 inch
Battery tray, hatch& nose  1/16 birch ply 6 inch by 12 inch.
Hatch etc 3mm liteply 6inches by 6 inches.
fuselage doubler .8mm birch ply 19 inches by 6 inches   


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malmaz - thanks for your comment, but please note it's   kc   not KC.      kc is just an ordinary aeromodeller while KC refers to Kevin Crozier who is the RCME editor and is sometimes on the forum.  Kevin often uses KC for his comments in the magazine.    

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I have just noticed that the 1/4 sq bearers on the servo tray would take the servo screws so they would be beech or hardwood.  Therefore about 14 inches of 1/14 sq beech should be added to the material list as the aileron servos also need bearers.      Personally I would use two layers of 1/8 birch ply to make these as they could easily be made from offcuts of ply.    But many people would not bother so need to buy the proper stuff.   Of course the beech would add about £1.20 to the cost so presumably it would be included in the "Additional Wood Pack "


I note that this months RCME has an advert for Sarik Hobbies which shows £161 as the price of of the Chilli Breeze Short Kit ( set )   which is a lot less than shown on their website today (£209 )    Same for the lasercut parts £100  instead of £119.    But it's not clear whether the advert price is for the old i.c version or the new EP version   (advert says  New Electric version also available )     Worth a phone call to see if you can buy at the advert price!    Just make sure you get the right version........

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The new EP Chilli Breeze plan looks very nicely detailed although we won't see the rest of the article and plan until next month's RCME.    Whilst studying the plan I saw a few items to note-


1.   Engine bulkhead  F1  shows the engine mount bolt hole positions already offset for sidethrust.    Also a template to get the sidethrust correct.  Nice touch.


2.  It looks as though the motor is fitted through the nosering.  To do that it would seem necessary to bolt the motor onto its cross mount and insert thro complete with bolts and nuts.   Then instead of captive nuts further nuts are fixed from battery bay.   ( same method shown by Kevin b in his Joker 25 build but without the stand offs )  Therefore the hole in nosering must be big enough -  I tried a Turnigy 3548  and it looks though any similar size should just go thro OK.  


3.   The hatch surround is from liteply but the u/c plate is 1/8 ply -presumably birch ply  -to take the screws.   Nicely thought out as it forms a groove for u/c wires.


4.    Servo tray has 2 bearers on one side and another 2 on the other side.   This would allow the elevator servo to sit lower down than rudder servo to give clearance for pushrod to avoid rudder closed loop wires.



So lots of the tricky parts have been thought out properly so builders don't have to think them out for themselves.   Really good design.  



Edited by kc
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On 15/12/2023 at 12:37, kc said:

malmaz - thanks for your comment, but please note it's   kc   not KC.      kc is just an ordinary aeromodeller while KC refers to Kevin Crozier who is the RCME editor and is sometimes on the forum.  Kevin often uses KC for his comments in the magazine.    

kc Sorry about that, I will be ordering my wood after xmas, I wont bother with Sarik Hobbies I was very disappointed with the last complete wood kit I purchased from them at over £200,

Sooner buy the wood and cut them out myself and save money. lol

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Sets of decals for the new Chilli Breeze EP are available from  Tribal Signs which comprises  1 x wing + 2 fuselage Chilli Breeze EP. Take a look on their website for available colours etc   and the set will cost £18.35 + £2.99 post. Should you need any lettering done for other models there is a very useful "lettering design function" available on the the website: TriblaSigns.co.uk  tel: 01884 824084




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 13/01/2024 at 14:00, Steven Hurd said:



Can I ask if the electric version has the same wing profile as the original, or is the electric a bit thinner ? 




The wing on EP version has a slightly thinner section but will work well on the original CB - just needs a slight modification of the wing seat.

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  • 1 month later...

For anybody building the Chilli Breeze EP it's worth noting that the March RCME page 47 has a letter mentioning that the wing ribs supplied by Sarik have the spar slots cut  1/32 inch too wide ( he says )  A reply by the editor says that Sarik  " remain faithful to the plans "     Studying the plan from RCME it looks to me  as though the plans are exactly 1/4 inch if cut right through the printed line.    

I have not seen the cut ribs but my view is that its possible the spar themselves used by that person may be to metric size of nominal 6mm instead of 1/4 inch ( 6.35 mm )  and that slight discrepancy makes a sloppy fit.   In any case the spar webbing should make  it a solid fit when glued in - just as long as the ribs are all fitted with any slop in the same direction.  Wing sheeting and cap strips should also reinforce the rib to spar joint as well.    So no problem!   But it may be neater to obtain spars of full 1/4 inch not metric if possible.


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I was disappointed to read that someone had found the spar slots to be 1/32" too wide in their laser cut ribs. I have a set of laser cut ribs which were produced from the same files as Sarik used and the spars are a comfortable fit in the slots. It would be interesting to know the exact size of the spar in question. Balsa sizes are rarely exact owing to the nature of the beast (shrinkage etc) and the thickness can vary slightly from side to side and also along the length of a sheet or strip. With this in mind I cut my own strip-wood for spars etc using a Proxxon KS 230 table saw (highly recommendable) which enables me to regulate the size accordingly. I have just measured 4 sheets each of 1/4" and 3/16" balsa and the results in mm  were: 6.6-6.8-6.6-6.5 and 4.8-5.0-4.7-4.9. My stock of 1/16" sheet varies between 1.62 and 1.80mm. I don't regard this as a problem. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I wonder if anbody has increased the size of the Chilli Breeze by 10 percent - making a  53 inch span model which could be a handy size for electric =smaller than the Chilli Wind at 57 inch span but the 10 percent span increase would give 20 percent greater wing area with perhaps not a lot of weight increase.   If you have built to 53 inch span it would be interesting to know what electric motor was used and how it went.

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That's interesting Graham.   No other feedback on this that I have seen.   Perhaps you could give more info to help other buiders.  Whats the weight, what Lipo size  and what is it covered with etc. 

The obvious thing to do with your model is to put the Lipo forward and you might just fix it on with rubber bands or tape until you find how much forward would work to achieve CG without lead.   Easier to saw off the front and extend than trying to remove weight from the tail end!  ( in my view)

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On 04/10/2024 at 19:54, Graham R said:

I have temporarily abandoned mine. Cannot get the c of g in the marked position. Has foam wings, sheet tail, fin and 4Max recommended motor. 

I bought a set of foam wings for a CB so I too would be interested to hear why your C of G has turned out too far aft before I start on building my fuz. Will a larger LiPo not move it sufficiently forward?

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